Destiny trolled me so hard on Sunday.
Ran the Vault of Glass for the first time on hard with a bunch of friendly locals. Atheon drops: SUROS Regime, Vision of Confluence and then... Another Vision of Confluence.
Most casual players would be over over the Moon with joy. But I had gotten a Vision of Confluence from a normal run of VoG a week earlier. And I just bought the SUROS cheese grater from Xur. Oh Destiny, you so random. I can post the trophy screenshot when I get back home.
Destiny trolled me so hard on Sunday.
Ran the Vault of Glass for the first time on hard with a bunch of friendly locals. Atheon drops: SUROS Regime, Vision of Confluence and then... Another Vision of Confluence.
Most casual players would be over over the Moon with joy. But I had gotten a Vision of Confluence from a normal run of VoG a week earlier. And I just bought the SUROS cheese grater from Xur. Oh Destiny, you so random. I can post the trophy screenshot when I get back home.
Destiny trolled me so hard on Sunday.
Ran the Vault of Glass for the first time on hard with a bunch of friendly locals. Atheon drops: SUROS Regime, Vision of Confluence and then... Another Vision of Confluence.
Most casual players would be over over the Moon with joy. But I had gotten a Vision of Confluence from a normal run of VoG a week earlier. And I just bought the SUROS cheese grater from Xur. Oh Destiny, you so random. I can post the trophy screenshot when I get back home.
I wouldn't expect rerolling armor.I can't wait until we can re-roll armor pieces.
Being able to re-roll your favorite looking armor pieces to whatever stats you want is so convenient.
I need to know though if it'll apply retroactively to current armor, though more likely only tTK gear and onwards.
What's the body shot with RR? I'd say both rolls have there advantages depending on your playstyle but having the hidden hand for a guaranteed two headshot kill edges it for me.
I can't wait until we can re-roll armor pieces.
Being able to re-roll your favorite looking armor pieces to whatever stats you want is so convenient.
I need to know though if it'll apply retroactively to current armor, though more likely only tTK gear and onwards.
I wouldn't expect rerolling armor.
Welp, are you on XBO? If so then you probably ran into my clan members. Trials long stopped being a major point of interest to us due to the lack of skilled matchmaking and guys in my clan started having to create artificial difficulty, by letting themselves go 4-0 down, in order to have some semblance of a challenge, which is usually not a challenge at all but whatever lol.
People are bored man, they gotta keep ToO interesting somehow
Hehe, that's sounds like it would be fun to do.
Any of you going blind on further TTK information? I'm thinking about it.
Also, kinda sucks that TTK is not on Amazon's top 100 yet.
Any of you going blind on further TTK information? I'm thinking about it.
Also, kinda sucks that TTK is not on Amazon's top 100 yet.
Not me. Gimme dat info. I needs it.
Nah, I need all the info I can get to hype myself up lol. I will be going into the raid blind... well until I get frustrated and look up starts on how to efficiently beat it![]()
Don't you want some surprises left?
Yes and no. Knowledge of information can help you plan better for TTK's arrival.
Like, if they reveal that they'll let you trade in materials for stuff or your 2000+ Plasteel Plating will have a use in TTK then that will be helpful between now and then.
However as far as the raid goes, I'm avoiding all info about that for sure.
Don't you want some surprises left?
I'm already pretty hyped for it and want some surprises![]()
RR does 33% more damage after a kill for 3 seconds.
I thought it was 25%, but 33% means 1 clean 3 pulse headshot will 1HK kill (anything but a high armour ram) with WoL and Reactive reload active!
It's not like they are going to spill all the beans. Also, I don't really think there is much to be surprised by. I'll go into the new raid blind, of course, but things like upgrade options, what new gear is available, etc... all that I'd prefer to know up front.
He lagged and whatever but why even bother sending the message, posting about that here and mocking him? (atleast you blocked his gamertag so good on you) Your post shows a bit of salty behaviour especially the last line in all honesty...which I get because you were frustrated because he was red barring (but do realise that so were you...for him because that's the nature of P2P). These are stuff we come across everyday in crucible.
Besides lag won't mean he can one hit melee kill you (especially with the blade dance armour buff, you won't die even with a blink strike backstab I believe). He probably did get all the hits but it poped up different on your screen (due to lag for both of you) or maybe you did take some damage before and then took a blink strike, I've killed countless bladedancers like this. The reason I say this is that a lot of times people do not notice that they have taken damage, I myself say " How the fuck did I get killed by the first strike of lightning grenade/melee at full health" Then I look at my own video and see that I was already damaged or not fully recovered.
Frustration of lag should be put on the game unless it's done so deliberately by lag switching, not the person. Games actually play just fine even on a lowly 512kbps connection, unless it's an unstable connection. Then you have other variables like the quality of ISP networking, location and the game's networking (which takes into account the former)....all factors outside of the person. Basically...blame the game.
Pretty situational as you'd be depending on the WoL buff and reload perk, it also includes the reload time in the 3 seconds as well iirc
For precision hits, 120 something means one perk procced, 168 mean two procced on the same shot, and 200 something means all 3 activated on the same shot. For body shots, 86 means one round procced, not sure about the other two though.Morning DGAF.
I went to my buddies' place last night, had some tacos and beer, then came home to play IB on my Titan. I decided in my taco/beer infused state to give the Hawkmoon another try. My second match, I completed the Iron Wrath bounty and proceeded to easily get to rank three in about an hour. I underestimated how awesome the sights are on the Hawkmoon.
Anyone who uses it exclusively have any tips? What numbers am I looking for so I know when to reload?
I don't like re-rolling at all. It's boring to do itself. It's required further boring farming in order to be able to keep re-rolling. And then the players who most likely (1) are the most persistent and do the most boring amount of farming for the longest times, get the most OP weapons and can kill you in PvP seconds faster than you can kill them and that makes a huge difference or (2) the players who get really lucky with re-rolls all of a sudden get the best perks that you don't have and then they have a big advantage against you... and then again you have to either have (1) or (2) happen in order to compete.
With the re-rolling system there will always be a ideal OP weapon and perk combination, and there will always be a "meta" that everyone uses. Bungie is planning to try to destroy the "Hand Cannon / crazy range Shotgun Meta" in a month or so and they claim their ultimate goal is to have lots of different weapon and perk combo possibilities for you to bring in to the Crucible and be competitive but IMO the re-rolling system means that ultimately Bungie's stated goal for the game will never actually be achieved.
I think it would be better if they took out rerolling and massively increased the drop rate.
imo it's always best to get to max level for end-game stuff (skolas, 34 poe, trials/IB) than to just save mats for no reason other than to save mats. I'd get to 34 if I was you. Odds are (based on the description of what etheric light actually is), it'll be useless in ttk. Use it now while it has a useful purpose. Plus you can then more easily run 34 poe's which are guaranteed etherics if you need more.Hey Destiny GAf, I could use some advice:
So, I'm only level 33, but I'm wondering if I should use my one Etheric Light, or just save it at this point.
Is it worth upgrading something that will be outclassed in a month?
Or is it better to use it now since it'll likely be a whole new mechanic to upgrade gear in The Taken King and Etheric Light will become just as useless as Radiant materials?
This. I like this idea a lot. Even if I somehow manage to get everything in the game, I'm not going to stop playing it Bungie.
Any members of SEXY online and available for a quick strike?s
It's the last remaining trophy left =)
Add me to the PSN group too! Didn't know we had oneWelcome to the clan. There should be some online, I think it's too early for most US based clan members..give it a few hours.
You can post on the clan page on and i'll add you to the psn group.
Add me to the PSN group too! Didn't know we had oneI'm a_javierp on PSN
Any of you going blind on further TTK information? I'm thinking about it.
Also, kinda sucks that TTK is not on Amazon's top 100 yet.
I think it would be better if they took out rerolling and massively increased the drop rate.
Add me to the PSN group too! Didn't know we had oneI'm a_javierp on PSN
Same here. Add me too please Ruthless. My psn is Slammin_hammon.
I'd prefer this as well. The last time I had a legendary engram drop in the wild must be months. Conversely, playing Diablo 3 and I can have 4-5 Legendary items drop in a single run.
I don't know why it's not a thing where stronger enemies/bosses drop Legendary's often. Playing the harder strikes should show an increased and consistent drop rate of Legendary items. If they want to make the strikes harder by all means I'd love that if "harder" didn't mean just more bullet sponges with the rewards being showered with engrams.
Engrams should explode out of strike bosses. Save the endgame stats screen for stats. It doesn't have that same affect just waiting for the stats screen to give engrams/items compared to finding them in the wild -- at least for me.
More engrams in the wild and less (or none) in the end screen means that people will be less inclined to want to rush through strikes just to get to the end and instead want to kill everything.
My 0.02.
Engrams should explode out of strike bosses. Save the endgame stats screen for stats. It doesn't have that same affect just waiting for the stats screen to give engrams/items compared to finding them in the wild -- at least for me.
Welcome to the clan. There should be some online, I think it's too early for most US based clan members..give it a few hours.
You can post on the clan page on and i'll add you to the psn group.
just had a team kill themselves to get us to 4 and 0 so they could come back and tea bag us every round.
fuck I hate trials.
I totally agree, especially with this part ^. This is part of what makes loot games like Borderlands fun. You take down a boss and see gear fly everywhere and you run around like a kid on Christmas morning trying to grab it all and see which ones you like.
Anyone else hoping they make relic/artifact gear similar to Legendaries in WoW, Relics in FFXI etc?
I want standout weapons and armor that are incredibly rare in the game yet hold great power above all other loot. Perhaps class specific too.
Anyone playing ToO? Still hoping to make it to mercury.
I think TTK will be introducing that. They are going for rewarding us for everything we do. Wolves DLC has already showed the direction they want.