What's going to suck is that everyone will get the VIP rewards and be running around with black shaders. They should have made the level requirement higher than level 30.
My pleasure
At least Drizzy didn't include "scruffy-looking"
Hey Team Bone anything going tonight? I've lost the will to IB. I just don't care. I would rather get gauntlets from Trials, but that relies on the kindness of Koro Tae and Ned. Hehe he I am abysmal
What's going to suck is that everyone will get the VIP rewards and be running around with black shaders. They should have made the level requirement higher than level 30.
Hidden Hand, Braced Frame, Red Dot and then the other perk is a mix but I like Outlaw.Finally got the Hopscotch Pilgrim, what are the best perks?
Free Etheric Light! Well, 10k for 2 but it's basically free! I'm sitting at 9 now with nothing to ascend. Hopefully get some boots with heavy somehow.
Might do normal Crota runs tonight. Bridge part in particular for the boots.
My pleasure
At least Drizzy didn't include "scruffy-looking"
Hey Team Bone anything going tonight? I've lost the will to IB. I just don't care. I would rather get gauntlets from Trials, but that relies on the kindness of Koro Tae and Ned. Hehe he I am abysmal
Top of page fake edit Confession:
I have never reached Rank 4 with Eris. None of my characters have a Sunsetting shader. I really like the shader but don't care.![]()
I think the black will just be gray or some shit like that. can't imagine it being anything as good as Revenant
IMO it's not hard to get 34 from L30. You can do the L32 PoE every week for a Light 42 gear. + 1 exotic from Xur.
Vendor already brings you to L32.
If you're a Titan you'll have an ugly helmet but hey.
Dear Traveler,
Give me the freaking bones already
He just gave you a Gjallarhorn! It's my turn now!But me first
But me first
Diablo actually has a cool mechanic where they increase your chance of a legendary the longer you've gone without one (actively playing). It's to the point that if you have gone an hour and haven't seen one the next elite you kill will probably drop one. More engrams in the wild would definitely be more fun and its doable in a way where it isn't overwhelming like Borderlands.
lol I couldn't let you kill me with that NLB again.![]()
Watching the "Trials of Adam Boyes" now. I never really noticed how Unstable goes so quickly from aggressive to backing down when he can't win a fight. It's something I need to do more especially in Trials. Also, Adam seems like such a cool dude.
Hidden Hand, Braced Frame, Red Dot and then the other perk is a mix but I like Outlaw.
My pleasure
At least Drizzy didn't include "scruffy-looking"
Hey Team Bone anything going tonight? I've lost the will to IB. I just don't care. I would rather get gauntlets from Trials, but that relies on the kindness of Koro Tae and Ned. Hehe he I am abysmal
Top of page fake edit Confession:
I have never reached Rank 4 with Eris. None of my characters have a Sunsetting shader. I really like the shader but don't care.![]()
Likewise, I get that tunnel vision sometimes and overcommit.
True dat. But one trials run could net that too. Hoping lol
He just gave you a Gjallarhorn! It's my turn now!![]()
You just got your Gjallarhorn man. Don't be greedy.
Osiris gave me that. He owed me. I helped his trials gain recognition on a major gaming news website.
Isn't it even more lenient than that?What's going to suck is that everyone will get the VIP rewards and be running around with black shaders. They should have made the level requirement higher than level 30.
Silver package?
What's going to suck is that everyone will get the VIP rewards and be running around with black shaders. They should have made the level requirement higher than level 30.
Just got Red Death out of my first Prison of Elders chest
Super happy with that!
Todd got G-Horn? finally
Drizzay get the T-Lord yet?
Mercury chest without using a mercy. Like a true baller.
Isn't it even more lenient than that?
Seems like nearly everybody will get it...
The only really "have to play it at least a bit thoroughly" reward is the triumph emblem.
I will proudly wear my Revenant and Chatterwhite shaders while everyone looks in awe
Congrats, it's a fantastic weapon. Great for PvE and PvP
I think hot his yesterday, and yeah drizz got his t-lord a few months back, we all joke around that he will one day make an epic t-lord post
This is what I do:
If digital, delete game and re-install it. Play other games while it re-installs. Delete once it fully installs. Repeat process till you have completed the other game.
If physical, get really really drunk and hide the disk. It worked for me. Still can't find my copy of Dragon's Dogma though.
That's a great mechanic. Bungie take note.
4th Horseman please and thank you.
I don't know why I'm doing Dragon Strikes. Just loaded one up for some reason. I really don't know why.
imo it's always best to get to max level for end-game stuff (skolas, 34 poe, trials/IB) than to just save mats for no reason other than to save mats. I'd get to 34 if I was you. Odds are (based on the description of what etheric light actually is), it'll be useless in ttk. Use it now while it has a useful purpose. Plus you can then more easily run 34 poe's which are guaranteed etherics if you need more.
Get you only guy to 34. Immediately do a PoE34, get another piece. Repeat if all your guys are 33.
I don't know why I'm doing Dragon Strikes. Just loaded one up for some reason. I really don't know why.
I actually don't care about that weapon unlike many here.You know why... the hypescotch
Diablo actually has a cool mechanic where they increase your chance of a legendary the longer you've gone without one (actively playing). It's to the point that if you have gone an hour and haven't seen one the next elite you kill will probably drop one. More engrams in the wild would definitely be more fun and its doable in a way where it isn't overwhelming like Borderlands.
Again! ToO anyone?
Spear is a pretty dang good PvE weapon. Arc beats out P&T. + you got Thunderlord for the exotic.
I just realized you got Word of Crota, Found Verdict and Thunderlord from 2 raids!! I did Hard VoG x3 + Ds/Crota and just got 2x Praedyth's Revenge Hahaha. (and 3 crappy helms). I forgot i hate the fact you can get 2 helms from 1 Hard Atheon kill. I guess better chance of getting a good roll but it stinks, at first!
I'm planning on the following today:
Play a few more matches or PvP to get Rank 2.
Buy some boots to hit Level 32
Play through HoW missions
Play PoE 28 and 32 for the armor core.
So if you're down for any, let me know!
I don't know why I'm doing Dragon Strikes. Just loaded one up for some reason. I really don't know why.
I'm UK based and usually play with maomao and someone from the U.S. and connections have never been a problem. I've had some of the laggiest matches imaginable playing against UK/EU teams
Hey OW I'm awful in pvp. I'm a frequent visitor to Unstable's streams hoping for a carry. Grim X and I once won 5 on PS, but I've yet to venture out there on XBL.phen0m, i'd try for 5 wins if we could get a 3rd... i'm close to giving up on trials forever, though.