Bungie is coming home
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
When Halo 5 fails/flops MS might thow money at the screen to get them back. Always thought this was a stupid decision.
Mac port of Destiny?
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
I might actually be up for some Trials tonight. I also need to do the clan raid/strike.
Wow. The Destiny Subreddit has collapsed into a gaping maw of madness.
What happened? Is the outcry of "earned vs Xurned" taking hold?Wow. The Destiny Subreddit has collapsed into a gaping maw of madness.
What happened? Is the outcry of "earned vs Xurned" taking hold?
I heard Josh say that this morning
What happened? Is the outcry of "earned vs Xurned" taking hold?
I heard Josh say that this morning
You know what? I might do that too that's a great idea. What features do you need ps+ for though? I just need to remember the password and email for my alt psnI'm totally going to do that to experience the new NolanNorthBot.
Yes, I'm insane.
is that really it? Seems like a recap.
I would say the people who bought theirs today earned theirs far more than I did mine. I hopped into a cp I had nothing to do with getting, wipedout performed his gjally ceremony and I opened a chest. At least these people ran weeklys for their coins.the mods are not moderating anymore. its a free for all!
edit: someone please tell me the difference of opening a gorgon chest and getting a ghallahorn vs buying one from xur, never ever understood the earned vs xurned.
IDK. They haven't updated the hub page yet.
They were linked: story sucks so people want to skip the cut scenes. If the story was good, people would watch them. (And then skip them later.)I have never understood the Destiny story controversy. No one playing this game today gives a crap about the story.
complaint #1: destinys has no story, it sucks.
Complaint #2: Why cant I skip these cutscenes.
I dont play mario for a good story and I sure as hell dont play destiny for a good a story
I made a sub account on my PS4 rather than buy an Xbox. Up to five characters now.
GI says TTK fixes Destiny's three biggest problems?
Wheres the part where they address vault space?
They were linked: story sucks so people want to skip the cut scenes. If the story was good, people would watch them. (And then skip them later.)
I would say the people who bought theirs today earned theirs far more than I did mine. I hopped into a cp I had nothing to do with getting, wipedout performed his gjally ceremony and I opened a chest. At least these people ran weeklys for their coins.
"Earned vs. Xurned" is some of the dumbest shit I've heard lately...
They were linked: story sucks so people want to skip the cut scenes. If the story was good, people would watch them. (And then skip them later.)
Fuck you game informer, fuck you.
Ok cool. I'll help with the clan strike. Raid possibly too if we find enough SEXY members.
It's just like that 8th time I got the PoE cape for my hunter! Yay!They giveth, and then they giveth the same thing again.
Well thenFuck you game informer, fuck you.
like people that went into crucible, came out with a .2 k/d and a Ghorn. They really earned that shit....It's a pointless argument, I agree.
Game informer is literally judas, no Satan. Hyped up exclusives only to give us information they already gave us.Well then
Yup that was it.
Next update is August 17th.
It feels like Game Informer is out of content. Everything they've posted this week has felt like a recap of the details they revealed in the magazine.
Game informer is literally judas, no Satan. Hyped up exclusives only to give us information they already gave us.
A Necrochasm for two guardians willing to join me and feed me kills in rumble.
I'm joking