Hey guys I was mucking around with destiny last night (tried to buy a gjallerhorn and was 16 coins short) and thought to myself 'destiny is alright, maybe I should buy TTK' until I realised that I have to spend $80 to get it digitally because I am running vanilla. This kind of seems like bullshit, because I am more than happy to spend $60 on it which is the price of a whole new game, but $80 on expansions is crazy. I know there's cheaper ways to get the physical copy but this isn't an option for me. So what are my options? Sit and hope for a price drop?
Also, if I was to pick up the expansions now, am I wasting my time battling with the current levelling system? Currently lvl26. Just don't want to waste my time collecting flowers or some shit to gain a level and then jump like 10 levels after playing the new patch for an hour.
Lastly, I never got around the playing vault of glass. How do I get in on that?
your questions:
if you don't have expansions getting coins this week is crappy because the weekly is a DLC strike

. trying to run strike playlist, hopefully youll get there
You can buy the whole kit an caboodle for 60 on TTK launch day. Do NOT buy the expansions right now.
You can get to level 32 buy just grinding for marks (strike playlist or just playing Crucible) and buying gear in the tower, no DLC required for that.
Grinding for "flowers" is a thing of LONG past. you dont need to farm for planet mats anymore if you dont want to. you can use your vanguard or crucible marks to buy them in the tower. 10 marks for 20 mats
Also Mat and glimmer requirements have been significantly reduced for upgrades.
OLD: 16 mats a node
New 5 mats a node
If you want to play VOG, just make an LFG post right here and get it going. if you see one forming hop in. Everyone here is quite high level and can walk you through VOG no problem. just remember, to get into any activty, you have to be within 3 levels of the requirement.
EVERYTHING I mentioned doesn't require ANY DLC
Have fun Guardian and welcome back to the fold!