I'm shocked how quiet you were, I was yelling and screaming like a jackass when I got mine lol
My reaction was similar to yours heh. The folks in my fireteam were confused lol.
I'm shocked how quiet you were, I was yelling and screaming like a jackass when I got mine lol
New thread came fast!
In response to previous thread, I may get on it later. Down for crota too WipedOut
Need a vet for 35 PoE on progress
I can help probably
I was in disbelief.
Skolas? With T-44 and I?
So they're nerfing Rangefinder - does that mean I need to farm and reroll my Party Crasher? I just got it and I'm tapped out with AggBalls/Rangefinder/Braced/Rodeo and I wanna level it up :/
I have crap shotgunsThat is not even a good roll. Why would you want to level that up?
That's me too, randoms=top3, GAF IB train=bottom two...I shouldn't have checked that Trials stats site. My longest life of 48 seconds lol
At least I don't get crushed in Crucible anymore except when I'm on a DGaf IB Train for some reason.
*waves at Mercury from afar*
Can someone tell me what happened to me here? lol
Whole enemy team quit.
I shouldn't have checked that Trials stats site. My longest life of 48 seconds lol
At least I don't get crushed in Crucible anymore except when I'm on a DGaf IB Train for some reason.
*waves at Mercury from afar*
That's me too, randoms=top3, GAF IB train=bottom two...
Can someone tell me what happened to me here? lol
It is nice, particularly when you're just leveling up a second or third character, but it does have it's drawbacks. I find a lot of new players hit max level but have no idea how to actually "play" the game, and it seems to frustrate them having to ask random strangers for instruction on basic stuff like weekly drops and nightfalls and stuff.The game really relies too much on interaction and experience for the speed it allows players to progress. I can't count the number of 34s that had no idea how to level their factions or where to get exotics that I've talked to. That's one of the drivers of the elitism on LFG - people wouldn't try so hard to filter out less experienced players if the less experienced players were slightly more experienced. I'm not saying raid completion should be required for access, but an understanding of level disadvantage, enemy types and behaviors, shields and elemental weapons, and stuff like that. The mechanics of the game. I think that's why the gjally nerf has generated so much frustration. People see it as lowering the standards to make them more achievable instead of trying to help players achieve higher standards. Basically making blue rocket launchers viable because hugs and don't boot people for shooting their feet and stuff.Six days ago, I decided to delete one of my 3 Titans in order to create a Hunter since I was tired of being fucked over by blink and I wanted to fight fire with fire. There was no armour waiting for my Hunter in the vault(I sharded every piece of non-Titan armour I ever got) and still in that span of time I've managed to get all the legendary gear required to get me to level 34, with the perfect perks(hand cannon reload speed! faster melee! further grenade throw distance!) and stats, I've leveled up my Vanguard and Crucible to level 2, leveled up my Future War Cult to level 3 and gotten all 5 of Hunter exotic helmets from Xurs Engrams(after spending a ridiculous amount of motes mind you).
Bungie have made it really easy to reach max level quickly, which I'm greatful for since I wouldn't have started a Hunter if max level gear was still locked behind doing Raids, because fuck having to rely on RNG for the perfect perk and stats roll. At least now all you haveto do is grind marks and faction reputation and you can buy the shit from vendors and not be handicapped like you would have been pre-HoW.
Any 'boners wanna trials?
My GT is BluePhazon1337
So when I got my nephew's xbox, I got a free controller. And 2 things:
1) The sensitivity on this thing is crazy! Still @ Default 5 in destiny and it's so much faster and slick.
2) When I plug in the headset directly to the controller without the adapter (this is the new controller version that has the inputs already), the volume is a lot lower
Sure, I'll add you.
Hey I had the same with the new Bone. Here's what I did to increase the volume - Josh has his Sony Golds plugged into the controller passively - click Blended in the audio settings. It makes things a little better.
We're gonna need a third.
Send me a message on Xbox so I can add you
EDIT: nvm I found you
Hmmm Blended audio settings in xbox settings?! I just plug in the adapter and it works but :
Ill play trials![]()
Cool gimmie yo GT and I'll send an invite
Play Elimination next time it's around, it'll make you better at Trials.
Been chasing flawless trials since midnight and the sun is now coming up
Fuck you destiny, you're taking liberties now
You guys kept it up after I left? My God. How far'd you get?
Oh dude we (okay I did basically nothing) got 9 wins shortly after, now I'm just chasing the lighthouse mane
Anyone trying to run trials? Would like to get 8 win on my titan
I just realize that I am missing a Cabal grimore card, is there a mini boss for PoE that is Cabal?
Aw, haha. Nice job. I was probably the dead weight![]()
We're looking for one. Pretty average, but could go to 8 if you are average +.
Psn same as here.
I'm a dead weigh too, seems you need two goodn's to carry you same as me unfortunately
Lots of long range kills I imagine.What's average kill distance? I'm top 3% in that.