What is Titan skating :|
You mash jump and it gives you a lot of speed.
What is Titan skating :|
What is Titan skating :|
I seem to have better results when skating with increased control on. I might be doing it wrong with catapult though.
I seem to have better results when skating with increased control on. I might be doing it wrong with catapult though.
I seem to have better results when skating with increased control on. I might be doing it wrong with catapult though.
Maybe I am mistaken?Increased control actually is faster than catapult lol. The directional control actually factors much more in terms of your speed gains than catapult does.
Catapult sux. It should've been like blink for titans.
EDIT: Nevermind. Didn't realize you said X1.XB1 Glimmer Farm
Anyone want to? I have GK Normal.
Iron Banner made me super broke and I want to buy more stuff! Goldspiral, Helm just because, and 2 more Etheric Lights. Oh and the Spear.
Is that the 2nd to last perk? Because I do it better with that haha
Catapult sux. It should've been like blink for titans.
I have heard a lot of people say that.
Catapult is hard to get 3 bursts out of, but I am able to do it pretty regularly.
It is a hell of a lot easier with control though, and a lot more consistent.
I would suggest using control for learning, and if you feel comfortable doing it, try to use catapult to see how fast you can get going.
Anyone playing IB right now?
Finished up some trials with explicit and dmh and figured I should do one Dragon strike before doing some iron banner.
EDIT: I rolled it once and got Outlaw, Snapshot, and Counterbalance
Should I keep??
XB1 Glimmer Farm
Anyone want to? I have GK Normal.
Iron Banner made me super broke and I want to buy more stuff! Goldspiral, Helm just because, and 2 more Etheric Lights. Oh and the Spear.
Short Answer: Pressing the jump button constantly while running forward.
Long Answer: Using catapult for top speed, or control for longer bursts of top speed, you gain horizontal thrust by timing your jumps to propel you forward, rather than up.
By repeatedly turning boost on and off, you can force your jump to continue to thrust at its highest speed, which is at the very beginning of the jump.
EDIT: Nevermind. Didn't realize you said X1.
I'm keen! GT PatDH1
Iron Banner almost cleaned me out as well.
Aww sorry man
Adding you now.
EDIT: CRAP, I don't have Venus unlocked so the checkpoint never saved -_-
I'll let you know when I get the checkpoint. I know a few of us have it
Is Timur's Lash any good?
About to carry this man right here to Mercury.
Thanks irawr =p
what?! When?
Sushi, your predator growl is going to give me nightmares
We're running a couple, psn: rarbusto, may be too late
You mash jump and it gives you a lot of speed.
Also, DestinyTrialsReport any and all LFG people before you join them. I haven't found a K/D over 1 yet.
Also, DestinyTrialsReport any and all LFG people before you join them. I haven't found a K/D over 1 yet.
Just checked mine and holy shit I suck at trials. 0.89 k/d and 45% winrate. ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽Mine is 1.56 K/D with a 75% winning percentage I think that's pretty good I guess lol
Unstable's stream is so magical right now
Just checked mine and holy shit I suck at trials. 0.89 k/d and 45% winrate. ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
Trials is just not fun lol. It's stressful as fuck.
Trials is just not fun lol. It's stressful as fuck.
Just when I thought I knew what the depths of Trials stress and depression felt like... I've concluded there is no bottom.
About to carry this man right here to Mercury.
Thanks irawr =p
I used a rubber band on my controller to make my characters run in circles while people killed stuff in the loot cave to get 2 of my characters to 20 in 48 hours.
Just when I thought I knew what the depths of Trials stress and depression felt like... I've concluded there is no bottom.