Having done it a ton on (I assume) one character, have you ever gotten the ship on subsequent runs?I will actually die too if I don't take a short break. I've seen you asking a lot so you definitely have a spot reserved. It'll be one or two runs from now since there are others in reserve.
Have they said anything about 3oC getting a nerf?
The cynical part of me agrees about the Spindle. I think honest to god they saw a Ghorn 2.0 situation forming - LFG KF MUST HAVE SPINDLE. Or they thought it trivialized the encounters in the raid. Surprise! That's what happens when you design literally every single encounter around tiny damage windows where the only way to win is maximize DPS, ie snipers.
Hey guys, anyone up for trying to get black spindle? Trying to solo that but its just not happening. Could really use some help. PSN: XTheSpartinX
So who here is planning to suffer through two more exotic sword quests? I'm at the kill 50 majors / 25 Guardians step for Void and Arc swords.
60 marks. One more daily and I can buy a Vamguard ghost.
So I come on GAF and hear about this new exotic called Black Spindle, which my friends and I promptly go out to get it and manage to do it on our first try with relative ease and over a minute and a half left on the clock, 12 hours later I come back on GAF and I read of people who have been struggling to get the weapon for multiple hours and someone even claiming that the Black Spindel is harder to get than the Touch of Malice.
I will eventually, as soon as my other characters have the quest. Not looking forward to it, but I gotta catch em all.So who here is planning to suffer through two more exotic sword quests? I'm at the kill 50 majors / 25 Guardians step for Void and Arc swords.
That's the first thing you should spend marks on right? I just want my hunter FWC helmet so bad already.
Yep, already shared my views on this but I agree.I just don't understand how a 310 sword is completely fine and the Spindle isn't. The only thing I could think of is the sword isn't useful against raid bosses.
People seem to be disagreeing on this one but I think the Spindle is more of an achievement. It is certainly harder to get for example the Chaperone, I'd be happy enough if they went midway and said 300 but 290 is a slap in the face. Almost makes me want to say goodbye to the game just based on Bungies attitude.
That may seem like a knee jerk reaction but how many other great moments/peoples time will they ruin with 'mistakes'?
At least come out and clarify the nerf before it happens at the very least.
Cool. Be on soon.
I got an Antiquated but would need help. Can I join?
I'm at the teleport now, need 2 peeps to get this spindle. Join on perineumlick; I'm gonna get this thing dammit!
I got an Antiquated but would need help. Can I join?
I will actually die too if I don't take a short break. I've seen you asking a lot so you definitely have a spot reserved. It'll be one or two runs from now since there are others in reserve.
No ship, I assume your only shot for the drop is the first time you do the mission whenever it appears in the Daily Story Mission, so I'll have to wait until next time.
EDIT: Also if you'd like to be helped send me a PM so I can have a list. I'll go in order of PMs until reset.
So what is the black hammer runestone used for?
There has to be some point to it.
So who here is planning to suffer through two more exotic sword quests? I'm at the kill 50 majors / 25 Guardians step for Void and Arc swords.
Not the way I wanted this to end, but I at least wanted the marks. I checked out the Suros scout rifle I ordered last week, I actually really like how it looks and feels but it rolled a terrible perk :/
Damn, you're doing this sick? God bless you sir. I'd love to get on the Bogey train but no way I'm around in that long, and there's multiple people ahead of me. You're doing gods work though, at least I'm sure you've gotten the ship in doing all this.
I would guess you would have until the ordering deadline which is what, Sunday morning I think? Like Vicious said though I don't think we know for sure since this is the first cycle.
Are you guys starting now?Did you still want to raid? We're looking for one more.
You didn't get several options for it? I got to choose from seceral rolls of the weapon I ordered.
I'm at the teleport now, need 2 peeps to get this spindle. Join on perineumlick; I'm gonna get this thing dammit!
You didn't get several options for it? I got to choose from seceral rolls of the weapon I ordered.
You didn't get several options for it? I got to choose from seceral rolls of the weapon I ordered.
I fully understand why they should nerf 3oC.
I don't think they should even touch the Black Spindle. It is obviously very hard to get. And it is probably time locked. Why change it? <1% of Destiny players even have it right now.
Cool. Be on soon.
what do you mean by "several"? i only got to choose between 2 rolls for each weapon type.
You get an additional option for each rank you are with the gunsmith. I got three options today at Rank 3.
I just don't understand how a 310 sword is completely fine and the Spindle isn't. The only thing I could think of is the sword isn't useful against raid bosses.
People seem to be disagreeing on this one but I think the Spindle is more of an achievement. It is certainly harder to get for example the Chaperone, I'd be happy enough if they went midway and said 300 but 290 is a slap in the face. Almost makes me want to say goodbye to the game just based on Bungies attitude.
That may seem like a knee jerk reaction but how many other great moments/peoples time will they ruin with 'mistakes'?
At least come out and clarify the nerf before it happens at the very least.
Are you guys starting now?
I don't think 3oC needs drop rate nerf, they just need limit it to Heroic Strikes, Nightfalls and Raids imo. It's huge oversight by Bungie to allow it to work with any major.
Alright, logging on now.Yep, starting ASAP
well, shit. is that based on the rank you were when the weapons arrived, or can i wait until i hit rank 3 and get the additional option?
Yes, already confirmed to have a good chance of appearing in the rotation soon.
Why is everyone taking about nerfing the Spindle all the sudden?