If you're still around, it's time for the Spindle!
Let's go!
Sent you a pm.
Hope there's room for me next or soon after.
If you're still around, it's time for the Spindle!
Let's go!
God fucking dammit. I've been running around for I dont know how long looking for a taken fucking Lt. and we get a fucking defend the warsat public event on top of it when one FINALLY comes and we dont kill the lieutenant before he despawns.
I'm getting seriously frustrated with this game. 0/3 Taken Lieutenants killed. Fuck me.
Amazing. Struggle all day trying to do the daily then smash it back to back rolling out of bed.
I'm actually happy its so hard to do for a lot of people.
I guess nobody actually reads my post
The player that uses the rune is the one that gets the calcified fragment.
I'm with rc for Antiquated. Someone can join on us.
Does anyone need an Agnaroch Rune kill? I have a charged one. I'm assuming we can both get a Calcified Fragment out of it.
That or does anyone need any Court of Oryx completions for a bounty/quest?
Anyone feel like helping me get the Spindle before it's too late?
Join me in orbit for NF.
Oh now he bangs it out...
I'd like to give it a shot too psn: chiquili59 296 lightI need to do it. I'm 294 light.
I need to do it. I'm 294 light.
If you're still around, it's time for the Spindle!
Let's go!
I'm willing to give this a shot. Mine is not cherged but it would be nice to get the fragment.
Let me just kill mini crota once more.
I'm willing to give this a shot. Mine is not cherged but it would be nice to get the fragment.
Let me just kill mini crota once more.
I need to do it. I'm 294 light Titan. Can do either defender with blinding bubble or sun breaker.
If you're still around, it's time for the Spindle!
Let's go!
Well, I just reached the point in the story where the mission Lost to Light comes up so why not? Would anyone be willing to let me come along on a run to try and get the Spindle?
I'm only 252, but it can't hurt to try, right?
PSN MrDresden
You know the lt. Is just the yellow taken mobs that spawn during those taken events right? It's not the boss you have to fight.
It could potentially undermine the entire raid and make it trivial if people have teams of 6 running around with 310 spindles. I know the section we were struggling on it would of made it 5 times easier. I get why they did it and rebalancing entire weapon classes is different than a quick nerf on a gun. They made the mistake before with Horn and are learning from it, they made a weapon that people leaned on to get through difficult content and in turn had to make content that worked around the weapon people leaned on (higher health enemies). They probably didn't want the same to happen with TTK. Maybe they originally meant it to be 310 but saw how much people relied on snipers in the raid and decided it would break the raid.
I have to use stolen runes at the CoO to summon them
It needs to be the daily heroic version.
I don't think 3oC needs drop rate nerf, they just need limit it to Heroic Strikes, Nightfalls and Raids imo. It's huge oversight by Bungie to allow it to work with any major.
During the event with the rune as the person without the charged rune get the kill on all the named taken majors and by the end you'll have a charged rune as well. With that you can open that chest spawns and get the calcified fragment.
Okay, which one of those two do you wanna try?