Twilight Gap
Okay, no more talking about it. Decided to try my hand at fixing Sector 618. Here's a quick blueprint I just threw together.
It might be a little confusing so I'll walk through it and my thought process.
First thing's first, let me talk about Sector 618 and what I feel are the problems with this map. The biggest flaw that Sector 618 has is clutter. This map is overdesigned visually and geometrically which creates a map that is both distracting to the player and discombobulated to move around.
However, underneath that mess is an attempt at a fairly simple bridge style map. The concept is honestly really cool, but Bungie was unable to capitalize on it. This is by no means an official layout, but rather an attempt at resolving its issues by redesigning the map on a fundamental level.
I should mention that I made the map inverse symmetrical, which Sector 618 is not; it is a pseudo mirror symmetric map. What I would do differently from this blueprint is add more asymmetric geometry so that the B capture zone is not literally sitting on a platform in the middle of the map. That would be bad for gameplay obviously.
Now let me explain my thought process behind the design of these areas.
Ultimately, where my philosophy differs from theirs is that I want to focus combat more on the center of the map and less on the hallways and corners. This way, players use the hallways more intelligently and make more conscious decisions when maneuvering around the map. I also want to introduce more height variation and risky jumps while simultaneously cutting down on the clutter so that those decisions aren't force fed to the player. This will create a map with a unique gameplay dynamic not currently seen in the game.
Thoughts are appreciated.

It might be a little confusing so I'll walk through it and my thought process.
First thing's first, let me talk about Sector 618 and what I feel are the problems with this map. The biggest flaw that Sector 618 has is clutter. This map is overdesigned visually and geometrically which creates a map that is both distracting to the player and discombobulated to move around.
However, underneath that mess is an attempt at a fairly simple bridge style map. The concept is honestly really cool, but Bungie was unable to capitalize on it. This is by no means an official layout, but rather an attempt at resolving its issues by redesigning the map on a fundamental level.
I should mention that I made the map inverse symmetrical, which Sector 618 is not; it is a pseudo mirror symmetric map. What I would do differently from this blueprint is add more asymmetric geometry so that the B capture zone is not literally sitting on a platform in the middle of the map. That would be bad for gameplay obviously.
- Alpha and Bravo spawn are self explanitory. In this blueprint, they spawn on opposite corners of the map.
- Both teams move to opposite sides to grab control of A or C. These zones are equidistant from both teams, meaning there is no clear side that one team must control.
- B is located in the center of the map. Again, I do not think putting it literally on a platform is a good idea, because then Titans will just go there and throw bubbles on top of it. What I like about that location however is that it would requiree control of several parts of the map to contest. When the blueprint is more fleshed out, that central platform will be tethered more to a side of the map. This is also where I would put the Spark spawn in Rift.
- Heavy Ammo is placed in a new piece of geometry - a tunnel that passes beneath the hallway.
Now let me explain my thought process behind the design of these areas.
- 1.) This high corner ramps up towards the back of the map, giving you a high position. From here, you can contest the heavy ammo crate on your side of the map and even the middle of the map itself.
- 2.) This is a path that ramps down to the aforementioned tunnel where heavy ammo spawns. This creates a safe spawn zone and also gives you a route that cuts into the center of the map.
- 3.) This corner of the map is not elevated like the first one, but it has more cover for the players. You can jump from this corner to the ramp above through the back.
- 4.) This is the lobby where each team spawns. I wanted it to be flat and open with a lot of room to dance. There will be some crates to jump on though, but they'll all be against the walls to avoid creating "ring-around-the-rosey" gameplay.
- 5.) There is another lobby across the hallway which is slightly more closed in.
note: This hallway may or may not have slight changes in elevation where necessary - 6.) This is also a new path like the tunnel. It is a route that cuts from the "base" sides of the map into the center. The way I drew it now has it to where you need to either exit the lobby and ramp up to it from the side, or jump up to it. This makes it easy to use for offense, but hard to use for defense. If I wanted to make it more defense oriented, I would switch it so that you ramp onto the platform from the inside hallway, and have to jump onto it from the outside (much like you do currently). It's also worth noting that this path lets you jump to the center platform.
- 7.) This is another raised platform at the back of the map. It is on the same elevation as the first corner and the central platform, which lets players contest it at range. However, it is small with no cover or railings, meaning it's a risky position to hold.
- 8.) This area is part of the bridge as we currently know it. However, I've simplified the cover down to just one large crate. It is not as high as the aforementioned platforms, but it still gives you some height to control the bridge and contest other areas of the map.
- 9.) As I mentioned in Figure 1, this is a small ledge that leads to the Heavy Ammo tunnel.
- 10.) And last of all is the center platform, which is currently used for nothing more than traversal in Sector 618. I wanted to give it more of an important role. I kept it simple in this blueprint, but now that I'm recognizing the B problem I think it should have several layers so that it isn't a one dimensional piece of geometry. Bungie probably felt otherwise.
Ultimately, where my philosophy differs from theirs is that I want to focus combat more on the center of the map and less on the hallways and corners. This way, players use the hallways more intelligently and make more conscious decisions when maneuvering around the map. I also want to introduce more height variation and risky jumps while simultaneously cutting down on the clutter so that those decisions aren't force fed to the player. This will create a map with a unique gameplay dynamic not currently seen in the game.
Thoughts are appreciated.