Seriously? Wow, where is the sense of community and helping out others. I hope you seriously can't field a team. Thank god you're not on xblive.
I'm not on a high horse, maybe word it a little differently, that is just some straight up LFG ish mentality. I.e looking for some folks to do a quick oryx kill.I've carried people through for three weeks, tab ran Skolas schools and newbie raids a ton of times, in the double digits some weeks. I've run the KF raid for three weeks taking some newbies everytime and can't finish because teaching and executing new people can take hours.
Just looking to beat it once, so get off your high horse because I do more for this community than most.
Do you still need help with ToM? Psn is greyblade if ya do.
Each time I take a look at the stream I see someone throwing hammers during the DPS phases: does that really help? Wouldn't a sniper do better?Heh.
So the Giant Bomb Crew is at the 2nd to last raid boss fight~!
Each time I take a look at the stream I see someone throwing hammers during the DPS phases: does that really help? Wouldn't a sniper do better?
Interesting. Was planning on using my boost thing to level a hunter. Is anyone planning on running with an alt tomorrow?
Anyone want to play? I'm lvl 26 atm. PSN: plbelanger
Jeff did that a few times, asked if his HMG would be better, others said yes, he adjusted.Each time I take a look at the stream I see someone throwing hammers during the DPS phases: does that really help? Wouldn't a sniper do better?
I'm not on a high horse, maybe word it a little differently, that is just some straight up LFG ish mentality. I.e looking for some folks to do a quick oryx kill.
Jeff did that a few times, asked if his HMG would be better, others said yes, he adjusted.
He slung hammers after to clear adds, but not really to dps.
Oh ok fair enough.They did it to clear adds during that phase
Finally got my new instrument.
Anyone with a charged Agonarach rune? Need 2 more fragments for 45.
I'm jayforone. Invite me plz
Nice bagpipe for the queens guard.
Rarbusto helped a lot of people through Skolas, you picked the wrong guy for this. I see nothing wrong with his post, sometimes you just dont have the time to explain the encounter and wait for the newbie to master it.
Rarbusto helped a lot of people through Skolas, you picked the wrong guy for this. I see nothing wrong with his post, sometimes you just dont have the time to explain the encounter and wait for the newbie to master it. The fight goes from 15 minutes to 1 and a half hour +
I'm no native speaker - what does bagpipe mean in this context
I'm not on a high horse, maybe word it a little differently, that is just some straight up LFG ish mentality. I.e looking for some folks to do a quick oryx kill.
Not everyone wants to spend two hours wiping everytime they get to Oryx.I'm not on a high horse, maybe word it a little differently, that is just some straight up LFG ish mentality. I.e looking for some folks to do a quick oryx kill.
What soured you? No way to talk to Rarbusto like that. He's good people. He's done more for this community then you probably ever will. The man can word his posts however he wants.I'm not on a high horse, maybe word it a little differently, that is just some straight up LFG ish mentality. I.e looking for some folks to do a quick oryx kill.
ToM = bagpipe
so, sector 618-less PvP train hype, anyone?
Looking for a third for the Exotic Sword Sunless Cell strike! Will do it till all of us have one
PSN is Klyka1
edit: we got a third bogey! join fireteam!
I like that map
Sorry I took it the wrong way, and no hard feeling either way. I try and help others out too as much as I can.Thank you, and I'm in a phone so I was being lazy, I'll word it a bit better next time for you wiped, didn't mean to snap but it's insulting to say I don't have a sense of community here. Just don't be so quick to jump all over someone in the community before you say something that charged (which is a loaded statement for people that have spent hundreds of hours helping others).
People have the right to request experienced players for a certain fight such as Oryx.
then y u no quote my other post
Stormcaller shirt is back in stock in my size as well! AHHHH BUNGIE!
I might have to get both that and suros shirt. god dammit. UGH
Stormcaller shirt is back in stock in my size as well! AHHHH BUNGIE!
I might have to get both that and suros shirt. god dammit. UGH
Bought the 'plush' ghost, just for fun. It's got stiff panels inside and isn't really plush at all.
It's more like a cardboard figure with cloth over it, stuff with small amounts of cotton. Not impressed.
I request that you have a Bungie store shirt so I know your skilled.
I like that map
IB will be better than Trials. You know this.IB and Trials back in the same week...
My body is not ready for the lagfest. But I NEED the wolf head cloak and Titan helmet.
I'll give you a hand. Add me:kojirospathAnyone want to help me do the 300 Light Lvl Blade in the Dark Strike for my Arc Blade Exotic Sword Quest?
Thanks for the help with the Solar Sword!
Anyone want to help me do the 300 Light Lvl Blade in the Dark Strike for my Arc Blade Exotic Sword Quest?
Thanks for the help with the Solar Sword!
Only for the cloak and helmet. Just for that...IB will be better than Trials. You know this.
Commit to IB.