Just let Igor activate his lagswitch and you don't have to worry about it.
Ayyy lmao
Im sorry
Just let Igor activate his lagswitch and you don't have to worry about it.
Safer easier and more boring. I offer it as an option when raiding w newbies but it's pretty lame. With a competent group it doesn't take long to naildouble gaze strat, especially since I only need one other competent player. Add clearing and DPS team have very simple jobs.
Yeah pretty much. Honestly I wish there was some punishment mechanic designed to prevent it. If you didn'tjuggle the gaze then you'd get some debuff or the radiant light pool would lose effectiveness or something. The fight is clearly designed w double gazers in mind given his back and chest crit spots
I can help but it looks like there's already enough people who actually need loot. Priority always goes to people who actually need it.
wow, where does he live? that is insane.
no wonder he's good in crucible...lagging his way to the top of the scoreboard![]()
Personally, I like it.That safe strat forseems like it takes all of the fun out of the fight. I like passing the gaze back and forth. Does look a lot safer, though.Golgoroth
Brazil ( ._.)
But i am matchmade with brazilians so thats all skill
I wish i had saved the totem part. i have no fucking idea how we didnt all die on the left side. There was a knight attacking save for like 5 min and he was taking no damage, i was dead and couldnt be revived because who needs timers, there was no one on the plate, god knows what the other guys was doing. And we did it lol.
Anyone looking to kill Oryx? Need to kill him for my 310 Artifact.
You were both alive and dead for me. Your alive body was in two separate places at all times. You were shooting in four separate directions at once. Igor too OP.
So if I want to be good at crucible I just need to move to Brazil?
Anybody else need exotic sword quest? 1 slot left.
PSN: androo2300
Hey game, I'd really appreciate any gauntlets above 290. And maybe throw in a heavy weapon above 290 too. Please and thank you.
Of course a legendary engram turns into a 290 hereafter. #WheresMyTelesto
Hudson made a list. I always obey lists!1. Mind log
2. Private
3. Ruthless
4. Save
5. Magik
6. Drizzay
Am I missing anyone?
This. Also boots. Can barely get any over 294-295 from engrams.
I got 7 310 Telesto's. Apparently I have yours![]()
Hudson made a list. I always obey lists!
I have the checkpoint as well. My Warlock is kitted out for a quick kill.
Just message me on PSN when the group is ready. Dropping void bombs in the meantime.
Yeah we're going for solar. Which one u need?Still looking for a third?
PSN: HidingMyThunder
Still looking for a third?
PSN: HidingMyThunder
EDIT: JoiningStarting up the malice version of undying mind if anyone wants to join
Agree. Might use it for newbie groups, not sure. TheThat safe strat forseems like it takes all of the fun out of the fight. I like passing the gaze back and forth. Does look a lot safer, though.Golgoroth
Looks like everyone is on but dj and drizzay. Hard to tell with 10 pages of people playing destiny.
Alright about to start Taken War Mars. Anyone can join.
Iron Banner returns on October 13th.
Trials Of Osiris returns on October 16th.
Because we're not yet done gorging on TTK. 0_oTake the weekend to prepare for battle. The most dangerous enemy in the world of Destiny is you, and players like you. Well be courtside for the Crucible fights next week.
Well also have some revelations about what else Year Two will hold for you.
Starting up the malice version of undying mind if anyone wants to join
Because we're not yet done gorging on TTK. 0_o
Drizzay is MIA, anyone need oryx loot? One spot open.
Iron Banner returns on October 13th.
Trials Of Osiris returns on October 16th.
Drizzay is MIA, anyone need oryx loot? One spot open.
Well that was a lulzy semi-newb raid, thanks so much to everybody for jumping in to help!
Atheon goes down like a sack of wet potatoes coated in lead. One cycle of TV should be trivial for veteran groups. CRAZY.
Personally, I like it.With the two attention grabber start I felt like I was spending more time shooting the bubbles than I was shooting the boss.
Here's a kind of in-between strat that I thought of:What if we only used one side of bubbles? That way people doing dps could use the ful 20 seconds of DPS,then would have the next 20 seconds to shoot down the next bubble, and they'll theoretically be able to do almost the same damage as the one person strat, but you won't have to clear acolytes in between!
Here's my idea (easier explanation): Clear adds-> Drop orb/person 1 grabs attention -> DPS-> person 2 grabs attention, dps'ers clear thralls/get in position/ shoot down next bubble -> person 1 grabs attention -> DPS again. Rinse and repeat.
In the end, the one person strat might be faster if you can kill the acolytes, grab attention, and shoot down the bubble in 20 seconds (not even sure they spawn that fast, but I've learned not to underestimate gaffers), but with this you don't have to have the dps'ers rushing to jump out of the pit for every rotation and don't have to worry about g-man's lazers or acolyte adepts.
Really, you could do all 6 bubbles like this, just have to have the grabbers switch side, or go for a rushed rotation. If you can do max DPS on all orbs, he should easily be down before you run out of bubbles!
Tl;Dr:2 attention grabber strat, only use bubbles/do DPS every other attention grab. Use in between for adds and preparing for maximum damage.
What are your thoughts, DGaf?
I can get on now but let the people who need loot get in there.
You and stabie still good for tomorrow night?
Fuck this scent of the worm chest.
^Np Hudson! I just like to make sure people get their loots. I know it can be hard for many people to find a good group.
I'm good, not sure if Stabie can make it. Assuming Colonel is still in then JohnofMars aka Epoyn can take his spot. If Stabie can make it then Colonel could drop, whatever works best.
Nope, only my Hunter. Running with my Titan tomorrow and hopefully have my Warlock raid ready by late tonight or Sunday evening at the latest (headed on a mini vacation tomorrow for the weekend)It was really fun and the Atheon fight was hilarious.
BTW, I had meant to ask you this in party but did you do KF this week on all applicable characters already?
Nope, only my Hunter. Running with my Titan tomorrow and hopefully have my Warlock raid ready by late tonight or Sunday evening at the latest (headed on a mini vacation tomorrow for the weekend)
Weirdness: I got no VoG drops on my Hunter. No chests, none of the checkpoint drops. Did I do VoG in my sleep earlier this week or something? Very, very weird.