The gunsmith test weapons were pretty easy this week, was happy to see that non of them required any crucible kills.
Need 290 more rep points until rank 4, very curious to see what happens then. Next reset the first thing I'm doing is getting those gunsmith weapons and racing to rank 4.
Ah shit... just as I made this post I read yours.... that's it?
Did you by any chance hand in any of those legendary fusion rifles to him?
I was really hoping the sleeper stimulant was @ rank 4
I must have missed a trick to get him up to 4. I am about 270 short.
uh, really? lame
How did you get to 4 already? I'm at ~200 away from 4 after doing this weeks field tests. Also, is the emblem a legendary class emblem?
If the point value is within 5 to 6 of the infusing item, you get the full value. Ex 305 item infused to a 300 item, this will bring the 300 item up to 305 giving you 100% of the infusion value.
Sorry guys, it wasn't only the emblem. I just thought the emblem was worth pointing out. Apart from it, I also got this gun:

As for how I was able to hit rank 4: Well, I made use of the NF bonus XP in the first week and field tested all weapons since then. I did indeed find a few of those legendary fusion rifles, too.