I'm actually in favor of the idea that Deku (I think) posted yesterday about putting characters that already went flawless in a separate "division" where they can battle it out. That way, there will be less carries and other not super elite players would get a chance to go to the Lighthouse, rather than getting blocked every time.
This is elitist bullcrap man. Why cap trials lighthouse to a tiny percent of players? It should be like hard mode raid. As in if your very good you should get to go. Not if you are extremely elite.
Yes it is working as intended. Bungie is making trials an ultra elite, teeth grinding affair if you want to go 9-0. It's a time wasting shit storm right now and it will only get worse as the casuals quit off.
Let's put it this way. I'm going to buy a. Gaming monitor tomorrow so I can get an edge for trials because I already see where this is going. My big screen has too much lag to battle the elite of pvp. That's ridiculous. I shouldn't have to do that.
I don't believe the drop rate decreases when Xur is about. A couple of hours of PoE should net you 20+ coins.
If your PvPer you can do ToO which nets you 300+ gear. Outside of that raiding is really best option to increase your LL. Can I ask why you can't raid at the moment. Your LL is fine for raiding and it shouldn't be to hard to get a group here.
Need a third for Trials. XXth Electric Boogaloo to Mercury.
I don't think he's playing Destiny anymoreI was looking through the Halo 5 community update, and whilst reading down the Top Players by Playlist section I recognized a name which brought a smile to my face.
My man Poshy doing work.
I don't think he's playing Destiny anymore
Just cause I haven't done any of the raids before and don't have any friends that play the game. I'm thinking it'll be tough to find a group of people online that'd want to put someone in the raid that hasn't gone through it at least once.
Just cause I haven't done any of the raids before and don't have any friends that play the game. I'm thinking it'll be tough to find a group of people online that'd want to put someone in the raid that hasn't gone through it at least once.
No ones asking for it to be easy but there has to be some balance with it, I don't know what they can do bar either bring the old system back and suck up people getting carried or stick flawless into there own pool.
Either way it just highlights the mess that Crucibles in, look at they way Halo does it https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/enter-the-arena if you get the structure right from the start it makes dealing with balancing etc going forward so much easier. Destiny will always suffer as theres no real structure in place
He plays it occasionally, gabes pretty much given up. I also get the impression that Triple would give it up tomorrow. though he'd probably be successful whatever he plays. Goth is starting to play different games as well, the winds of change are a coming
He plays it occasionally, gabes pretty much given up. I also get the impression that Triple would give it up tomorrow. though he'd probably be successful whatever he plays. Goth is starting to play different games as well, the winds of change are a coming
Just cause I haven't done any of the raids before and don't have any friends that play the game. I'm thinking it'll be tough to find a group of people online that'd want to put someone in the raid that hasn't gone through it at least once.
I'll login. Just got up so it'll be a few minutes if you don't mind.Trials anyone?
Sure, no prob.I'll login. Just got up so it'll be a few minutes if you don't mind.
Second run at Nightfall on Xbox One. Message VE3TRO for invite.
Me?Sure, no prob.
Could use a third if anyone is interested.
I can get on in 10 if you have space
You got it.
Logging on nowYou got it.
In the vein of my parents went to Disney and all I got was this lousy tshirt:
I beat Oryx on hard and all I got was this 310 tshirt
I'll do you one better:
I beat Oryx on hard and all I got were 2 Normal drops.
Clarification - 300 Scout (without full auto) and 301 Shottie.
Yuck. But I want to actually make a shirt like that. Think it would be funny.![]()
Need to run fears embrace for touch of malice need essence of the feast if anybody can help me blow through it?
PSN: TechMemphis
"Oryx stole my helm" would be funnier (or more tragic based on my experience)
Send me an invite. I'll help. PSN is same as username here.
Need to do Nightfall x3. Join for one or all of them if you want. Mupodpsn
edit: still need one more, but I'll start it up.
Need to run fears embrace for touch of malice need essence of the feast if anybody can help me blow through it?
PSN: TechMemphis
How many motes do you have? Ranking up your faction gets you four strange coins and four more motes plus a legendary item.A couple questions...
Does the drop rate for strange coins decrease when Xur is around? I've been playing for 4 hours this morning and received 0. I did 6 heroic strikes, court of Oryx, multiple crucible matches, the dailies, and patrol. Just bad luck?
Also, I'm light level 293... outside of the raid, which I won't be able to attempt for a while, can I still find better gear or am I stuck here until I do the raid?
Bungie really needs to fix the weapon parts nerf, strange coins and factions being a complete grind. Would it really hurt them if NF gave 500 rep like before? Now, leveling factions is a complete grind.
So Supercell and Taikonaut worth it this week?
So Supercell and Taikonaut worth it this week?
Anyone want to scrub it up in Trials for a bit?