I can join in 5mins, psn biggy70686Anyone want to scrub it up in Trials for a bit?
I can join in 5mins, psn biggy70686Anyone want to scrub it up in Trials for a bit?
Got the arc exotic sword, that was freaking tough but the randoms I did it with did very good. Now I'm stuck at 299, don't get how but need to try and raid now to push ahead.
I'd get Supercell first if you're low on coins. It's a very fun exotic and basically the only elemental primary currently available unless I'm spacing something.
Taikonaut is... okay. Buy it for your collection if you want but don't expect it to be a new "go-to" exotic.
Supercell is great for trash mobs. Just hold down the trigger and its perks make sure that you don't have to reload until they're all dead.
Taikonaut is.... a bit iffy. Sometimes I have a surplus of Heavy ammo such that I could keep swinging my sword through a complete section without running out and sometimes nothing drops at all. From what I hear, Ruin Wings had the same problem.
However, if you love using rocket launchers, then you should get it.
I'm down.. Already did all the bounties .. Just wanna try for 7 wins lol
I can join in 5mins, psn biggy70686
Good matches Royal and Driz.
Trials after 6 wins is just nuts.
Good matches Royal and Driz.
Trials after 6 wins is just nuts.
Yeah GGs for sure. We weren't going to beat a few of those all-pro teams but we definitely had our chances against a couple average teams. Really wish we would've pulled out the second to last game since we'd have been 8-0 with the Mercy instead of 7-0 w/o it. Once we got matched against that last team it was over before it started.
Are you attempting to help carry people through trials 2.0?Yeah GGs for sure. We weren't going to beat a few of those all-pro teams but we definitely had our chances against a couple average teams. Really wish we would've pulled out the second to last game since we'd have been 8-0 with the Mercy instead of 7-0 w/o it. Once we got matched against that last team it was over before it started.
Yeah sure psn techmemphisAnyone up for a quick nightfall run through?
Was trying to get my arc sword last night. The randoms I got kept killing my knight. They also kept dying and eventually gave up.![]()
Yeah sure psn techmemphis
Need 1 more for up to two nightfalls. Mupodpsn
Kk sent you a chat invite
Room for one more for Nightfall
Are you attempting to help carry people through trials 2.0?
I'm in!
PSN: Not-A-Stalker
Anyone wanna do some trials? Not too fussed on going all the way.
I'd like to join you if you if you still have room.
Wyl on the attempts."Attempting" is the appropriate word. Tried to help 3 different teams over the last however many hours, and every team made it to 7-0 then lost two straight. Just constantly matched against super sweaty pros, such a drag. I'd be up for trying to help more but I really need to run w like Wicked or Rubenov or xo etc otherwise it's a super steep mountain to climb. Blergh.
I also need the arc sword. I'll be online most of the day so if you can find a third we could try and get it completed.
Psn: raizel76
Yep, fucking cheaters. Great.
You'd be the first
Awesome. A loss because of a teleporting red bar. FIX the lag for your "ultra competitive" PvP mode. Peer to Peer does not work.
Yep, fucking cheaters. Great.
Prison of Elders 28. The chests at the end have a very high chance of giving you 1-3 Strange Coins. Takes maybe 15-20 minutes per run? Not super fast but reliable.A couple questions...
Does the drop rate for strange coins decrease when Xur is around? I've been playing for 4 hours this morning and received 0. I did 6 heroic strikes, court of Oryx, multiple crucible matches, the dailies, and patrol. Just bad luck?
Also, I'm light level 293... outside of the raid, which I won't be able to attempt for a while, can I still find better gear or am I stuck here until I do the raid?
how are people cheating?
Anyone else just get a connection error or did I just run into a team of cheaters in Trials?
Yep, fucking cheaters. Great.
I don't expect Destiny or any sequel to ever get dedis sadly![]()
I don't expect Destiny or any sequel to ever get dedis sadly![]()
If Call of Duty can get dedicated servers then I'm sure Destiny 2 can too.
They're disconnecting people as soon as the match starts.
Difficult achievements are difficult. It really doesn't matter who you go up against as long as it feels like a good and close match. Someone has to win and someone has to lose.
Hardcore at time spent in game and managing three characters, maybe. Much less when talking about being hardcore at PVE and PVP, IMO.
Season-based ranked arena would be cool as well since it's probably more exciting to play for something with a bit more persistence than a weekend.
ok, but dont they lose if they disconnect? what is the benefit of disconnecting?
BTW DGAF I wanted share with this great community that I proposed to my GF of 5 years last night and she said yes!!!
One of the happiest days of my life! We are aiming for the wedding to be next august or September![]()
CoD never really got them tho...? They advertised them but it's just listen servers similar to what Destiny has as far as I know.
Yeah. It's a serious issue. They are so worried about "carries" yet have rampant LAG and cheating. It's frustrating. We got matched up against a sub par team and just could not hit the red bar.
New Trials MM system was a mistake, it's nothing but trash. It takes an already highly competitive mode and strangle-holds it even tighter. It forces people into playing exclusively with their most skilled friends. As if the "elitism/exclusion" issue wasn't bad enough before.
Once you get to 6-7 wins, you know you'll be matched against full sweaty pro teams where the carrying margin for error is razor thin. Often at the expense of reasonable connections with red and yellow bars all over the place. But of course you have to waste an hour+ to even get to that point.
It's simply not fun, the epitome of a "well, it wasn't broken so we 'fixed' it" decision. I have fun playing with many different people of all different skill levels to help them win some matches. Frankly I don't have fun just steam rolling with full teams of high level players, that gets boring quick. Except now they took something already very difficult (carrying) and made it a pain in the neck.
I missed the RNG nature of HoW Mercury runs, where you never knew who'd you face next. Will the Scrub-Lords take pity on us with a scrubby final boss? Or will we have to sweat out all 7 wins? Some flawless runs were a total breeze while some took all the pro mode we could give. Now it's just "okay, we're at 7 wins, prepare for aggravation."
TL;DR: I understand that they wanted to reduce Trials carries. I don't understand why they wanted that.