What you're describing is the consequence of the accuracy nerf to Hand Cannons with 2.0.
In my opinion, the single biggest problem in the game, and the reason I went from playing 3-4 hours a day to playing 2-3 hours a week.
Kf Hm
2. Diggymow
3. Hedera_
4. Androo2300
5, childofhate
6. Tick
Child can you send me a request, I can't figure out which one you are
Nah it's pretty easy and it's not a darkness zone so you can die and respawn as much as it takes.
No radar would make it even more campy.
Others are good shouts.
So do I literally have to pay in order to get paper glue? Cause there's no other way to get legendary masks without it
So someone on my friend's list has the trials helmet, is that maybe a lighthouse drop? He has the emblem.
From what I know only boots are dropping this week. Right?
mehhh for some reason I didn't realize the level advantages was enabled for trails. fuck me..im only 296 with my trails set up.. ol well no trails for me Man I would fucking give anything if Fallout 4 was tomorrow and not 10 days away so ready to put this game away for a while
I'm sure we'll see this in all maps. Yesterday I did best when playing with my Eyasluna + Chaperone combo instead of NTTE + sniper, I'm not the camping type I guess2nd mercury done, this map is just so boring. Everyone just sits back with pulses/snipers and does fuck all. It's super hard(for me anyway) to play aggressive in this meta. Matchmaking must be weird as well, we swept our final boss 5-0 with zero issues, it was the easiest match in the run by far.
Maybe I just suck at PvP now and should just stick to PvE activities, I miss my hand cannons.
What light level is it? Could be a gold tier reward. In HoW those gave an armor piece or a weapon. I got all weapons myself but I assume it's possible.
It's a 304 Golden Bull Mask. And I assumed the silver and gold tier rewards gave crsppy rewards since I got nothing but motes and blue engrams. Good to know.What light level is it? Could be a gold tier reward. In HoW those gave an armor piece or a weapon. I got all weapons myself but I assume it's possible.
I tend to agree, although I like the general concept. It's tough for players like myself, maybe a slightly above average PvPer. I was generally able to get to 5,6,7,8 wins regularly enough, and was a part of a few surprise Mercury trips when the stars aligned. Probably not gonna happen now, although it's worth noting that yesterday was probably the most competitive day we will see - all the pros and wannabes were out.
Still, I like the mode and have a lot of fun with it. On that note, you around for a run or two or taking a break? You guys are doing yeoman's work.
It's a 304 Golden Bull Mask. And I assumed the silver and gold tier rewards gave crsppy rewards since I got nothing but motes and blue engrams. Good to know.
I'd be up for more runs later but I have the same problem I had in HoW- no running partner. If there was someone around to help I'd do it but, especially w the new MM, I'm not good enough to punch Mercury tickets on my own. I also take it really hard when I try to help people and we lose. Really hate if I feel like I don't do enough to pull it out. Without a running mate I feel like I have to play extremely well every game or we lose and that wears on me after a bit.
That said, apparently Wicked and Rubenov are doing some runs now so you might be able to hop in with them. Just saw that Wicked had started streaming a little bit ago.
What you're describing is the consequence of the accuracy nerf to Hand Cannons with 2.0.
In my opinion, the single biggest problem in the game, and the reason I went from playing 3-4 hours a day to playing 2-3 hours a week.
What you're describing is the consequence of the accuracy nerf to Hand Cannons with 2.0.
In my opinion, the single biggest problem in the game, and the reason I went from playing 3-4 hours a day to playing 2-3 hours a week.
You're right. I got a 300 artifact from the gold tier. Getting artifacts is always disappointing to me, so I block them out of my mind.The silver packages especially have a stupidly wide range of rewards. Two of mine were a single blue engram, the other one was 315 exotic gauntlets. I mean wtf. Makes no sense.
Afaik the gold always give you a piece of Trials gear, from 300-310 Light. Might be a stupid Ghost or Artifact, might be a weapon or armor, but there should be a Trials-specific drop.
Speaking of the HC accuracy nerf, I took a Year 2 TLW into PVP last night.
So. Fucking. Bad.
How the HELL does Nightly get any kills with this piece of junk?
I wasn't begging you for a Mercury run bud - just seeing if you felt like playing. None of you should feel any pressure and it sucks that the new system has hamstrung you and others from helping others and playing with whoever you want.
Yeah I know, never thought/said that you were. Was just elaborating a bit on the general situation.
Feeling pressure comes w the territory, haha. It's part of the appeal honestly. Everyone I know that does carries feels the same, double edged sword.
Any raiding parties looking for one for HM KF? I still need to run through with my 309 Warlock. PSN = dorssom if your looking.
I would do one, want to start a list? KF HM...
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
Sadly this is a thing and probably the biggest problem with hand cannons currently. They nerfed the accuracy considerably which basically is just a stupid thing that means your bullets won't necessarily go where your reticle is when you shoot. There's also accuracy drop off when successive shots after the first, which is especially noticeable on the high RoF Last Word. Hawkmoon hasn't been hit as hard but it's still noticeable.
I used to love my Hawkmoon until the HC nerf came in to effect. It was arguably the weaker of the holy trinity of exotic HCs but I still loved it.
As for the whiffing I couldn't honestly say as I haven't played with the year 2 version at all.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, guys. That's pretty disappointing. Hand cannons are my favorite weapon class. I know pulse rifles are supposed to be the new weapon of choice but they're not as fun to me as hand cannons. Here's to hoping that Bungie realizes this was a pretty unnecessarily tough nerf.What you're describing is the consequence of the accuracy nerf to Hand Cannons with 2.0.
In my opinion, the single biggest problem in the game, and the reason I went from playing 3-4 hours a day to playing 2-3 hours a week.
Breaks are good. Tooi many good games out there to spend all your time with just one.
Just come back to Destiny when there is a substantial content update. That's what I'm gonna do.
Just hope that update isn't all the way until Destiny 2....
Speaking of the HC accuracy nerf, I took a Year 2 TLW into PVP last night.
So. Fucking. Bad.
How the HELL does Nightly get any kills with this piece of junk?
They DDoS your teams players so it becomes 2v3 or 1v3.
Yep happened to us earlier .. First round we lost 1 .. After going up 2-1 .. We lost another leaving me 1 on 3
Yeah I know, never thought/said that you were. Was just elaborating a bit on the general situation.
Feeling pressure comes w the territory, haha. It's part of the appeal honestly. Everyone I know that does carries feels the same, double edged sword.
He gave up after a while and switched to a vendor Hawksaw, its not possible to be competitive with it. If it was on a smaller map it may be possible to use it