I would do one, want to start a list? KF HM...
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
I need to run it on my 311 hunter, so I'll join.Fresh? If so, count me in![]()
PSN: LooneyLMD
I would do one, want to start a list? KF HM...
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
I need to run it on my 311 hunter, so I'll join.Fresh? If so, count me in![]()
But how do they do this?
I'm down. My power finally came backTrials of Osiris: Rising Revenge of the Revengeance Back to the Jurassic Goonies on Mercury IV.
(Translation: Let's team up and have some jolly good cooperation for Trials of Osiris while aiming for Mercury.)
Because Destiny uses a P2P system, that you can easily monitor the traffic of.
Using some 3rd party programs on a PC to both monitor and interfere with the connection of another client.
I would do one, want to start a list? KF HM...
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
Yikes, thats no good. Hopefully Bungie can track these players and ban them?
Trials of Osiris: Rising Revenge of the Revengeance Back to the Jurassic Goonies on Mercury IV.
(Translation: Let's team up and have some jolly good cooperation for Trials of Osiris while aiming for Mercury.)
I would do one, want to start a list? KF HM...
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
Fresh? If so, count me in![]()
I need to run it on my 311 hunter, so I'll join.
PSN: LooneyLMD
Im in if you can squeeze me psn
New to HM raid
Seems we have 5?
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
3. deafmedal1
4. Looney
5. TechMemphis
I'm down. My power finally came back
I'm game as well
Very easily. Bungie already tracks disconnects because they want to make sure it isn't happening due to their own code. Remember they built that new system that automatically reconnects a player if they simply get sent to orbit.
It doesn't take a whole lot of research to see that when specfic players play a certain game type, players on the opposing teams get DCed a lot.
They know what they're doing:
I'm now 300+ without having raided, so it's possible. Exotic sword is a must though otherwise you'll need 300 in every slot and that's asking a lot (might even be impossible in the ghost slot).They nerfed strange coin drops along with weapon parts in the recent patch, so probably not just bad luck.
You can get blues up to 300 from strikes to use for infusion, as well as a 300 artifact from Eris, but to crack 300 you'll need to run the raid (and get more than shards).
Add me please. Just had to drop out of a raid coz of my router. Changed it now so it should be okay.
Add me please. Just had to drop out of a raid coz of my router. Changed it now so it should be okay.
Seems we have 5?
Can you guys give me 5 minutes?
Mercury awaits. Let's do it gentlemen.
Hipfire and aiming for the head. once you get the headshots in, there is nothing that beats this gun. however its no good for very long range, use a sniper for that.
Just switching characters and stuff around
He's on my friendslistWhat's your PSN? Or just add me instead.
cool, cool, cool.OK, everybody cool to start in 5 minutes? I'll start sending out invites.
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
3. deafmedal1
4. Looney
5. TechMemphis
6. xChildOfHatex
OK, everybody cool to start in 5 minutes? I'll start sending out invites.
1. rarbusto
2. dorssom
3. deafmedal1
4. Looney
5. TechMemphis
6. xChildOfHatex
Take your time. I'm having a very bad day as far as raiding goes, so I'm just glad I found a group at all.
Heya, still available to help in ~1 hr?Hey Hawkian!
I've done the raid a few times so I'm not a newbie per say but I could leave my name as a reserve, in case you're missing someone come 2PM. I don't want to take a newbie spot though.
Nghtly's explanation on stream last night:But it's no good for even medium range regardless of hip firing or not. That's the problem with the gun, it seems to be intended for close range now which is silly because it can't compete with any other gun at medium to long range.
But it's no good for even medium range regardless of hip firing or not. That's the problem with the gun, it seems to be intended for close range now which is silly because it can't compete with any other gun at medium to long range.
But it's no good for even medium range regardless of hip firing or not. That's the problem with the gun, it seems to be intended for close range now which is silly because it can't compete with any other gun at medium to long range.
To be fair about half the Exotics don't have any niche at all, which is probably worse.It doesn't really work outside its niche anymore. The problem was the bonus precision damage bug which made the ADS far more compelling than it should have been. Between the nerfs to range and accuracy that all hand cannons got, the nerf to perfect balance and the unique additional nerf to range on TLW the gun is basically a primary side arm.
The crazy part is, it wasn't particularly good in pve before. Now it's flat out garbage. How many other guns are relegated to a very specific use in pvp?
I'll join if deaf doesn't show up. Eating breakfast for now.Haven't heard back from deafmedal1, anyone else interested in fresh HM raid?
Going to play one card of Trials with Inapplicable before we raid. Anyone want to be our third?
It allowed for a playstyle that no other primary did. Its nerf meant abandoning more than just a gun, it meant learning an entirely different way to PvP.The sheer attachment to TLW is something I will never understand. It was once a great weapon, but no more, just like almost every other Year 1 weapon. Life must go on.
To be fair about half the Exotics don't have any niche at all, which is probably worse.
To be fair about half the Exotics don't have any niche at all, which is probably worse.
The sheer attachment to TLW is something I will never understand. It was once a great weapon, but no more, just like almost every other Year 1 weapon. Life must go on.
New Trials MM system was a mistake, it's nothing but trash. It takes an already highly competitive mode and strangle-holds it even tighter. It forces people into playing exclusively with their most skilled friends. As if the "elitism/exclusion" issue wasn't bad enough before.
Once you get to 6-7 wins, you know you'll be matched against full sweaty pro teams where the carrying margin for error is razor thin. Often at the expense of reasonable connections with red and yellow bars all over the place. But of course you have to waste an hour+ to even get to that point.
It's simply not fun, the epitome of a "well, it wasn't broken so we 'fixed' it" decision. I have fun playing with many different people of all different skill levels to help them win some matches. Frankly I don't have fun just steam rolling with full teams of high level players, that gets boring quick. Except now they took something already very difficult (carrying) and made it a pain in the neck.
I missed the RNG nature of HoW Mercury runs, where you never knew who'd you face next. Will the Scrub-Lords take pity on us with a scrubby final boss? Or will we have to sweat out all 7 wins? Some flawless runs were a total breeze while some took all the pro mode we could give. Now it's just "okay, we're at 7 wins, prepare for aggravation."
TL;DR: I understand that they wanted to reduce Trials carries. I don't understand why they wanted that.
New Trials MM system was a mistake, it's nothing but trash. It takes an already highly competitive mode and strangle-holds it even tighter. It forces people into playing exclusively with their most skilled friends. As if the "elitism/exclusion" issue wasn't bad enough before.
Once you get to 6-7 wins, you know you'll be matched against full sweaty pro teams where the carrying margin for error is razor thin. Often at the expense of rea'ssonable connections with red and yellow bars all over the place. But of course you have to waste an hour+ to even get to that point.
It's simply not fun, the epitome of a "well, it wasn't broken so we 'fixed' it" decision. I have fun playing with many different people of all different skill levels to help them win some matches. Frankly I don't have fun just steam rolling with full teams of high level players, that gets boring quick. Except now they took something already very difficult (carrying) and made it a pain in the neck.
I missed the RNG nature of HoW Mercury runs, where you never knew who'd you face next. Will the Scrub-Lords take pity on us with a scrubby final boss? Or will we have to sweat out all 7 wins? Some flawless runs were a total breeze while some took all the pro mode we could give. Now it's just "okay, we're at 7 wins, prepare for aggravation."
TL;DR: I understand that they wanted to reduce Trials carries. I don't understand why they wanted that.
Going to play one card of Trials with Inapplicable before we raid. Anyone want to be our third?