I get it. Don't sweat it. I might be able to play tomorrow night.
For real? You guys got DDOS'd? Thats fucked up
I get it. Don't sweat it. I might be able to play tomorrow night.
I get it. Don't sweat it. I might be able to play tomorrow night.
I can help with this.
SUNDAY NIGHT NORMAL MODE RAID (time depending on availability)
1. ch4fx_
2. Light_Knight_Sky
3. Light_Knight_Sky friend
4. Pandora012
The cheating fucking scumbags sent me a nice message.
"You are really good using sniper gg"
Not helping, you scumbags. Not helping.
Macello and Icon got DDOS'ed by some cheating fucking scumbags.
I lost 5-4 when I had the final guy down to a sliver and my TLW jammed. Rage quit super fucking hard. I hate this game so much sometimes. Sorry Icon and Macello, we had a flawless card at the time. Some other day, the salt is too strong right now.
Holy fuck
Those guys must suck at life to need to cheat like that to win in a game. Like, for real.
The cheating fucking scumbags sent me a nice message.
"You are really good using sniper gg"
Not helping, you scumbags. Not helping.
Thanks dude!
WE NEED ONE MORE, anyone down for a normal mode raid?
1. ch4fx_
2. Light_Knight_Sky
3. Light_Knight_Sky friend
4. Pandora012
5. churmom
Macello and Icon got DDOS'ed by some cheating fucking scumbags.
I lost 5-4 when I had the final guy down to a sliver and my TLW jammed. Rage quit super fucking hard. I hate this game so much sometimes. Sorry Icon and Macello, we had a flawless card at the time. Some other day, the salt is too strong right now.
What time are you starting?
This is why CBMM would be best for ToO, I understand where Bungie is going with SB but man, getting 9-0 is way too strenuous. Resorting to cheating doesn't help at all... :S Which is encouraged with this set up.
They are probably 12-15 year olds. Saw many kids like that in muh Halo 3 days.
Hoping to start soon, but it will depend on when everyone else is ready.
Light_Knight_Sky, Pandora012, churmom - any idea when you guys will be ready?
Whenever.Hoping to start soon, but it will depend on when everyone else is ready.
Light_Knight_Sky, Pandora012, churmom - any idea when you guys will be ready?
Hoping to start soon, but it will depend on when everyone else is ready.
Light_Knight_Sky, Pandora012, churmom - any idea when you guys will be ready?
Still need 1?
1. ch4fx_
2. Light_Knight_Sky
3. Light_Knight_Sky friend
4. Pandora012
5. churmom
6. Robdraggoo
Added good sir.
We should have a full team now, sending you guys messages over PSN.
What time zone?
I'm ok with starting whenever, I just want to get everyone on the same page.
1. ch4fx_
2. Light_Knight_Sky
3. Light_Knight_Sky friend
4. Pandora012
5. churmom
6. Robdraggoo
I remember the fucking standbyers in Halo 2. That was ridiculous.
"Yay, we finally got 1 Flag! They're near our base, go ge-"
For real? You guys got DDOS'd? Thats fucked up
Such nice DDoS bros.
Holy fuck
Those guys must suck at life to need to cheat like that to win in a game. Like, for real.
This is why CBMM would be best for ToO, I understand where Bungie is going with SB but man, getting 9-0 is way too strenuous. Resorting to cheating doesn't help at all... :S Which is encouraged with this set up.
Holy shit. That is sad that you have to cheat on Destiny. Sorry Drizzay, people are assholes. :/
Lools like my brother wants to raid. And the group just filled up.
Anyone willing to help me with normal kf?
He can take my spot since I don't need it.
What's the best way to kill Omnigul in her room of dicks in Y2? I hate everything about that part of the strike.
There's no way that two different people would get kicked to dashboard without some kind of shenanigans.For real? You guys got DDOS'd? Thats fucked up
Tethers and Raze Lighter.
Oh god.
2v2 was Standby land.
Still need help? PSN: GibbShiftThat is fine, the more the merrier.
Your assistance is much appreciated, I will add you to the list & hope we can find a few more Guardians.
SUNDAY NIGHT NORMAL MODE RAID (time depending on availability)
1. ch4fx_
2. Light_Knight_Sky
3. Light_Knight_Sky friend
4. Pandora012
There's no way that two different people would get kicked to dashboard without some kind of shenanigans.
Went to Mercuy with Ape. Finally, thank you. Been trying to go with icon since TTK came out. Both times he's been to Mercury has been with Ape.
I tried Sword but half of them didn't even connect because swords hate airborne enemies.
Congrats! That Ape is a good Dude. We were so close.There's no way that two different people would get kicked to dashboard without some kind of shenanigans.
Went to Mercuy with Ape. Finally, thank you. Been trying to go with icon since TTK came out. Both times he's been to Mercury has been with Ape.
Might try one more run if Wiped wants to give it a go later, but I need to eat dinner and chill for awhile. I'm guessing you'll probably need to crash out before then but we'll see what happens. Gotta get him that grimoire hype
Agree with everything you guys are saying. Thanks for the nice responses![]()
Yeah that can be a problem. I think it helps if you are on the hill a little above her when you attack. You could probably use Spindle if you hit your crits but Raze is definitely the easiest way to go if you can get it to cooperate. If you've ever seen TripleWreck farm GoM, that's how they do it.
Wait, are you talking about the final room or the bit before that?
Go back to Spelunky breh.![]()
Y'all ready Destiny's funeral tomorrow? Fun times.
The bit before it, when she first appears. That's where people kill her to farm GoM. Then just let the adds kill you, wipe and repeat.
Y'all ready Destiny's funeral tomorrow? Fun times.
Sorry guys. Power went out.Starting now, see you in orbit.
Drizz if we start at 9pm your time i can manage a card to try to redeem wiped. Only if no one else is around though, im ashamed of that choke. Im guessing you need more time to cool out though.
Y'all ready Destiny's funeral tomorrow? Fun times.