The bit before it, when she first appears. That's where people kill her to farm GoM. Then just let the adds kill you, wipe and repeat.
Blinding bubble, tether and raze lighter. Probably can't get her in one go but can come closeNah I mean at the end in the heroic version. Was wondering if there was a quick way of downing her.
I'm kind of sad they added it back into the strike rotation. It's by far my least favourite.
My name is Todd and I'm looking to sweat. You might say that I'm looking for a sweaty time.
Give me three minutes and I'll be that thirdAny Stormcaller out there want to run 3x Shock City with Todd and I?
Any Stormcaller out there want to run 3x Shock City with Todd and I?
Give me three minutes and I'll be that third
Need to switch gear around though
stream again pls lol
Did someone say my name? lol
Hey Drizz, I'm up to giving it another go, eating dinner myself so shoot me a message when you jump back on.
Drizz if we start at 9pm your time i can manage a card to try to redeem wiped. Only if no one else is around though, im ashamed of that choke. Im guessing you need more time to cool out though.
Y'all ready Destiny's funeral tomorrow? Fun times.
Nah I mean at the end in the heroic version. Was wondering if there was a quick way of downing her.
I'm kind of sad they added it back into the strike rotation. It's by far my least favourite.
Will Destiny 2 come out on the NX? It's obviously going to be a more powerful hardware than the current gen unless Nintendo is stupid once again.
Should be done with dinner by 9:15If you two are up for it I should be able to start in 15 min. I wouldn't mind some cheating scumbag redemption.
Destiny died months ago. Little late for a funeral, bro.
Ah, not really. Just the usual. Tethers, weapons of light, snipers.
Also coating the room in Dragon's Breath is pretty legit tbh despite your DB hatred![]()
Now 19 wins past flawless with no scarab! Fun!
Should be done with dinner by 9:15
Come on bungie, give us taniks (to farm the cloak) or omnigul (for grasp) as the next nightfall. please.
Thanks for trials matches today everybody. got trash from the gold packages. at least a 315 heart of praxic fire from the silver :O
Todd, meet Igor
Igor, meet Wiped
Wiped, meet Todd
19 total, not at once. Two tonight.Dude that is incomprehensible. Just that you could get 19 wins AFTER 9. HOLY CRAP. Hope you get it
Hey I sent you a PM, Doc
Where's Ruthless? We need that 3 continent hype Kappa
Also coating the room in Dragon's Breath is pretty legit tbh despite your DB hatred![]()
Nah I mean at the end in the heroic version. Was wondering if there was a quick way of downing her.
I'm kind of sad they added it back into the strike rotation. It's by far my least favourite.
16% damage+defense penalty from heroic strikes doesn't help either.
I bet they were... shocked.Sunbreaker pops hammer.
Dies to my Shock Fist.
Gunslinger pops Golden Gun a half minute later.
Dies to my Shock Fist.
Bladedancer pops his Blade next round.
Dies to my Shock Slam.
Whose up for a Vita Mercury run. Become legend.
Igor, Ape, when we going to do a card with me running Defender?
The what?
O N E M O R E D A Y B O Y Z N' G I R L Z
I can already feel Destiny!
There better be people playing this on this blessed Tuesday
O N E M O R E D A Y B O Y Z N' G I R L Z
I can already feel Destiny!
There better be people playing this on this blessed Tuesday
It feels good! Igor, Drizz, much love brohaims! Got that sweet Grimmy!R E D E M P T I O N
Got Wiped to mercury after some very tough games so i can sleep well tonight whew. Good night folks.
Also wiped was the fucking MVP of the last game. Clutching rounds like no other.
O N E M O R E D A Y B O Y Z N' G I R L Z
I can already feel Destiny!
There better be people playing this on this blessed Tuesday
It feels good! Igor, Drizz, much love brohaims! Got that sweet Grimmy!
It feels good! Igor, Drizz, much love brohaims! Got that sweet Grimmy!
It feels good! Igor, Drizz, much love brohaims! Got that sweet Grimmy!
Anyone on Xbox One who is willing to help carry me to the Lighthouse around 8-9 EST?
I'd really like thegrimoire card.
My nerves are shot. Sweaty as fuckWiped at Mercury, blood thirsty and victorious: