Beat the game and the dlc. Owns. I want more![]()
Nice. It's just amazing isn't it.
Beat the game and the dlc. Owns. I want more![]()
Could get this game for about $12. Yay or nay?
Absolutely. DLC is great too. At least 5 hours worth of content.Could get this game for about $12 on the PS3. Yay or nay?
During the prologue I just couldn't get into this game. Shooting was bad, stealth was hard, plus use X for everything instead of A? Madness.
Then I did a couple of side quests that open up right away and man things just clicked. Loving it now.
2 questions.
Do any of the augs let you recharge more than the first battery? Eating to regain more than 1 kind of sucks, and means I'm running around with only 1 charged since it fills automatically.
Second question, I have 11k credits and just opened up the Limb clinic. Save the money for other purchases, or dump everything into upgrades?
So, I was pretty adamant that I wouldn't dabble in Cloaking, as it seems kind of useless and proper stealthin' is far more rewarding/fun, but goddamn at the. Is there any other way to do this without getting detected? Granted, I didn't really try to accomplish this without Cloaking, but doing so seems pretty damn hard. Grenades of some sort, maybe?Tai Yong Medical Penthouse escape
This game is pretty amazing, by the way.
You can escape the Penthouse pretty easily without being escaped at all. If I recall correctly, there's a vent to the right of where you start, and you can easily sneak past most of the guards, and then make a sprint for the elevator.
Or you could try and take the guards head on, which could be fun as well. Grenades would definitely come in handy, since there's a ton of them in the area pretty close together.
Anyway, my first playthrough I got through that part without even being detected by them.
Yeah,I used the vent. It's the bottom floor where the vent leads to that is largely problematic. In my experience, there were about 5-6 guards down there that wouldn't really deviate from their patrol routes and at any given time, it seemed as if at least one always had a view of the vent. I cloaked for maybe 1.5 seconds, purely to get out of the vent and take cover behind one of those fixtures near the wall; it was smooth sailing from then on
It probably can be done with some meticulous timing, though. Oh, well. I had Praxis to spare.
If I remember correctly, I was able to sprint from the vent to the elevator without being killed, although they certainly got upset about it.
It is. It takes at least 5 hours to do, so it's pretty long.I just beat the game on hard, without killing anyone, and without setting off an alarm! That makes every achievement done, except for the DLC. I haven't touched The Missing Link yet but I'm hoping it's awesome. =D
I just beat the game on hard, without killing anyone, and without setting off an alarm! That makes every achievement done, except for the DLC. I haven't touched The Missing Link yet but I'm hoping it's awesome. =D
It is. It takes at least 5 hours to do, so it's pretty long.
Just completed my first playthrough of the game. Played most of it stealth, no kills. Only time I killed enemies was when near-end spoiler. Loved the game, loved the ending. Is the DLC recommended? I want to do a second playthrough (more action-oriented, different choices) and wouldn't mind new content.Couldn't save Malik so I played through that level "enraged"
The DLS is definitely recommended. Great stuff. If you play it on the PC, it's on sale today on Steam for $3.74.
The DLS is definitely recommended. Great stuff. If you play it on the PC, it's on sale today on Steam for $3.74.
Awesome, thanks for the head's up. Missing Link, right? The others are just new weapons?
So I just bought the missing link and it shows up as a separate item in my library. Does it not integrate into the main game?
What? So I have to leave HR and play missing link when I get into the pod?
boss fights were super easy for me because of the typhoon (like I said earlier, I got Foxiest of Hounds + hard difficulty + no kills in one playthrough). Typhoon was almost like a "cheat" for me, non-lethal guy with almost no guns on me expect for the tranq.Man, that lady-boss (her name escapes me) went down super quick; I was quite surprised. Some explosive revolver rounds + some heavy rifle rounds + 1 typhoon = toasted.
After hearing only bad things about the boss fights, I'm glad that they're merely blips on the radar of the whole experience. They're not hyped or built up at all, which is ultimately a great thing. That's not to say that they're good, 'cause they certainly aren't, but they haven't made me roll my eyes or anything to that effect.
On another note, I'm such an ammo whore. I can't bring myself to drop any.
Couple of questions:
1. The 'Stealth Enhancer - Cones of Vision' aug... What's up with it? Does it only show the cones when they're alerted? That's how it is for me thus far.
2. The non-lethal double takedown wherein you leg-sweep the first victim... Does the animation screw up for you guys? i.e. no contact between the victim and Jensen, etc.
Cheers, bros.
If missing link is standalone does that mean I still need DE:HR to play it? I've sold my copy of it but I've got an itching for some more Deus Ex...
You canRe: The Missing Link DLC.
=( ... Those poor people in the detention blocks. I felt sad that I had to leave that woman in her interrogation cell.
You cansave them. I have no idea how, but there's a hidden place where the gastanks are, and you can shoot them out and save everyone.
You cansave them. I have no idea how, but there's a hidden place where the gastanks are, and you can shoot them out and save everyone.
You cansave them. I have no idea how, but there's a hidden place where the gastanks are, and you can shoot them out and save everyone.
On another note, I actually found this pretty unsettling - for a video game, anyway:Finding Malik's dead body in the Harvester Hideout in Detroit; that glazed-over look in her eyes. Haunting.
You do knowthat you can save her, right?
Haha. Yep. Bungled my save games / didn't really give a shit. Maybe next time.
I just started playing this last night as well after picking it up on sale a few weeks ago. First impressions are definitely awesome, but man I am terrible so far. Think it's a mix of trying to get a grasp on the controls and realizing it's a lot more cover based than I expected. I was on the fence about how to play it as well, but think for my first play through I'm just going to go balls out on offense and not really worry about stealth so much.
Also, holy crap at how incredible the music has been so far. Terrific score.
I just started playing this last night as well after picking it up on sale a few weeks ago. First impressions are definitely awesome, but man I am terrible so far. Think it's a mix of trying to get a grasp on the controls and realizing it's a lot more cover based than I expected. I was on the fence about how to play it as well, but think for my first play through I'm just going to go balls out on offense and not really worry about stealth so much.
Also, holy crap at how incredible the music has been so far. Terrific score.