*Disclaimer* A lot of the story elements went over my head or simply fell through the cracks of my waning attention, so I apologize in advance for any stupid conclusions.
Firstly! Grievances:
> Why, oh, WHY did it have togo down that road with Darrow/Panchaea!? I really didn't enjoy the "zombification" of everything in the slightest. It was just lame; very reminiscent of the first Uncharted's last minute undoing. Also, the final revelation felt incredibly generic and juvenile in the scheme of the whole game.
> Directly related and contributing to the above-mentioned,that last boss battle... Horrible. Before then, I didn't really have anything against the boss battles; they were definitely 'meh', but they were nothing to whine about. This encounter, however - it definitely soured things. It was just ill-thought and silly.
Onto the good stuff... Everything else, basically. The stealth mechanics were sickeningly satisfying and the entire game was largely polished throughout. It was simply a fantastic and unique experience. Kudos to Eidos Montreal for daring to be different and pulling it off with panache. Honestly, I would consider myself quite difficult to please when it comes to SP campaigns, so the mere fact that I even completed the game is testament to the awesomeness of DX:HR.
Bring on the next one!
I agree the "zombies" were dumb and my least favorite part of the game, along with the boss fights, but I did enjoy that section a lot more on my second play-through. I guess knowing it's coming and knowing the layout of Panchea already helped a lot. I will say entering Panchea and getting to the top, no enemies and essentially platforming my way to the top was oddly satisfying, one of my favorite parts of the game.
I had the same thing happen to me. I couldn't play a game more than 1 day without getting bored with it, picked up HR on Amazon really cheap and ended up loving it. Before it came out I always dismissed it because of the look, everything was brown and I thought I'd get sick of looking at it, how wrong I was! The atmosphere, the music, the open-endedness, it sucked me in and essentially rejuvenated my interest in games. I enjoyed it so much I immediately started a new game on Hard after I completed it. In a way it's spoiled me, there's so much I like about it I feel disinterested in other games even more so if they don't have the things I loved about HR. I still need to get around to download The Missing Link DLC.Got this during the Steam sale this weekend. Beat the first mission, really enjoyed it. Maybe its the new PC or the game it self, but I'm really excited about playing more. I haven't touched a game for more than 10 minutes in months, so this literally got me back into video games.