7 aughilds chest armor. 6 of them spawned with a secondary res so no all res. The one that spawned with all res did not spawn with main stat.
I give up...
I give up...
Well that chart killed my hope of finding a level 70 witching hour.
Indeed, its so shitty when you get something you want and its bugged.
Well that chart killed my hope of finding a level 70 witching hour.
Indeed, its so shitty when you get something you want and its bugged.
I got a Chantodo's Force and Chantodo's Will and the Force is bugged with its stats layout (its 3/3 instead of 4/2).
very sexy bacon
I am picking up my Monk again (Level 55)
Any build suggestions? I tried to ask someone I partied with but I was ignored.
Hey Diablo GAF, I am working on a Lightning Wizz, here is my WIP build. Comments/Suggestions?
(I know, my chest armor and gloves and pauldron suck)
Based on the table, Harrington isn't all that rare all things considered. Just an uncommon. Though all the sets are uncommon too.
At least you can buy Harrington from Kadala.
You want strong arm bracers to go with windforce. Enemies knocked back takes up to 30% extra damage.Hey guys, what do you think about my DH build using Cluster arrow:
Just wondering if I need to add or change anything on my build.
If you want to take advantage of Fulminators Proc, I found piercing orb to be the best at proccing it.
Also I'd substitue arcane orb spark for blackhole supermassive to group up enemies, and it works in conjunction with the fulminator proc.
Found a better RORG cache ring with 5.5 crit chance, should I roll damage on it or crit dmg?
dmg is pretty good for dual wield but I'm using two 1.2speed weapons atm
I'm earthquake spec barbarian
First, depending on what you are gearing for, let me save you the trouble and say you are much better off going with Fire or Arcane. Lightning is really only viable for up to T4. T5 and T6 are doable with Shard of Hate, but they're at least twice as slow farm wise. If you just want a change of pace to play lightning, it can be fun for a little while.Hey Diablo GAF, I am working on a Lightning Wizz, here is my WIP build. Comments/Suggestions?
(I know, my chest armor and gloves and pauldron suck)
Archon CDR build allows you to tear through the elites much faster and much more reliably.Why is arcane any more viable for T5-T6? I can't think of anything that gives it in edge. Disintegrate\Arcane Torrent also require you to stand still for prolonged periods of time to take advantage of arcane dynamo, and that's kinda dangerous in the upper torments.
Try to get two sockets on the Pox Faulds, or try to get a Magic Missile mod?
It's the Archon build. They just stack CDR until they can get near infinite Archon time with the Vyr set that gives you all runes with Archon.Why is arcane any more viable for T5-T6? I can't think of anything that gives it in edge. Disintegrate\Arcane Torrent also require you to stand still for prolonged periods of time to take advantage of arcane dynamo, and that's kinda dangerous in the upper torments.
http://www.diablofans.com/forums/diablo-iii-general-forums/diablo-iii-general-discussion/83094-guide-legendary-crafting-materials-drop-locationsWhat's the best way to farm the mats for Aughild's?
So stoked. Went through about 25 or so legendary helms and spirit stones before I got this one, and the roll was pretty damn sweet.
So stoked. Went through about 25 or so legendary helms and spirit stones before I got this one, and the roll was pretty damn sweet.
So stoked. Went through about 25 or so legendary helms and spirit stones before I got this one, and the roll was pretty damn sweet.
First, depending on what you are gearing for, let me save you the trouble and say you are much better off going with Fire or Arcane. Lightning is really only viable for up to T4. T5 and T6 are doable with Shard of Hate, but they're at least twice as slow farm wise. If you just want a change of pace to play lightning, it can be fun for a little while.
As far as your gear, well, there is a ton of room for improvement. You need to stack as much lightning damage as possible, ideally ~86% or so is the ceiling for lightning. Andariel's should have those type of rolls, but with the +lightning % on it. Your neck could benefit from +20% lightning damage legendary and you really need a Stone of Jordan. You should be seeking a glove with tri-fecta stats on it as you really need crit damage on them. Try to increase your gems as much as possible, since Wizards benefit hugely from +int gains. With this in mind, for lightning, you should be looking to benefit from 2 piece Firebird and 2 piece Vyr's set bonuses for the int gains. Aughild's also isn't bad for the +elite% dmg bonus (since you don't have Unity or SoJ). Basically, go with crit damage, crit chance, and attack speed. When properly geared, most of your damage will come from Electrocute or Shock Pulse (with Shard of Hate), so attack speed is very beneficial. Fulminator isn't really that great of a weapon proc, so ideally you'll want to replace that with whatever higher DPS weapon you find. Shard of Hate is the best for a lightning wizard, however Thunderfury works well too.
It also seems like you're trying to make up your toughness mostly from gear choices (like the All Res on your neck) when Wizards have the best skills in the game for this. Unless you're trying to only farm T1, there's no reason you shouldn't be using Energy Armor/Prismatic Armor. Unwavering Will is also really great to have and should replace Evocation (no real point to this as a lightning wizard). Not really sure of the major benefits for Astral Presence, but try using Prodigy instead.
And for proof, here's an older video of one of my lightning wizard builds before Shard of Hate.
As I said, it is fun to play as a change of pace, however it's not nearly as effective as Fire or Arcane.
No problem, I didn't mean to be too discouragingNice post, you killed all my ambitions in just a few lines
I am definitely not playing enough to hit Torment 4+ in the next days so the game will most probably going to be patched a few times in the mean time(which means that Lightning will hopefully be a sustainable progression path by then...) (yeah, I just don't want to play a fire mage, as we already have 3 in my team of 10....).
That said, thanks a million for all your precise comments, I'll start working on all of this in the next few days, we'll see where it will get me to, if you don't mind I'll post change now and then in this thread to see if stuff are headed in the right direction, thx again!
gaf, check the cindercoat i just got on my wd from kadala. Just need sockets
No but seriously, it's missing the 15-20% Lightning Damage roll it is supposed to have. That one is a bugged drop.
Not really sure what I should be gambling for at this point, as it feels like I've pretty much completed my Mirrorball build:
An amulet maybe? I can't think of any legendary particularly suited to a fire build so I've been more than content with my rare. Would a Thunderfury put out more damage than a Burning Axe? I could try and gamble one of those up, with the off chance I end up with a Wand of Woh. I feel as though I've pretty much capped out what this build is capable of, clearing T4s in 15 mins, T3s in 10 mins, and T1/2 in 5-8 mins by just Wave of Forcing my way through everything. I haven't had a single piece of Vyr's drop for me so making the switch to a T5/6 arcane build is a looooong way off I'm afraid.
Just got my Crusader to 70 and want to do a holy build, any chance you could post your build?