Wow. What a couple of days in D3 for me. I had gotten so few legendaries over the last couple weeks, it all seemed to come all at once over the weekend.
Legendaries I ended up with:
Nat's slayer
Danetta's Spite (to match my Danetta's revenge I had)
2h xbow
Set shadow gloves
Skeleton king Pauldrons
2 rings
Broken crown
gloves from kadala.. not magefists though

2nd Cloak of Garwulf
All of this in about 4 hours of total playtime. Just in the 15min I played while my wife was getting ready for bed last night I got the 2h xbow, broken crown, boots and the Pauldrons from the resulting cache.
Using the Danetta set just for the heck of it. I like neoenigma's approach. I'll use those for bounty runs. I can vault indefinitely and just make my way around the map so easy. But normal gameplay I'll use my Slayer and quiver. More dps and more survivability with that setup.
All of this was on Torment 2. I usually just tried to clear things as fast as possible on T1. I'm now sticking with T2 or higher.