Female, Her expressions in game are sooooo cute <3.
Very good. I really loved it and I think most people who imported it did as well. It's really good. It has its fair share of twists as well so it defo isn't bare bones

And I've said this before but if anyone here likes Digimon Savers, they will probably like the story here. There are a lot of similarities.
JP version was really easy outside the Demon Lords DLC but with the rebalanced gameplay AND hard mode, who knows for the EN version.
I guess it's fun if you like the game enough to do them? XD.
I do recommend either 1. following a guide to make sure you see Victory Uchida (who gives you medals as rewards in some chapters) if you want all the trophies in one playthrough or 2. Don't do anything (quests/Story stuff) until you see him in each chapter he appears. (I think he appears from Chapter 2 onwards?)
1 just makes it quicker by telling where he appears without needing to hunt for him lol. And this only really matters if you want all the trophies but he does give you some nice rewards besides the medals.