Paper Sparrow
The terriermon one is just another side mission, the next 7 are Demon Lords. Not sure about the final one. (never got to it in the JP version)
The last one is to get Dianamon, I believe.
The terriermon one is just another side mission, the next 7 are Demon Lords. Not sure about the final one. (never got to it in the JP version)
The last one is to get Dianamon, I believe.
That could be it, I haven't found mention of the last quest even in the gfaqs' guide.
Those artworks bring back so many good memories from the card games, I even think I could name them all! I would love to have most of these in the game and I really think this game has been way more successful than they ever imagined so I hope that whilst we may not get a sequel to Cyber Sleuth (haven't finished yet so don't know if feasible) I just hope we get a new Story game with a lot more Digimon.Man, the amount of great digimon that aren't in this game is a little depressing
Not even getting into stuff like the armour evolutions.
Awesome. Can't wait to play after work.FYI guys, this is it, ALL the DLC. 12 Additional Missions in total (including the first extra mission pack)
Extra MIssion Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Extra Mission Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
FYI guys, this is it, ALL the DLC. 12 Additional Missions in total (including the first extra mission pack)
Extra MIssion Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Extra Mission Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
So I've been thinking.must be super strong, consideringAlphamonYggdrasill has made it the one that keeps all Royal Knights in line, even Examon. Also, is Imperialdramon PM a Royal Knight?
Wow. I just download mission pack 1 like an hour ago. I'm really glad I did when I did.FYI guys, this is it, ALL the DLC. 12 Additional Missions in total (including the first extra mission pack)
Extra MIssion Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Extra Mission Pack 2
Extra Mission Pack 3
Extra Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
Mission Pack 2
Mission Pack 3
Mission Pack 4
It was giving me an error before when the EU ps4 dlc was bugged saying that the system didnt have the same dlc as the save file, probably what would happen in that case. Digital purchases of Digimon CS come with the pre-order dlc anyways, unless you've improted the physical asian copy?just a question, now that I see there are packs for each the PS4 and Vita, if I have the preorder DLC only in the PS4 and I cross-save to my vita, will I be able to get the DLC digimon there?
Can you get Dianamon now with those 4 packs?
just a question, now that I see there are packs for each the PS4 and Vita, if I have the preorder DLC only in the PS4 and I cross-save to my vita, will I be able to get the DLC digimon there?
Can you get Dianamon now with those 4 packs?
Kotaku put up a review, while I don't like most of their writers,Fahey writes some good stuff and he's the one of the only one who's been writing Digimon articles, even after BN gave up on it,
(Lucemon. I don't think my lilithmon x 2 + Ulforce strategy is going to work this time)
Kotaku put up a review, while I don't like most of their writers,Fahey writes some good stuff and he's the one of the only one who's been writing Digimon articles, even after BN gave up on it,
Kotaku put up a review, while I don't like most of their writers,Fahey writes some good stuff and he's the one of the only one who's been writing Digimon articles, even after BN gave up on it,
I was wondering, how is ability gained exactly? I wonder if I should just de-digivolve or keep raising the levels of a few Digimon.
Also when fusing, do the skills of the fodder Digimon carry on or are they lost?
ABI is acquired through digivolving and de-digivolving but you get the most ABI by de-digivolving. Also, the higher the digimon before he de-digivolve, the higher the ABI you will get.Bumping my question because I feel it got lost in the DLC mission talk.
I was wondering, how is ability gained exactly? I wonder if I should just de-digivolve or keep raising the levels of a few Digimon.
ABI is acquired through digivolving and de-digivolving but you get the most ABI by de-digivolving. Also, the higher the digimon before he de-digivolve, the higher the ABI you will get.
I know that much, but odes it also increase via leveling up/gaining new skills?
I know that much, but odes it also increase via leveling up/gaining new skills?
It doesn't increase when the digimon level-up or learned new skills. From what I noticed, the important here is the level of digimon before it digivolve/de-digivolve. Like I said, the higher the level is, the higher the ABI it will get.I know that much, but odes it also increase via leveling up/gaining new skills?
Only via Digivolving and Dedigivolving.
You get more ABI when you de-digivolve at max level that you can level up to.
It seems that a higher level before digivolving/deevolving means a higher ABI increase.
I don't think anyone knows exactly how it works though.
It doesn't increase when the digimon level-up or learned new skills. From what I noticed, the important here is the level of digimon before it digivolve/de-digivolve. Like I said, the higher the level is, the higher the ABI it will get.
With these Packs can I get the missable medals that Victory Uchida has?
Yes, you can get them by beating the demon lords in the dlc missions.
Skills are transferred, you're gonna have to delete a lot when you do it
Whaaaa? Where do you find that out?PM is the founder of the RKs but is not an RK himself.
where is the best place to grind xp with 3 platnume? or is it better with 2 and 1 strong digimon to kill faster?
Yes, you can get them by beating the demon lords in the dlc missions.
Edit: after double checking I'm not sure if one of the medals obtainable from Uchida in the last chapter is obtainable from the dlcs, we should wait for someone else's confirmation.
Okay If I don't have to New Game+ for the missed medals now I'll be super happy. I'll actually attempt the medal trophy so I can platinum this game.
It's very situational. It's really good against enemies with a lot of HP.Aww man Mastemon's skill is super underwhelmingtook a while to get her too.
Any tips on the medals to keep track on which ones you got from each one? Or am I subjected to hit X all day and pray?