No, they just ignore defense but they use attack to determine damage. Yes, the wording is weird.
In addition to basic Physical or Magical Skills, some Special Skills are instead Piercing. Piercing uses Intelligence or Defense as its base power on a case-by-case basis. Attack is never used to calculate Piercing damage.
This guide:
contradicts this.
It seems like an obvious error on the guide's part, dealing damage based on your defense makes no sense.
In any case it's pretty easy to test, I'll look into it once I'm home, even though I don't think it's necessary.
Edit: if you keep reading it gets more and more obvious.
Fuck just lost about an hour or two of progress because I forgot to save. Gotta do chapter 15 from the start again. I really hate it when that happens.
Wow, thanks. I'll try MarineAngemon as well.Ok so heres how I got Safety Guard on my Mastamon: Angewoman to Ophanimon. Ophanimon devolve into Piximon. Piximon evolve into Hououmon. Hououmon to lvl 80 for Safety Guard. Devolve back to Piximon. Piximn back to Ophanimon. Ophanimon back to Angewoman. THen DNA Digivolve.
I also got Speed Charge (honestly cant recall where I picked this up), Panic Wisp (from Monzaemon), Holy Light III and Final-Aura. Basically never a wasted turn.
Funnily enough I am WAY more fond of my MarineAngemon atm. He straight up trivialized Lucemon and Leviamon. He also has both Safety guard and status shield along with a fairly powerful set of water attacks thanks to his remarkably high base int and speed values. His special ability is a massive group heal that also gets rid of all status effects. He can also learn dispell which rids any party member of all debuffs and he gives the party passive SP regen. He is just sooooooooooooo good. Him + Sukayamon's enemy buff dispells just makes so many boss fights easy. Im straight up rolling through the great challenges with 0 issues whatsoever on hard thanks to these two.
Behold the face of a true monster
3 hours save restarting trying to get this damn Black Augumon Medal -_-
I have three separate farms running investigations simultaneously. 1 with all ultimate searchers and no sleuths. 1 with all Mega searchers and 5 sleuths and one with rookies with 2 sleuths. Why the hell is this thing so long?!?
Black Agumon was the very first case I found at the very beginning of the game.
Wait a minute are you telling me there's some medals I can only get with those cases!?
With INT being both special offense and defense, it's not out of the question. It might be some weird attempt at balancing.
That or the guide writer done goofed.
I'll set up a test case myself when I get home tonight if you don't beat me to it.
EDIT: This is interesting Reddit post about move description translations
EDIT2: Turns out the above post is by the guide writer...
The guide and that post are wrong. Physical piercing attacks use attack. Please do test it yourself.
Will do.
Do piercing attacks have damage ranges? I sure hope not, I don't remember too much about statistical analysis.
Will do.
Do piercing attacks have damage ranges? I sure hope not, I don't remember too much about statistical analysis.
Yes, they do have a small variance of about 5%. Using a WarGreymon for example against a neutral enemy will allow you to throw on two A level stat boosters which should make it obvious even with the variance though.
I don't really know and I'm about to test this, I'll just take more than one measure to try and account for that.
In any case it won't really matter since I'm not calculating how much the stats impact the damage, I'm just trying to identify which stat impact the damage, which is going to be evident regardless of that with a big enough stat bump.
Preeeetty sure Belphemon RM uses DEF for how much it hits with Gift of Darkness. It literally says "Triple the DEF Stat".
Lilitihmon is the same, but with INT instead of DEF.
Behold the face of a true monster
is marineangemon in the game????
Been resetting with 5 seconds left on my farms for over half an hour now and I am convinced the Tactician USB doesn't exist.
You're using the 1,000 yen option, right?
Funnily enough I am WAY more fond of my MarineAngemon atm. He straight up trivialized Lucemon and Leviamon. He also has both Safety guard and status shield along with a fairly powerful set of water attacks thanks to his remarkably high base int and speed values. His special ability is a massive group heal that also gets rid of all status effects. He can also learn dispell which rids any party member of all debuffs and he gives the party passive SP regen. He is just sooooooooooooo good. Him + Sukayamon's enemy buff dispells just makes so many boss fights easy. Im straight up rolling through the great challenges with 0 issues whatsoever on hard thanks to these two.
Behold the face of a true monster
Did miss something? I did all the Seven Deadly Digimon thing and on the last one there's kind of a tease that it isn't over but then nothing.
I was not waiting for that.
And now for the 30 Online Bat...
Went at Leviamon again with UlforceVeedramon, WarGreymon, and MarineAngemon. Took on Lilithmon and Barbamon too.
Lilithmon was probably the closest to being a real threat, and even then it wasn't that much of a contest.
*edit* nvm.Beat all the Demon Lords, all 7 Great Challenges, and all but what I think is the final offline tournament.
My only question before I move on to chapter 20 is, should I just go ahead and turn my WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon into Omnimon? I already got Omnimon Zwarte and Great Tornado is too good to give up, but getting Omnimon now just feels right.
Spread the love!
Day 2 and after 6 hours of resetting I still have not gotten the Black Agumon medal request.... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me! this is seriously pissing me off
Edit: in the same time I have gotten Gabumon Black's request at least 7 times -_- grrrrrrrr