So I only managed to get a couple of hours in last night, but can safely say I love it like I thought I would, can't wait to play more.
The character designs are really nice and I’m enjoying the graphical style, this game must have been stunning on the VITA. Didn’t realise a game with a 12+ rating would have so many boobs though! (Not that it matters haha). The Japanese voices don’t really bother me, if it means we get localisations faster then I’m all for it, you get used to them very quickly.
Game has been standard JRPG so far which I’ve been looking for on PS4

bearing in mind I knew absolutely zero about Digimon before going in, I think they did a really good job of explaining to new players what the hell is going on as I feel like I’ve picked up and understand a lot already. Also how cute is Terriermon when you win a battle and he waves at the end with his hand and ears at the same time? Even my gf who hates when I play ‘stupid games’ thought it was adorable haha.
Few questions:
(1) Is there any way of rotating the camera? Not a big issue just strange you can’t rotate the camera in this day and age, fixed seems a bit restrictive
You can't but you can zoom out using the left stick.
(2) Am I being stupid or does it have the worst map screen of all time? Literally no idea where I am when I open the map lol
The map is pretty useless.
(3) Should I be waiting until scan is at 200% to convert the digimon?
Converting at 200% only gives the digimon an extra 5 abi which isn't really a lot so, no.
(4) Is any grinding necessary on normal? Not sure if I should just be going around a dungeon a few times
Not really but if it's necessary if you want to get some cool mons early