Given the maximum total stat bonus points you can have is 100 (assuming ABI is 100) that's going to be pretty damned fiddly to balance the ATK and SPD right.You have to train up his bonus stats in the farms
Given the maximum total stat bonus points you can have is 100 (assuming ABI is 100) that's going to be pretty damned fiddly to balance the ATK and SPD right.You have to train up his bonus stats in the farms
You have to train up his bonus stats in the farms
How do you do this?
Because you have bonus stat on others stats. +7 in ATK, INT and SPD, +130 HP and +18 on SP. Use the restraint items to remove those bonus stats and you will be able to increase your + in def.I think I'm missing something about the farm training.
I need 130 DEF to digivolve so I put him in the farm and set as a leader a defender. DEF went up the first training session (115->122) but now it's stuck there.
What's wrong with that? ABI is 30 so I should get 15+50 stats if I understand correctly.
How do I have to interpret the white numbers? And does CAM matter? Do they increase if it's at 0%?
I think I'm missing something about the farm training.
I need 130 DEF to digivolve so I put him in the farm and set as a leader a defender. DEF went up the first training session (115->122) but now it's stuck there.
What's wrong with that? ABI is 30 so I should get 15+50 stats if I understand correctly.
How do I have to interpret the white numbers? And does CAM matter? Do they increase if it's at 0%?
Wow, I didn't see the HP and SP bonus AT ALL.Because you have bonus stat on others stats. +7 in ATK, INT and SPD, +130 HP and +18 on SP. Use the restraint items to remove those bonus stats and you will be able to increase your + in def.
No, not right now, at least. I'm at chapter 15.You could just level him up 8 levels, would probably be faster
No, not right now, at least. I'm at chapter 15.
Yeah, I know, but I don't want to break the game.If you get your self a PlatinumNumemon/Sukemon or two you should be able to level incredibly fast no matter what your current chapter is. Each one multiples your exp by x2 and you can also equip them with tactician USBs for even more exp bonuses. With 2 Plat numemons and 6 tactician USBs I was leveling up 15+ times per battle with Ultimate form digimon in chapter 9.
So about them DLC bosses
Lucemon Chaos Mode? Party recommendations? Dudes speed is redunkuless and he just spams those highlevel spells.
Jesmon/Craniummon can help since they have moves that can make them invulnerable until their next turn. A MarineAngemon is fine too... wait no. That's for the next part.
Get Vaccines and some piercers.
is he the hardest of the seven? I mean Lucemon vanilla was meh than chaos mode proceeded to wipe everyone
It is a battle of attrition. You can't hurt him until his final breath. He has to kill himself as much as possible, you're stuck being on the defensive the entire time.
So about them DLC bosses
Lucemon Chaos Mode? Party recommendations? Dudes speed is redunkuless and he just spams those highlevel spells.
Get you a MarineAngemon with status gaurd and Safety gaurd. Hands down best Digimon. Saved my ass more times than I can count in in all the DLC content. He's the perfect healer for two of the aforementioned mon's phases.
...hmm well I guess I have work to do.
Just bought it. Also had free same day shipping for me. Been waiting for a price drop. Cant wait to play.36 dollars on Amazon right now
Man, hard mode really doesn't feel so good. Most battle turn into battles of attrition more than anything. Normal mode on other hand it's way too easy.
Kinda wish the game had bigger dungeons too. In general, I wish the game had less story and was something similar to SMT3.
So I'm still a little confused about this. Is there any benefit to leveling a digimon to its max before digivolving in terms of min-maxing, abi, or skill retention? Or should I just digivolve as soon as the requirements are met?
I really wanted to like this game and I gave it an honest 30 hours but I think I'm done.
The story is average, which would be fine, but the writing (or translation?) is so lazy and uninspired that I really just don't care about EDEN. The sometimes silent sometimes verbal protag is weird as hell. Kyoko somehow knows all my friends and where they are at all times, and whenever she sends me on a mission she calls me halfway through vaguely saying she found the same info I just did. She's one of the most shallow and plot devicey characters I've ever seen in a game. None of the other characters really stand out.
Story/writing would be fine if the gameplay was fun but battles are about as straightforward as you get. Use your most powerful attacks until you win. This is true of all JRPGs, but this game never really changes it up. There are a million digimon and you beat them all the exact same way.
Digivolving is the most interesting part of the game, but after 30 hours I'm just sick of the grind to digivolve and dedigivolve just to get a Digimon that I'll end up having to do the same thing to to get to the next level. This is the grindiest game I've played in awhile, and there's no story motivation to keep me going.
Also, "go talk to this guy in another area to unlock the ability to accept his mission back on the billboard to have it teleport you back to that guy you just talked to to start the mission" is mind-bogglingly bad game design.
Not trying to bash, I guess I just had high hopes for this game. Glad other people are enjoying it and hopefully we get more, better Digimon games in the future thanks to strong sales. But for me, it's time to move on.
Chapter 19 question.Is going to the Digital World a point of no return? The game asks if I have anything left to do, which sounds like JRPG point of no return talk, but doesn't explicitly say I can't come back.
I also still haven't got a single Tactician USB. Nothing from development (is it definitely the one thousand Yen option?) and none found, but several people seemed to say the game had given them several through normal gameplay by this point.
Eh, I don't think you complaints are wrong.
Personally, I think the lack of console turned based RPG, especially on PS4, helped people overlooking several of the game flaws.
I'm enjoying the game, but several times I couldn't help but think there are glaring issues with the gameplay and the story.
So I reached a certain point in Chapter 19.Just defeated Leopardmon. Is it advised to finish the story before tackling all the royal knights quests or should I do it the other way around?
Side quests/DLC quests are harder than the final boss, so it's up to you.
I thought the game was okay.
got the $38 amazon price pricematched at BB this weekend. Just starting out and i have no idea who 90% of these digimon are. In chapter 3 and im not sure what I should be looking out for
Nothing is missable.Just play.Experiment.
Man, the final boss on Hard...In his last phase he just starts with 6 turns in a row and completely annihilates my party. Replacements get killed before I can even do a thing with them since he can attack 6 times before it's their turn -.-
With the free DLC none of the medals are missable. There are absolutely no missable things in the game.Not completely true. Some medals are still missable. May not be a problem for some, but I missed them, and didn't feel like going through the whole game again to get them once again.
Generally though, experimenting with evolution is the main point of the game ^^
Hard at end game is just blatantly not fair at times. I moved it back to normal at chapter 18/19, and it was much better. At end game, the game has finally caught up I feel like, and it's not as easy to steam roll the game as it was at the beginning especially stuff like the final tournament which I imagine is borderline impossible on hard.
Not completely true. Some medals are still missable. May not be a problem for some, but I missed them, and didn't feel like going through the whole game again to get them once again.
Generally though, experimenting with evolution is the main point of the game ^^
With the free DLC none of the medals are missable. There are absolutely no missable things in the game.
The only missable ones were the Demon lord ones which can be earned via the dlc now afaik.