I think there should be in the data base.
I have to actually memorize all these monsters? Shit lol
I think there should be in the data base.
Now when fighting how to know what type they are lol
Quick question about DNA digivolving. I notice on ExVeemon and Gatomon that it says they need to be friends with Stingmon and Aquilamon respectively. How do I make them become friends?
It's more like their friendliness to you as their Tamer.
You can raise it I think 1% per battle in which you use them as well as by feeding them food. Just gotta get it to 100%.![]()
Check OP under Types and Attributes.
Vaccine (Teardrop) > Virus (Spiked Ball) > Data (Cube) > Vaccine
Free (Bar): No affinity
Water (Blue) > Fire (Red) > Plant (Green) > Water
Electric (Yellow) > Wind (Turquoise) > Earth (Brown) > Electric
Light (White) <> Dark (Purple)
Neutral (Gray): No affinity
grinding is fine, but I'd recommend hard mode once you get a full team. My team of champions was murdering everything without even taking damage.I'm already in the grind mode lol.....overleveling my digimon just after getting the ability to make them....I'm going to waste my life on this game
For Best Buy buyers, when did they send you the DLC e-mail?
1:09 am this morning.For Best Buy buyers, when did they send you the DLC e-mail?
grinding is fine, but I'd recommend hard mode once you get a full team. My team of champions was murdering everything without even taking damage.
How do you access the preorder DLC Digimon?
Still waiting here as well.For Best Buy buyers, when did they send you the DLC e-mail?
Still waiting here as well.
Most of us got the superior version of the anime with original music so it balances out.Ugh why do europeans must wait.
A lady standing by the door to the detective agency gives it to you.
Is there a trophy for hard mode?
Ugh why do europeans must wait.
I'm already in the grind mode lol.....overleveling my digimon just after getting the ability to make them....I'm going to waste my life on this game
just buy from canada psn, vita version is only 26
Yeah, you don't need to know anything about digimon really. I don't care much about digimon and i'm still having a lot of fun with the game. The story is entirely self contained and seems pretty good thus far.Will I enjoy this if I know absolutely nothing about Digimon? Is there a substantial story?
Anyone from the UK know where to pick this up physical?
Looking to get a surprise for my partner. And it doesn't seem to be on Amazon, without going through an expensive (US importing) third party.
Just FYI it was reported earlier (on Reddit, and some other places) that remote play was disabled.
Well I made it home to test, and it is indeed WORKING
Most of us got the superior version of the anime with original music so it balances out.
I know nothing about digimon but have really enjoyed my first 5 hours. Story seems substantial enough.Will I enjoy this if I know absolutely nothing about Digimon? Is there a substantial story?
Sorry to ask a second time, but I'm genuinely interested in the game and didn't get any replies earlier.
Nurses station.Ummmm...I am stuck in the hospital section. I just had the security guards deny me entrance. Where do I go? I know Kyoko mentioned a hospital terminal
Still waiting here as well.
I'm waiting as well
I got an email from Best Buy at like 2:00am this morning with my DLC code. It might take another day to get out to everyone though I suppose.
I've played for a good 3 hours on hard difficulty; mostly grinding out and capturing digimons. It's really good so far so I decided to write my impression about the game's hard difficulty for those starting out. I should clarify that I chose Hagurumon as my starter so your experience might differ if you chose the other starter but I think this should generally applies to them also.
It's best not to use the hard difficulty when staring out since you only get 1 digimon at the beginning. The enemy digimons you encounter during battles usually comes in pairs so you will be outnumbered for the entire opening sequence. Playing on hard, enemy digimons usually dies in 3 hits but since they come in pairs they will hit you twice after each of your attack resulting in massive loss of HP. Oh, they also has increased stats so they get to move first everytime a battle start. So yeah, I had to use healing items like crazy starting out.
But then I realized the problem is not that it's super hard, it's just my digimon is outnumbered. So I dialed it down to normal for a while and grinded to get a full team of 3 going. I change it back to hard after that and it became a lot fairer. The enemy digimons still hit hard, like 1/2 of your HP hard with their skills but now I can actually kill them efficiently. So in the end, not only can you kill them fast, they can also kill your party just as fast in hard difficulty. Certainly kept me on my toes.
Doing this ensures that opening sequence is nicer and less stressful. After that, if you want the game to be challenging then going with the hard difficulty is the way to go. The little time I played in normal seems super easy in comparison.
In conclusion, start the game on normal and change it to hard after you get a full team of 3. I hope this helps![]()