Game is amazing. 5 hours in and I just did the Subway Labyrinth in Chapter 4.
How long is this game btw?
How long is this game btw?
Game is amazing. 5 hours in and I just did the Subway Labyrinth in Chapter 4.
How long is this game btw?
You sure? I can't think of any recent games where something like this happened.I don't why they would do that if it was done on purpose but my experience in localized PSP and PS Vita games has showed me that this is not surprising.
HIGHLY unlikely. There's literally no logical reason why they'd do this. It's obviously a glitch.As for the two extra Digimon I have suggested that maybe they are a consultation prize for removing her in the first place but I really hope I'm wrong since I wanted her in my team.
Really early. I did Poyomon -> Tokomon -> Falcomon -> Stingmon
Back to the missing content dilemma somebody here suggested that maybe Dianamon doesn't show up on the Database was because we didn't have access to the full DLC (on PS Vita) or because we haven't done all the required DLC Missions to unlock (on PS4).The thing is though that Japanese Players had at least her entry in the Database since Day one without Downloading DLC or patching the game with any Updates.
So the only thing left to check is for someone to see if she appears in the Offline Coliseum Master Cup in the NA version.If Dianamon doesn't show up that I will be convinced that she was removed on purpose but if she does show up than this is surely some sort of bug or delayed DLC release.
Game is amazing. 5 hours in and I just did the Subway Labyrinth in Chapter 4.
How long is this game btw?
This is the guide I've been using:
*CAM = Friendship
*ABI = Talent
The ones where you find an item for the Digimon who lost it? For instance, Gaomon loses an item in Kowloon Level 2. The item is usually called "Someone's Property" and those are what you use to finish the mission and as a reward Gaomon will give you his medal. The only other green pin mission type I've seen is going after other hackers.
Talk to the client digimon that should've been at the entrance of the dungeon you found the item in.
Good luck tamer.Starting the long journey for Lucemon. This is going to be painful
Japan appears to be different, from what I saw from early streams. People without BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon didn't have them show up (in Japan they will still show up, greyed out).
Can someone here without the Black Digimon DLC check if those two appear in the database?
The main city/hub areas desperately need some BGM, considering the amount of time you spend traipsing around. It just feels out of place given the rest of the great soundtrack.
I laughed too (Y)
I asked earlier, but I preordered from Amazon and have received no code for DLC. I'm in the US. Anyone else in a similar boat?
Starting the long journey for Lucemon. This is going to be painful
The main city/hub areas desperately need some BGM, considering the amount of time you spend traipsing around. It just feels out of place given the rest of the great soundtrack.
I laughed too (Y)
I asked earlier, but I preordered from Amazon and have received no code for DLC. I'm in the US. Anyone else in a similar boat?
They don't show up no.
Anyway. I'm hoping Bamco EU/UK is able to do something by tomorrow aka the official release day here about the bonus codes not having the Black Agu/Gabu/etc DLC included.
I'm on Chapter 2 so far, but it seems like I'm steamrolling everything with my Gatomon/Blue Greymon/veedramon team. I have a lot of other random digimon working at the Farm, but I'm trying to make sure I get a Greymon and Garurumon so I can be prepared for getting Omnimon eventually (unless it doesn't work like that for him, I didn't do any research for him in particular).
Should I be on the look out for difficulty spikes pretty soon, or are the first few chapter supposed to be this easy?
the vita doesnt even have the mission dlc file available to download, why should it be ingame
I'm working towards getting the Platinum mons, and I just realized the "Life in Crisis!" quest involving Hagurumon that everyone is talking about is posted on my board.
Does the Dungeon itself offer huge EXP gains without the Platinum mons?
I'm referring to the PS4 version, where people have been getting purple "DLC" quests. (Though not everyone?)
I'm having the same issue with Best Buy, according to them they didn't expect so many pre-orders and ran out of codes. I'm hoping they get some more in soon so I can begin the game since I really want BlackAgumon as my starter.
It's not that bad, I'm already close to getting them, just gotta slap a bit more SP on Tokomon and I'm golden.
Who has gotten these quests? All the people i've been talking to haven't been.
Game is amazing. 5 hours in and I just did the Subway Labyrinth in Chapter 4.
How long is this game btw?
Hey there Vicious,
Thanks for pre-ordering Digimon Cyber Sleuth from Best Buy. I trust you and your brother will enjoy it.
Interest in this game was higher than anticipated, and pre-order bonus codes from the manufacturer have been depleted. We are actively working to procure more for all our pre-order customers.
If you haven't yet, please send your request to our Gaming-BBY inbox (clicking the hyperlink will open a new window with a private message addressed to the inbox). Please include your name, order numbers. As soon as we have more codes we will begin replying to all requests in the order they are received.
Best regards, Mike Social Media Specialist
thats a quote I got real fast from the support forum.
the link that hes referring to is here http://forums.bestbuy.com/t5/notes/privatenotespage/tab/compose/note-to-user-id/104362
just send a pm with your BB order number to them and inform them that you wish to be put on a waiting list. You'll get a half automated response but they are trying to get more codes for everyone.
Hope this helps if you haven't got your code emailed yet from them.
I'm 13 hours in and haven't even touched chapter 4 lol
Been having too much fun digivolving and de-digivolving everything.
Same. I wish I wasn't going to be busy moving after work because I want to watch more Digimon animations (like Rare Metal Poop...)!
This can only mean good things.Interest in this game was higher than anticipated
I'm having the same issue with Best Buy, according to them they didn't expect so many pre-orders and ran out of codes. I'm hoping they get some more in soon so I can begin the game since I really want BlackAgumon as my starter.
This can only mean good things.
This can only mean good things.
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
I think its more about taking on the Shallonge! I must say, its tempting me to take a whack at it. Unconvince me, Kuwabara!
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
It's cool, powerful, and more difficult to obtain than most other Digimon. Of course it's gonna be popular.why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
One of the most Op Digimon is probably Lilithmon with max intellect. Her Phantom Pain can do a LOT of dmg.
Even better if you use Character Reverse on a Digimon who is strong against it, it should become weak to Phantom Pain then.
Combine that with UlforceVeedramon allowing your team to go first and you have a recipe for success
(though keep a lot of rez items on hand. In my experience, a max int Lilithmon is pretty much a Glass Cannon. Very easy to die but very powerful)
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?
why is everyone after Lucemon? is it the most OP?