Cool. got the platinum and i haven't bought a playset yet.
Cool. got the platinum and i haven't bought a playset yet.
I attempted to finish that up last night myself but I still can't seem to get arcade games going. That's all I've got left to do too.
Same here. Every Arcade attempt was borked.
I got that with Yoda also (the PS4 deluxe version though)
They are also selling Inside Out for $25.
So with GCU, my purchase was just below $100.
Is that a good price for the play set? I'm entirely new to these toy-to-life things so I don't know how much all this stuff runs.
That was the worst thing...I was just letting it try to connect on the weekends while I read or played DS. The worst!
Anyone getting Vader and Darth Maul today? Was looking to see if there were any buy two get one free or half off deals but not seeing anything.
I'm going to grab a Vader if I have time but I'm in Canada and we don't get launch deals.
Isn't Maul out in November?
Vader, Chewbacca, Han Solo come out today.
Not holding out for the LighFX version?Ah okay, thanks man.
Getting Maul and Vader released on the same day seems a little too good to be true now that I think about it. Looks like I'll be getting Chewy and Vader
Not holding out for the LighFX version?
Damn!! When are those coming out? I'm a little out of the loop lol. I've purchased nearly all of the Star Wars figures at this point so I'll probably still get Vader today, but those lightfx figures are sweet! I'll most likely buy those too. Straight addicted haha
Wait you can platinum this game with just the standalone software version?
I don't think they have a firm date yet.
I'm close to getting in on Disney Infinity 3.0 mainly because the Star Wars stuff looks so good. Don't know too much about how the toybox works and the long term replay value after the playset campaigns. I keep getting the itch.
I think they've said before Christmas, but other than that, we don't know. You'd think they'd push as hard as possible to get them on shelves for Black Friday.
Anyone else think it's a slam dunk that Darth Vader will be the highest selling Disney Infinity character?
I had a feeling they would say that..my first impulse was to just steal it..should have done that.
Instagram-quality pics said:
I'm sure this was already suspected, possibly even announced, but it appears there will be two additional Force Awakens characters, on top of the two included in the playset. I was checking stock levels of Chewbacca, Darth Vader and Han Solo at work on the weekend and as well as entries for the LU characters, I found entries for two Episode VII characters.
I'm sure this was already suspected, possibly even announced, but it appears there will be two additional Force Awakens characters, on top of the two included in the playset. I was checking stock levels of Chewbacca, Darth Vader and Han Solo at work on the weekend and as well as entries for the LU characters, I found entries for two Episode VII characters.
Whoa! Did it mention which ones specifically?
My Star Wars collection is getting there now lol! Fuck I've spent so much money on this awesome game.
I'm having a real rough time deciding wether I should get this or Lego dimensions for my daughter when I have the funds to do so. This seems like the safer option because everything is solid pieces so my 1yr old son won't be able to wreck it quite as easily as he would Lego, problem is that my daughter has just about no interest in Star Wars so the main attractions for her would be the toy box and the inside out play set.
It's a real shame that the old play sets don't work as she would be much more interested if frozen or toy story or more of the actual Disney properties were as heavily utilized in this. Hell she would likely be more excited if she could play as Elsa in the star wars stuff.
Given each of the Star Wars playsets has featured four heroes and a villain (Rebels aside), is it safe to assume we'll see a playable Kylo Ren? I'd love to see Captain Phasma rendered in this art style as well, I think she'd look great. I hope she is also playable.
I think Kylo Ren is a pretty safe bet, and Captain Phasma would not surprise me either considering how big a push she's getting in toys already.
I didn't see this posted, but Amazon has the 3.0 playsets for $25. Rise Against the Empire set is also available at that price
I think Kylo Ren is a pretty safe bet, and Captain Phasma would not surprise me either considering how big a push she's getting in toys already.
Yep on Kylo Ren I just hope we get Palpatine and Count Dooku at some point too; maybe the droids.
The Hall of Heroes seems like it only has room for five more Star Wars characters. There is space for another character alongside Boba Fett, Darth Maul and Darth Vader, as well as space for four more characters on the opposite wall. I'm guessing Daisy and Finn will be part of the Force Awakens playset. Kylo, Phasma and Poe will be single characters.
If they stay consistent it would be four TFA heroes and Kylo Ren on the other side with Vader, Maul and Boba. I doubt they'll be consistent since they really only seem to have three new heroes and Kylo. I wonder if they'll expand that room later since I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be more than five new Star Wars figures coming. There are seven Star Wars spaces left on the board after Finn and Rey:
So there is four more slots for Star Wars characters after TFA Playset?
....I guess it will be a character from each era (Prequel Villain, Original Trilogy Hero, Ep. VII Side character), with one era having a extra character (Prequel with R2-D2 or 3-CPO).
Then that leaves us with 13 Disney Character Slots and 4 Marvel Slots.