Rebels is also without a villain. Maybe we'll see one of the Inquisitors from Season Two.
I think that's a definite possibility. Either one from the new season or the one from last season.
Rebels is also without a villain. Maybe we'll see one of the Inquisitors from Season Two.
I think your Marvel list is spot-on. I mentioned above that I don't think they'll do R2-D2, 3-CPO or the Emperor. The droids are supporting characters already in the play sets and have very limited combat or even mobility potential. I don't have justification for why I don't think they'll do Palpatine - it's just a gut feeling.
I think that's a definite possibility. Either one from the new season or the one from last season.
I think your Marvel list is spot-on. I mentioned above that I don't think they'll do R2-D2, 3-CPO or the Emperor. The droids are supporting characters already in the play sets and have very limited combat or even mobility potential. I don't have justification for why I don't think they'll do Palpatine - it's just a gut feeling.
So.....just General Greavus and a Clone Wars Villain (Prequel), Inquisitors (Rebels) and another Ep. VII character?
That doesn't sound bad at all honestly.
What do you think of the Disney/Pixar list I posted? I hope that some of that is right as I would love to play as Beast, Kim, Darkwing, Mable and Star or just have figures of them sitting on my TV next to my amiibo.
I'd wager it'd be from the new season. There'd be more market synergy.
It sounds good to me. I'd love a Cad Bane or a Ventress. Definitely a Ventress if I had to pick.
Probably. Now I just hope the new inquisitors are good. The design of the big guy does not appeal to me at all.
While the names escape me, I really liked the design of many of the Clone Wars (GGI Show) villains; really great looking, they stand out and they have a lot of potential for combat.
I feel that Cad Bane will be the pick, as they could re-use some of Han Solo's move set with him alongside his model from the Twilight of the Republic playset.
Not sure what Ventress does (haven't watched the series in years) but another female character is always great to see.
It sounds good to me. I'd love a Cad Bane or a Ventress. Definitely a Ventress if I had to pick.
Probably. Now I just hope the new inquisitors are good. The design of the big guy does not appeal to me at all.
Honestly, I have no idea. I have lots of childhood nostalgia for Disney and a love for Pixar but I've never really paid attention to that side of Infinity. I'd love a Darkwing Duck. They really should do a Goofy.
We need more female Star Wars characters, especially villains. I want the female Inquisitor and Ventress.
The Hall of Heroes will most definitely need to be expanded if there are nine more characters to come. Again, as it stands right now, there is only space for one more villain, alongside the current three and on the opposite wall, space for presumably four Force Awakens characters. I suspect the game will be patched come the launch of Force Awakens and space will be created for the unannounced characters. It might also be possible that existing characters will be shuffled around.
Agreed. They need more female Marvel figures too. I don't think Scarlet Witch is enough for 3.0. I really want a Captain Marvel but a Wasp would be good too.
They added more spots to the Marvel hall of heroes between 2.0 and 3.0 so I'm sure an expansion to the Star Wars one is coming.
This a more recent sighting of the Infinity wall.
Spot is now included on the wall (2nd figure on the 2nd row of the Disney section). Also, the empty Disney slots now make a distinction between Disney (8) and Pixar (7).
These are the nine characters I think are most likely:
Force Awakens
Another "hero"
Original Trilogy
This a more recent sighting of the Infinity wall.
Spot is now included on the wall (2nd figure on the 2nd row of the Disney section). Also, the empty Disney slots now make a distinction between Disney (8) and Pixar (7).
But with Marvel not getting the focus this time out, 3.0 won't have many new Marvel characters outside of Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision.
My bet is that 4.0 will have a Captain America: Civil War Playset and it will have a lot more Marvel heroes/foes. Just off the top of my head, they could put Captain Marvel, Black Panther, War Machine, Wasp, Winter Solder, Civil War Spiderman (new costume for MCU), and others likely.
I feel that once they start diving into the Spider-Man and Inhuman's roster of characters, they can pull a lot out of that, considering that they refuse to touch Fantastic Four and X-Men.
Agreed. They need more female Marvel figures too. I don't think Scarlet Witch is enough for 3.0. I really want a Captain Marvel but a Wasp would be good too.
They added more spots to the Marvel hall of heroes between 2.0 and 3.0 so I'm sure an expansion to the Star Wars one is coming.
I feel as though Captain Marvel has a good chance. She already made an appearance in the last game as a Team-Up and in the cinematics. Definitely more female representation across the board though.
I think RK128 is right about 3.0 though (Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision). As much as it breaks my little heart, I don't think Captain Marvel is getting a figure this round.
I think RK128 is right about 3.0 though (Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision). As much as it breaks my little heart, I don't think Captain Marvel is getting a figure this round.
I wish there was a better picture of that. Does that have the Finn and Rey figures in the Star Wars side?
It sucks as Captain Marvel is a great hero and she would be a great female rep (alongside Wasp) for Marvel in 3.0.
But, if a 4.0 is coming, it would be good to save a few Marvel heroes for that and have the focus be on everyone instead of just one thing.
Now that mechanics are in place for all the characters, they could go back to older figures and expand there moveset (the Incredibles ones is a big one, considering they will re-print them for Increadibles 2) and have a roster of characters that is equal in size.
40 figures across Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and two New additions: Muppets (3-5 characters) and Kingdom Hearts (1-2 characters).
Ashamedly so. Those four characters seem cemented at this stage. I just meant Captain Marvel has a good chance of featuring in whatever comes next. I love your avatar by the way.
Also, I looked carefully and I still count nine empty spaces on the Star Wars side. So no Daisy and Finn. I would guess we won't see much of them until closer till the movie, because they could potentially spoil it.
It sucks as Captain Marvel is a great hero and she would be a great female rep (alongside Wasp) for Marvel in 3.0.
But, if a 4.0 is coming, it would be good to save a few Marvel heroes for that and have the focus be on everyone instead of just one thing.
Now that mechanics are in place for all the characters, they could go back to older figures and expand there moveset (the Incredibles ones is a big one, considering they will re-print them for Increadibles 2) and have a roster of characters that is equal in size.
40 figures across Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and two New additions: Muppets (3-5 characters) and Kingdom Hearts (1-2 characters).
I definitely see that happening. There are a number of characters that could benefit from upgraded mechanics and refined movesets. I also like your thoughts on the possible remaining Disney characters. I think you're right that we're going to see live action Mowgli. Gravity Falls and Star Vs. The Forces of Evil seem like safe bets to pull characters from too.
Thank you for the right spelling of his name XD! Could spell it right when I listed it.
And I feel that Disney will be pushing there TV shows through Infinity 3.0 plus other IP that is jumping into Live-Action. That is why I list Alice & Mad Hatter (Tim Burton Version) due to a upcoming sequel and Belle & Beast (as a Live-Action version of the animated film is coming in the future; show off the animated versions to re-introduce the brand to people).
I would rather Infinity use the animated version of the Alice and Jungle Book characters (as I grew up with that) but business is business I guess :l.
I think one of the worst thing about something like Disney Infinity is that it's used as much as a marketing tool as it is a game. You end up with movie Maleficent or new movie Mowgli instead of their classic look. I know that doesn't automatically mean that the new design is bad but for a lot of people, they want their more original look. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Vision will likely more closely resemble their movie versions as we've already seen with Ant-Man and there are pros and cons to that.
Overall for a whole game built on selling to parents of kids based on a lot of nostalgia, they really seem all over the place with the decisions on what version to base certain characters on.
I feel as though Star Wars has been lucky in the sense that almost every major character from the films and tv series is playable. The art style is consistent across the brand and is instantly recognisable, regardless of whether the character is from a live action film or a cgi television series. Of course, that's largely because there isn't the same depth of content to draw on in terms of appealing to the mainstream audience and fans of the franchise. I haven't seen a complaint about the appearance of the characters. In fact, every article or review has commented on the high quality of the figures and their style.
I hope the Marvel play set that we get is X-Men.
Night crawler
Jean Grey
Although, basing Disney Infinity 4.0 on the X-Men seems like better idea, with Star Wars play sets.
I doubt there'll be any X-Men as long as Fox as the film rights.
Doesn't mean that X-Men still can't happen. The games play set will just offer a different story.
I think Disney will add X-Men into the mix soon.
I don't. Disney and Marvel are demonstrating that they're not willing to support the X-Men outside of a few comic books. They have drastically reduced the amount of merchandising they've allowed with that franchise. They're not supporting a rival film property.
Aren't Spider-Man films still with Sony? We saw Spidy already.
Doesn't mean that X-Men still can't happen. The games play set will just offer a different story.
I think Disney will add X-Men into the mix soon.
Just seems silly to not have the X-Men in Infinity at some point. It will only help Disney. If anything, they can capitalize off the next X-Men movie by riding it's coat tails.
Just seems silly to not have the X-Men in Infinity at some point. It will only help Disney. If anything, they can capitalize off the next X-Men movie by riding it's coat tails.
X-men is a tier 1 superhero franchise. If Fox and Disney were on better terms, or if all rights were in the hands of Disney, Xmen almost certainly would have been introduced in 2.0. I mean, do you really think characters like Iron Fist and Nova would take priority over Wolverine and Magneto?
It is silly, but that's what happens when IP rights in various media forms are split. Bear in mind that Days of Future's past came out a few months before 2.0, so they had an excellent opportunity to capitalize on cross-promoting the film with an X-men 2.0 set.
I'm sure Disney/Marvel is thinking long term. If they make the property less profitable to Fox then maybe Marvel Studios can get them back at some point.
Xmen is begging to be part of the MCU, they need to strike while the candle is burning bright.
I doubt there'll be any X-Men as long as Fox as the film rights.
It's hard to tell with Disney. I mean, we see them doing things like photoshopping t-shirts and blankets and that type of stuff to replace Fantastic Four and X-Men with MCU characters, but then we also see Disney licensees like Hasbro and Lego currently producing items of those Fox-owned characters.
I think it mostly comes down to the almighty dollar. If Disney can sell stuff without using Fox characters, they'll do it, but if those characters will help move more merchandise, then they'll allow it. So I think there's some hope that Infinity will release those characters years down the line after they've exhausted the MCU's supply of A-tier characters.
Marvel/Disney currently don't have the merchandising rights to X-Men, it's as simple as that. In the past Fox was willing to let Marvel merchandise them anyway but after Marvel was bought by Disney all of that basically stopped.
We won't see that change until the rights revert, if that ever happens. Or if things change enough that a deal is struck like the one with Sony about Spider-Man (which Sony only did out of desperation- Marvel extended their license in exchange for full merchandising rights and then later on the MCU deal was struck as an extension of that)
Not accurate.
Marvel has to share profits from movie-based merchandise with Fox, but Marvel owns rights to license anything non-movie-based regarding the X-Men or Fantastic Four.
It seems like Marvel is very unwilling to do things that would support Fox and their ownership of the movie license. I could see them continuing to try and squeeze Fox for the return of the license and then proudly announcing the triumphant return of the X-Men and Fantastic Four.
Edit: maybe a bit more on track, I took my daughter to Best Buy tonight to pick up my Vader figure. I read either here or on Reddit someone supposing that he'd be the best selling Star Wars figure and I think they may be right. I checked Best Buy this morning and the stores in my city all had then. I reserved one online and I'm glad I did because they were all gone at both stores when I checked inventory this afternoon. He's a great figure too.
Edit2: forgot to mention that my nearly three year old was holding the figure on the way home calling him "Garth Vader" and proclaiming "he's a nice guy". I have some work to do.
I'm surprised 2.0 didn't have more crystal characters
Yeah, I said it yesterday. I think Vader will easily be the highest selling Disney Infinity character, until Wolverine.
So, how is it that we still don't know who the rest of the characters are? I don't get how this game hasn't been datamined yet.