I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but your character progress is saved to the actual figure, right?
So if I wipe my game save data and start over, my characters will still retain their levels correct? I just want to be sure.
You are correct. There is an option somewhere in the menus to reset your figure(s), which is not tied to game saves.
I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but your character progress is saved to the actual figure, right?
So if I wipe my game save data and start over, my characters will still retain their levels correct? I just want to be sure.
One thing is for sure, if you don't have Toy Box Takeover, you need to spend $20 and get it. It's a lot of fun, especially with multiplayer.
I can't wait to see what the kart racer has in store for us.
Hope it's Goofy!
Marvel need to step up their female representation
ugh new character is just an unmasked Captain America with a different move set, how disappointing
It really is. They have so many characters they could do. This should be a power disc. (I'm assuming it's a figure from).
Further Marvel Battlegrounds and pics
I'm not impressed so far.
Is this taking up a character slot, or is this similar to Black Suit Spiderman (where he is a 'new' version, but doesn't take up a slot for new characters)?
If it is the former....that is really damn stupid; we have a Captain America and if you want to make a new one, then save it for Civil War for 4.0 (with it being a bundle with him plus a female hero). If his moveset really is brand new, than I hope its enjoyable to mess around with at least.
If this is the latter though, no big deal. Nice to have a different version of Captain American and it having new gameplay features will make playing as him fun
-Four Player Arena Style Gameplay
-Full compatibility of all 2.0 Marvel characters.
-Enhanced abilities and skills of 2.0 Marvel characters.
-Original Story
-Battle in Brooklyn train yard, Wakanda, and SHEILD Lunar Base.
-Available March 2016
The Power Stone comparisons early on make sense but another Steve? Really?
Why do I get the feeling Antman won't be revealed til the Civil War trailer is out?
Three arenas too? Huh?
I hope they don't drag the rest of the Marvel reveals out. They can trickle Star Wars info out but lets just get the Marvel stuff out there.
I fully expect them to drag the rest of the Marvel reveals out.
I do expect the reveals to drag, especially since Battlegrounds seems to be tied to Civil War.
May explain why the SDCC Antman reveal was canned at the last minute.
I did not know about that. I thought it was funny for them to tease it on Twitter and then say nothing further about it.
I'd be for the Battlegrounds if I could play 4 people locally. It would be a no brainer.
Evil forces scheme for world conquest as they pit Marvels greatest Super Heroes against each other! Its an all out brawl in Marvel Battlegrounds! Battle up to 3 opponents in the arena with 4-person local multiplayer. Customize your game with up to six Round Marvel Power Discs per match. Select Super Heroes and Villains from your ENTIRE collection of Marvel characters in Disney Infinity.
Remember this?
Apparently the SDCC livestream of Toy Box was gonna be about Antman but just as they we're gonna reveal it, Disney's lawyers told them to can it.
So an Ant Man figure is coming?
So an Ant Man figure is coming?
Hopefully, it's likely tied to Civil War.
Marvel Battlegrounds trailer. proceed to be disappointed at the new figure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi4PF4XK10w
The new Captain America figure is based on the MCU character. Makes sense considering Age of Ultron and Civil War cross promotion. The previous Avengers playset was based on the Animated Series.
Well that is bad because the odds of seeing the twins on DI is even lower now. Quicksilver is not on Civil War and we may get a MCU version of Falcon instead of Wanda...
Marvel Battlegrounds trailer. proceed to be disappointed at the new figure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi4PF4XK10w
There's already a power disc for Falcon's MCU costume. They better not waste another figure on something like that. Wanda's in Civil War - I bet she gets a figure. They need to do at least one new female figure.
There is a disc for Black Suit Spiderman. There is disc for Yondu.
Cap could have been a disc. Hulkbuster could have been a disc.
My point is that they will make figures of whatever they think will sell better.
Without Quicksilver the odds of Wanda are lower. How many slots are left?
With Civil War in mind my bets change to Vision, Ant-man, Winter Soldier and maybe Falcon, sadly.
There is a disc for Black Suit Spiderman. There is disc for Yondu.
Cap could have been a disc. Hulkbuster could have been a disc.
My point is that they will make figures of whatever they think will sell better.
Without Quicksilver the odds of Wanda are lower. How many slots are left?
With Civil War in mind my bets change to Vision, Ant-man, Winter Soldier and maybe Falcon, sadly.
Good point. Cap is top-tier MCU though so I still doubt they'll do Winter Soldier or a redone Falcon over Scarlet Witch. They can't not do a female characters.
I feel that way too; we will be getting at least one female Marvel Hero/Villain with 3.0.
The figure looks *great* but I really hope they don't do a bunch of variants. I'm not going to double-dip on these things. I'll stick with 2.0 Captain until I can grab the new one in a sale for like $5 or less.
It's odd because the costume discs are very popular. Releasing a 4-pack of costume discs with Marvel Battlegrounds would go over well and MCU Captain would have fit in with that.Same here. That seems like such a waste when they're already doing costume discs.