I tried searching for your private lobby, Edge, and I didn't see anything.
Vita online seems super busted.
bomb is telling me beef is doing a tourney for this. i offer myself to organize a steam welcome tourney. just leave your steam id and ill add you.
16 spots open if we dont make it ill do a 8 man one.
File size on Vita?
getting the game as we are talking. yeah probably run a challonge. eveyrbody make rooms play their matches report to me. how about the weekend? i guess ill run a 8 man tourney.
Gagne Quest
You're way late. I'm running a tournament for both Steam and PSN.
You're way late. I'm running a tournament for both Steam and PSN.
This weekend.When does that start, btw?
Make a Challonge account anyways, just in case I need someone to help with the bracket.if you need any help im available, tobe101 on steam. count me in as well
What is CR? I'm getting more PR as I win matches on PSN, but my CR (which I assumed was "character rating") stays at 0.
Edit: Just played against someone with the PSN name "MarkMan" who almost frauded me using Markman.
Aww yeah, finally decided to say "fuck it" and bought the game, even though I need every bit of money I can use.. definitely do not regret it.
Is it too late to sign up for that tournament? Steam for me if not, Kard8p3_
This weekend.
Make a Challonge account anyways, just in case I need someone to help with the bracket.
So as some of you already know (if you read the Fighting Game Weekly thread, at least), I'm gonna be hosting an online GAF tournament for Divekick this weekend. One for PSN and one for Steam. You can feel free to enter both if you wish. Nothing is on the line except your pride.
If you want in, then quote this post (so I can see my own post highlighted as I scroll by) and mention if you're entering the PSN, Steam, or both tournaments. If you don't quote the post, then I don't enter you. Simple as that. I don't need your PSN/Steam usernames since I'm going to be using your GAF name in the brackets, but if you really want to include them, then you can.
I'm gonna make a separate thread for the tournament in the next few days just to keep things easier on myself. I'll explain more stuff there, like the rules and such.
Hopefully, the vita online issues are fixed by the weekend. It plays really well on it.
So as some of you already know (if you read the Fighting Game Weekly thread, at least), I'm gonna be hosting an online GAF tournament for Divekick this weekend. One for PSN and one for Steam. You can feel free to enter both if you wish. Nothing is on the line except your pride.
If you want in, then quote this post (so I can see my own post highlighted as I scroll by) and mention if you're entering the PSN, Steam, or both tournaments. If you don't quote the post, then I don't enter you. Simple as that. I don't need your PSN/Steam usernames since I'm going to be using your GAF name in the brackets, but if you really want to include them, then you can.
I'm gonna make a separate thread for the tournament in the next few days just to keep things easier on myself. I'll explain more stuff there, like the rules and such.
So as some of you already know (if you read the Fighting Game Weekly thread, at least), I'm gonna be hosting an online GAF tournament for Divekick this weekend. One for PSN and one for Steam. You can feel free to enter both if you wish. Nothing is on the line except your pride.
If you want in, then quote this post (so I can see my own post highlighted as I scroll by) and mention if you're entering the PSN, Steam, or both tournaments. If you don't quote the post, then I don't enter you. Simple as that. I don't need your PSN/Steam usernames since I'm going to be using your GAF name in the brackets, but if you really want to include them, then you can.
I'm gonna make a separate thread for the tournament in the next few days just to keep things easier on myself. I'll explain more stuff there, like the rules and such.
So as some of you already know (if you read the Fighting Game Weekly thread, at least), I'm gonna be hosting an online GAF tournament for Divekick this weekend. One for PSN and one for Steam. You can feel free to enter both if you wish. Nothing is on the line except your pride.
If you want in, then quote this post (so I can see my own post highlighted as I scroll by) and mention if you're entering the PSN, Steam, or both tournaments. If you don't quote the post, then I don't enter you. Simple as that. I don't need your PSN/Steam usernames since I'm going to be using your GAF name in the brackets, but if you really want to include them, then you can.
I'm gonna make a separate thread for the tournament in the next few days just to keep things easier on myself. I'll explain more stuff there, like the rules and such.
Charge him. Intercept if he tries to come at you or go over your head. His kick does no damage only the lightning that follows afterwards. The common Baz strategy (should be) to build meter up to the powerful kickfactor ability, so stop that from happening. Watch out for the mighty swing and ground ability, those are giving me problems, no advice.Tried playing online, it's just tons of dudes abusing The Baz. Was not fun. Tips for combating him?
Hey look! I'm #1 MarkMan and top 5! I was just playing for an hour!
Seriously, The Baz is a pain. Wonder if S-Kill's parry even works against his lightning.
Charge him. Intercept if he tries to come at you or go over your head. His kick does no damage only the lightning that follows afterwards. The common Baz strategy (should be) to build meter up to the powerful kickfactor ability, so stop that from happening. Watch out for the mighty swing and ground ability, those are giving me problems, no advice.
Man, trying to get the YOLO gem achievement is annoying =.=
If anyone picks Jefailey just pick Shoals/YOLO gem
No one picks Jefailey in ranked except for me.If anyone picks Jefailey just pick Shoals/YOLO gem
Super Street fighter 4 gives my PC an A rating for hardware performance.
Divekick gives it a D.