Evil Monkey DTT
How's this game for people who haven't really gotten into Western rpgs? Ill have to wait until ps4 anyway for splitscreen but both of us really don't have much experience and I'm a little scared just by the complexity.
How's this game for people who haven't really gotten into Western rpgs? Ill have to wait until ps4 anyway for splitscreen but both of us really don't have much experience and I'm a little scared just by the complexity.
While I like WRPGs (specifically isometric cRPGs) I am not great at them these days. I don't have a lot of time to devote and that can make parts of the game daunting for sure. It has a level of complexity that demands attention and punishes half-assery.
That said, I have had more fun floundering and restarting this game than I have with any other RPG I have ever played. It's literally different every time and feels like nothing else on the market, imo.
You don't have to excel at progressing to find amazing parts of this game, in other words. Its design is masterclass and is worth experiencing whether or not you are "good or bad" at it.
Edit: and you learn lots from failing, which makes adjusting your party more informed every time. It marries the abilities with the actual world in a way that few other games do.
Did you play the fist one? It's on console too.I'm staying nervous yet excited, this can't come to ps4 soon enough.
Chapter 4
What happens ifyou release the Deathfog? Does it actually kill EVERYONE in Arx?
Hey! Grog is partly my creation. Grog isn't bad, just misunderstood. He had a rough childhood.Why you killing Marg instead of the actual bad troll? It's on you.
Why you killing Marg instead of the actual bad troll? It's on you.
I'm not entirely sure what parts you consider "too deep/complex". So I listed some things that might be of interest. That said this game is big, open-ended and challenging. I'm halfway after playing for 3 weeks.
Quests: Basically, you have to figure out for yourself where to go and what to do. The game keeps track of what you have done.
This game does not tell you explicitly what to do and is very open-ended. The quest log keeps track of what happens during certain quests. But it never tells you exactly what to do or where to go (it does give hints). Some quests will put markers on your map of places of interest (and you can create your own). The game wont tell you which markers is connected with which quest.
Combat: Again, the game expects you to be creative. Use your abilities and environment, don't just autoattack.
Classic, the normal difficulty, is very challenging. Combat is turnbased and the game expects you to use your abilities and environment.
With you abilites you can not only do damage, but also set status effects, reposition yourself or the enemy and manipulate the environment.
Status Effects are a huge deal. Damage types and resistances are a big deal (they are nicely colour coded).
Character building:
As you level you can raise stats (str, dex, int etc). They're pretty self explanatory.
You also get 1 point to spend in combat 'schools'. This gives you a bonus specific for that school (usually damage). It'll also allow you to learn/use better abilities. No skill trees.
You can learn new abilities by finding or buying skillbooks. The number of abilities you can use at a specific moment is limited and depends on a stat.
Gear is very important. Loot is bit Diablo-ish
Map/Movement: Though sections of the map are gated level-wise, you have a lot of freedom of movement
Per chapter you are locked to a certain location.
The map is pretty gated combat wise. Enemies and rewards are fixed level. Fighting higher level enemies is fatal, but you can still explore.
You can teleport to unlocked waypoints from any location (except when in combat).
You can use combat abilities to move around. You can jump/teleport up a cliff.
The game doesnt tell you where to go/give you directions. But you can select a marker on your map (see quests) and the minimap will show the direction.
Been noodling around the second map (Driftwood etc) and cannot for the life of me found someone selling spell books for my Rogue (Scoundrel). Ideas?
Dwarf chap who guards the door at the entrance to the undertavern in Driftwood.
kill em both!
I am in this cave in act 2 and I am lost, so very lost.
.I did kill that scumbag scientist though I had to hit her to start the fight
Guys I'm on Tactician, and finally managed to reach Act 2!
I'm running Ifan (main character) as a Twohanded Melee Necro
Sebille as a Rogue
Fane as a Geomancer/Pyro mage
Beast as a tank
I'm thinking of placing Beast as a crossbow archer. What do you guys think? Are Archers good for Tactician?
Stuck in a cave where my party is split and i cant survive against these voidwalking cunts.
Game is starting to really get on my fucking nerves with mobs that has endless CC and "cheats" that they can do endless turns. Sometimes you cant do fucking shit except watch your death. fuck that
Stuck in a cave where my party is split and i cant survive against these voidwalking cunts.
If you have teleporter pyramids you can bring your party to each other that way.
Thanks, didnt know you could use them that way so..
Are you stuck in BR's vault with an annoying ghost? Or in a huge cavern filled with giant insects?
The giant insects. But got my party together now so it's fine again. When they were split i was CC'ed and stun locked against most mobs.
Oh, that place. It's a lovely setting. Nice, quiet caves with a wonderful variety of local wildliOHGODITSHUGEWHEREDIDITCOMEFROMOHMYGODITATETHEDWARFABORTAB
Guys. What do we think? Are archers any good? That's a toughie. Are archers any good. Hmmm...
...yes. Just enough Hunting to learn your abilities, rest in Warfare. Max finesse, no points in Wits or Con until later. Wear a crossbow.
I really don't know, that why I was asking. Some RPGs nerf rangers/hunters so much that they are useless.
Thanks, I'll try to respec Beast
Interesting. Where's this?
Is there known bug in thenext to caged Armygo and Griff (dont know if his english name is the same as in German)? Friend and I did one fight and couldnt leave the area other than waypoint teleportation. NPC dialogue didnt change either.underground arena
Guys. What do we think? Are archers any good? That's a toughie. Are archers any good. Hmmm...
...yes. Just enough Hunting to learn your abilities, rest in Warfare. Max finesse, no points in Wits or Con until later. Wear a crossbow.
No points on "Ranged"?
Or not worth it?
Why you killing Marg instead of the actual bad troll? It's on you.
There's a lot to kill in that place. Just be super prepared for the boss of the place. He's got a special mechanic and will probably fuck you up at least once. Don't break a controller![]()
Did the boss just fine. I've also just stumbled upon mobs that are like 2-3 levels higher when i was lvl 10. That was .. interesting. I usually died but sometimes defeated them and got nice gear...
Kept losing in Blackpits and found a way to cheese the game.Before the fight starts with Jonathan, teleport Gwydian off the rope and take him all the way to entrance near the waypoint. This will make the fight so much easier as he will no longer kill himself with necrofire and you still get credit for the all the quests he is involved in. Unfortunately, the void blob enemies may not spawn so you might receive less experience overall.
Not sure if this is known yet but man did it make my life a lot less frustrating.
Kept losing in Blackpits and found a way to cheese the game.Before the fight starts with Jonathan, teleport Gwydian off the rope and take him all the way to entrance near the waypoint. This will make the fight so much easier as he will no longer kill himself with necrofire and you still get credit for the all the quests he is involved in. Unfortunately, the void blob enemies may not spawn so you might receive less experience overall.
Not sure if this is known yet but man did it make my life a lot less frustrating.
So I can't defeatAct 1, my team are level 7 and they get destroyed.Alexander and his group in
Any tips?
So I can't defeatAct 1, my team are level 7 and they get destroyed.Alexander and his group in
Any tips?
So I accidentally sent one of the items to be stored at the Lady Vengeance in Act 4.
Any idea where it went becauseLady Vengeance is trashed?
I'm torn on doing that. On one hand I'll have expections in a more proper place but on the other Ive heard so many weird complaints that would drive me crazy that I know are fixed.Did you play the fist one? It's on console too.