I'm pretty sure saying people should be killed/shot/die in a fire/etc. for trivial reasons is a bannable offense, or at least it used to be (back when Dragona and Red Scarlet were mods).
Threi said:love em.
and the dude that did all the gold trials on youtube (and posted them here) said he didn't mind the motion controls at all either. Maybe his opinion changed though for some reason, i dunno.
Warning someone that they're breaking the rules != backseat modding. If that was the case, you'd also be backseat modding just by telling me that I'm backseat modding.Cyan said:Damn, you gaming siders are way uptight.
If it makes you feel any better, backseat modding is also a bannable offense.
Cyan said:Aaaand finally done. Probably won't go back and get shiny golds on everything, unless I can use a classic controller. :/
Final verdict: fucking awesome game. One of my favorite Wii games period. There's something so pure about a 2d platformer. Don't get me wrong; I loved both Galaxies. But this was platforming perfection.
As kids, they have no set mind scheme yet.peppermints said:My girlfriend and I have had this game since it came out and have yet to beat it. Granted, we don't have all that much time with school and work. We're on the last world.
Her 8 year old sister got a Wii and this game about a month back. We went home to visit this past weekend, and she had already beaten this game.
Of course, she acted like it's no big deal, while we're stuck and can't get past the the last rocket-jet (or whatever it's called) stage.
Why are little kids so good at games?
KennyLinder said:I am at what I think is the final boss nowin the Volcano?
Wow, totally stuck on this one, it's really mean and for the first time in this game I would say its frustrating and unfair.Firstly, having only 1 chance per continue to have Diddy with you is simply cunty, making the boss incredibly tricky to beat. If it wasn't for the stupid barrel sequence I would probably drop out and retry and have him with me.
The boss itself is unfair too at times; hitting the edge of his hand instead of the red part takes away a heart and the heart on the fire in the second phase? Fuck off, that's just unfair.
I'll do it in the end but currently I am feeling a little cheated by him, and seeing as the rest of the game was absolutely awesome its a shame the final boss has to be a shithead.
Mortrialus said:I'm in the line of thinking that Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-Quest is one of the greatest sidescrollers ever made, and that its so good that afterwords the Donkey Kong Country series had no where else to go but down, and Donkey Kong Country returns did not change my opinion on that.
I think the biggest thing that kills this game are the motion controls. I'm a big fan of motion controls. I think when done right they absolutely improve games. The Metroid Prime Trilogy, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes, and Okami are good examples. On the other hand, I feel that there are games where motion controls do not belong and Donkey Kong Country Returns is one of them. They don't jell with the game, they are blatantly shoe horned in, and they are extremely distracting and unnatural feeling. If I was to give the game a score out of ten, it lost two points due to how bad of an idea forcing motion controls into this game where, and the lack of an option on not using them.
I think another failure on the part of the game is the music. Too many of the songs are remixes from Donkey Kong Country 1 and the original songs are extremely forgettable. I can't recall a single one. Donkey Kong Country 2's soundtrack was so much better in every way.
I'm also not a fan of the visuals. They're well animated and rendered, but they just seem lifeless to me I also would have preferred they used prerendered 3D models like they did in the original trilogy and gone balls out with it. Over all, I feel Donkey Kong Country 2 is still more aesthetically pleasing. I also think the environments chosen retread on areas the series has already covered. The silhouette levels look great though.
The enemies are also very inferior compared to Donkey Kong Country 2's enemy variety in both purpose and charm. Every enemy in Donkey Kong Country served as a very specific obstacle and purpose in and of themselves. Way to many of the enemies in DKCR are jump fodder. Also, Tikis? Really?
The levels are good, but I find myself unable to enjoy them because of all the baggage holding the game down. I'm also really disappointed over Rambi being the only animal buddy. Sqwauks was awesome in Donkey Kong Country 2. I hate the Rocket Barrel Levels. I guess they provide the experience of riding a rocket made of wood, but that isn't exactly a fun thing. I'm also not a fan of the return to DCK1 style mine cart levels. Providing the mine carts each with their own specific gimmick in Donkey Kong Country 2 worked very well. Target Terror, Rickety Race, and Haunted Hallway, all had their own special gimmicks that made the levels more fun and interesting aside from the fact that you were riding a mine cart (Or roller coaster cart)
I stopped playing Donkey Kong Country Returns after I beat the valley boss. When it comes to video game series, I have a hard time playing games from the series when I feel the game I'm playing is drastically inferior to another entry in the series. I have a hard time playing Sonic 1 and 2 because I prefer Sonic 3&Knuckles so much over the other two games. Its the same with the 2D Metroid games and Mario games as well and its the same way with Donkey Kong Country Returns. All it did was remind me just how much I really love Donkey Kong Country 2.
Over all, I'd call it an 8 out of 10 game, but man I don't care for it at all.
Cyan said:He's actually kind of a pushover once you work out his patterns. Clap = get to the outside and bounce on the edge of one hand. Slice = duck and stay put. Slapdown = get out the way, then hit him.
And the second form is easy once you get down the timing of him smashing down on you.
No not necessarily "bad". Just inappropriate and jarring. They still technically work reliably.gerg said:You said, and I quote:
Is this "bad" or not?
Is this "bad" or not?
Perhaps I could have explained it better. I don't enjoy minecart levels on the bases of them fixing your running speed. With Donkey Kong Country 2, there are three minecart levels that vastly improve upon the fixed running thing: Each minecart level had a specific gimmick that tied into the level fixing your running speed. Target Terror involved you having to open gates, Rickety Race was an actual race, and Haunted Hallway was a race against the clock to survive against Kackle. The added elements in addition with you auto running put them heads and shoulders above the DKCR ones.gerg said:Admittedly, the extent of your criticism regarding the minecart levels seems to be simply that they are unenjoyable.
KennyLinder said:fI must of tried a hundred times now to kill the final boss and I just can't do it.The first phase is easy, but the 2nd phase with the enemies on fire its mean. The worst part is unless you jump TO THE PIXEL you get knocked back when jumping on his open mouth to hit the button. He is only open for such a short period of time on the 3rd "mouth open" bit that its VERY VERY hard.
It's ruined the game for me a bit actually because I feel cheated by its cheapness![]()
Hiltz said:If you're getting too frustrated, you can always use the banana juice potion.
KennyLinder said:fI must of tried a hundred times now to kill the final boss and I just can't do it.The first phase is easy, but the 2nd phase with the enemies on fire its mean. The worst part is unless you jump TO THE PIXEL you get knocked back when jumping on his open mouth to hit the button. He is only open for such a short period of time on the 3rd "mouth open" bit that its VERY VERY hard.
It's ruined the game for me a bit actually because I feel cheated by its cheapness![]()
Cheapnes? Oh, don't go saying things like that. I thought he was quite easy myself (easier than a couple of the other bosses, anyway), so unless I'm a really cool person, he's not cheap. And I noticed nothing like having to be exact "to the pixel." Perhaps you are doing something wrong?KennyLinder said:fI must of tried a hundred times now to kill the final boss and I just can't do it.The first phase is easy, but the 2nd phase with the enemies on fire its mean. The worst part is unless you jump TO THE PIXEL you get knocked back when jumping on his open mouth to hit the button. He is only open for such a short period of time on the 3rd "mouth open" bit that its VERY VERY hard.
It's ruined the game for me a bit actually because I feel cheated by its cheapness![]()
Mortrialus said:No not necessarily "bad". Just inappropriate and jarring. They still technically work reliably.
Perhaps I could have explained it better. I don't enjoy minecart levels on the bases of them fixing your running speed. With Donkey Kong Country 2, there are three minecart levels that vastly improve upon the fixed running thing: Each minecart level had a specific gimmick that tied into the level fixing your running speed. Target Terror involved you having to open gates, Rickety Race was an actual race, and Haunted Hallway was a race against the clock to survive against Kackle. The added elements in addition with you auto running put them heads and shoulders above the DKCR ones.
Scrow said:up to (what seems to be) the last boss, and there's a glaring design flaw in it. if you die on the first attempt of reaching him you lose Diddy (and the extra hearts he provides) and any subsequent attempts on the boss have to be done with only two hearts. makes the fight so fucking hard.
why design it so that the first attempt you have 4 hearts, but all remaining attempts you have only 2?
also the bounce back collision on the boss's head is too large. makes it so fucking hard to land on the red button as the fight progresses and the reaction time to jump on it gets reduced.
this boss is probably the only example i can give in DKCR of flawed and frustrating design. the rest of the game is amazing though.
Meier said:They did a nice job with it but for me personally I think it's a bit repetitive in today's environment...
It's only going to get harder as you go on. Trying to beat this game in co-op proved to be a super difficult task.cooljeanius said:Brother and I just beat the 3rd boss today, which was pretty awesome. There have been a lot of awesome moments so far, but it's hard to keep going because we keep dying...
Chuckpebble said:I wanted to post this for two reasons:
1. It briefly sums up how I feel about the game.
2. I want to present a friendly challenge to those who are playing the game without the motion controls. If you can record, even with a cell phone, I'd like to see if it can produce better results.
Throavium said:That kind of looks like a speed run, something I've yet to see for DKCR.
EatChildren said:Someone earlier in the thread did a ton of really fantastic speed runs, but I cant for the life of me remember who.
JoeFenix, should have a channel on youtube with his speed runs.Throavium said:OK, guess I'll have to backtrack.