NEO0MJ said:I liked that world, personally. Maybe it's because I love hearing the cart and rocket music.
The music was the only thing that made some of the rocket levels bearable.
NEO0MJ said:I liked that world, personally. Maybe it's because I love hearing the cart and rocket music.
Urgh, I don't like the sound of that! I hope the game doesn't increase difficulty to the point where it's no longer enjoyable.The Xtortionist said:No problem. Honestly, Cranky should have just sold an item that increases health while on a mine cart/rocket barrel. The levels aren't "cheap" but they're still pretty goddamn difficult. I can't imagine how many players got stuck at the final rocket barrel stage, especially since it can't be bypassed.
It was hard but I don't remember it ever being unfair.chemicals said:I don't know if I'm the only one... but I remember DKC2 being freaking HARD! I loved 1 and 3, but 2 was cheap.
I played it again after starting DKCR, unlike the controls in DKCR I got used to the tight controls in DKC2 right away again. The game might be hard, but personally I found tricky situations way easier to solve than with the floaty 3D-ish controls in DKCR.Red UFO said:It was hard but I don't remember it ever being unfair.
I find DKC2 tighter than DKCR by virtue of having two 'nimble' characters, but I'll still give credit to Returns for making DK way more manageable than he was in DKC. The edges of platforms and shadows were also helped make him play smoother than in previous games, though I guess my obsessive-compulsive habit of roll-jumping over every edge in the old games to gauge where the sometimes-vague boundaries ended makes that advantage in Returns a bit mute.Datschge said:I played it again after starting DKCR, unlike the controls in DKCR I got used to the tight controls in DKC2 right away again. The game might be hard, but personally I found tricky situations way easier to solve than with the floaty 3D-ish controls in DKCR.
Such a campy group of bad guys. I miss them.Mortrialus said:![]()
One of the most bad ass crew of villains in video game history. I remember reading through the strategy guide thinking how cool it would be if there was a game where you could play as them.
ZealousD said:So I finally got around to playing this.
I have never been so pleasantly surprised about a game's quality in a very long time. The level design is incredibly inventive and perfectly done. The gameplay has an incredible sense of rhythm and finesse. And it's got a very serious challenge level that will really require you to learn the game's mechanics and its levels. The temple levels are very, very difficult but they are so, so good.
Music Madness is probably my favorite level in the game. Outside of maybe Q Entertainment's stuff, I've never seen music and gameplay paired so well.
And all of this is coming from somebody who has pretty much zero nostalgia or attachment to the old DKC games. DKCR stands on its own merits as one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.
That's right. I said it. And I'm not taking it back.
I played it right before DKCR and there were quite a bit of leap of faiths it asked you to do.Red UFO said:It was hard but I don't remember it ever being unfair.
ZealousD said:So I finally got around to playing this.
I have never been so pleasantly surprised about a game's quality in a very long time. The level design is incredibly inventive and perfectly done. The gameplay has an incredible sense of rhythm and finesse. And it's got a very serious challenge level that will really require you to learn the game's mechanics and its levels. The temple levels are very, very difficult but they are so, so good.
Music Madness is probably my favorite level in the game. Outside of maybe Q Entertainment's stuff, I've never seen music and gameplay paired so well.
And all of this is coming from somebody who has pretty much zero nostalgia or attachment to the old DKC games. DKCR stands on its own merits as one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.
That's right. I said it. And I'm not taking it back.
AbsoluteZero said:I'm having a hard time nailing the rhythm of the head bops to launch yourself upward at the maximum height.
Yeah, Mote+Chuck was how I played the whole game.AbsoluteZero said:Also, out of curiosity, anyone else play with Nunchuck + Wii Remote instead of just the Remote itself? I couldn't stand the 'chuck for NSMB but somehow it feels right here.
AbsoluteZero said:I'm having a hard time nailing the rhythm of the head bops to launch yourself upward at the maximum height.
AbsoluteZero said:Also, out of curiosity, anyone else play with Nunchuck + Wii Remote instead of just the Remote itself? I couldn't stand the 'chuck for NSMB but somehow it feels right here.
ZealousD said:So I finally got around to playing this.
I have never been so pleasantly surprised about a game's quality in a very long time. The level design is incredibly inventive and perfectly done. The gameplay has an incredible sense of rhythm and finesse. And it's got a very serious challenge level that will really require you to learn the game's mechanics and its levels. The temple levels are very, very difficult but they are so, so good.
Music Madness is probably my favorite level in the game. Outside of maybe Q Entertainment's stuff, I've never seen music and gameplay paired so well.
And all of this is coming from somebody who has pretty much zero nostalgia or attachment to the old DKC games. DKCR stands on its own merits as one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.
That's right. I said it. And I'm not taking it back.
Chuck+Mote is the way to play DKCR and sideways is the way to play NSMBW.AbsoluteZero said:Also, out of curiosity, anyone else play with Nunchuck + Wii Remote instead of just the Remote itself? I couldn't stand the 'chuck for NSMB but somehow it feels right here.
Seik said:Aaaaw man, your post is actually tempting me playing that fucking game all over again...damn you!!!!!
What you said is so true. D:
The Xtortionist said:No shame man, I've beaten the game four times with one of those times being a coop playthrough in one sitting.
ZealousD said:So I finally got around to playing this.
I have never been so pleasantly surprised about a game's quality in a very long time. The level design is incredibly inventive and perfectly done. The gameplay has an incredible sense of rhythm and finesse. And it's got a very serious challenge level that will really require you to learn the game's mechanics and its levels. The temple levels are very, very difficult but they are so, so good.
Music Madness is probably my favorite level in the game. Outside of maybe Q Entertainment's stuff, I've never seen music and gameplay paired so well.
And all of this is coming from somebody who has pretty much zero nostalgia or attachment to the old DKC games. DKCR stands on its own merits as one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.
That's right. I said it. And I'm not taking it back.
Seik said:Seriously, in ONE sitting? I mean, how much time did it took you doing it FOUR TIMES?
The Xtortionist said:Only one of the playthroughs was in one sitting, and it took about 5 hours to 100%. It was basically two lifelong gamers/best friends tearing ass. Great times.
lucablight said:First of all I want to say I'm a HUGE fan of the original Donkey Kong Country games. I played all 3 of them to completion on the SNES when I was a kid and I loved them. I was very excited when I heard about this game because I thought I could finally relive those experiences again especially after reading the reviews. I've finished the first two worlds so far and I have to say I'm rather disappointed. This game feels soulless when compared to the original trilogy and some of the design choices are strange to say the least.
1.) The original DKC games are famous for their awesome and epic soundtracks. Sure there's a few remixes in this game but overall the best way to sum up the music in this game so far is........boring. I don't feel anything when I hear the music in this game. It's like it's just there. I wish they would have brought back David Wise for this. This is my biggest disappointment by far. I played Xenoblade right after turning this off and the difference a great soundtrack can make to a game became so obvious it wasn't funny.
2.) The controls are very strange. I don't understand the decision to have waggle to roll at all. It feels very clunky. I know this one has probably been mentioned a million times but not having Diddy as a playable character is disappointing.
3.) The enemies lack personality. I used to love reading through the enemy bios of the unique enemy designs in the original trilogy. What do we get in this? Random crabs? The enemies lack the charm and charisma of the Kremlins.
4.) I used to love listening to Cranky Kong ramble on about how things were better in his days and how kids are spoiled by stereo sound and 16 bit graphics. Now what do we get? -Love Cranky. SERIOUSLY WTF? That is very out of character. Did the designers even play the old games when they were coming up with the dialogue?
Don't get me wrong it's a good game. It's just that it lacks the charm and charisma that made the original trilogy so great. Do the complaints I have stay ever present or will things get better?
I was with you until I discovered thatThe_Technomancer said:I love this game but fuck fuck fuck that final boss. Why the hell do I not get Diddy back unless I restart the entire level after each death?
The_Technomancer said:I love this game but fuck fuck fuck that final boss. Why the hell do I not get Diddy back unless I restart the entire level after each death?
What level are you referencing? One of the cliff ones?The_Technomancer said:Okay, the player should never ever ever ever ever ever ever have to make a rolling start to jump to the next platform when the platform under you is crumbling. Ever!
Even with a classic controller its just too finnicky.
Yeah, going for the KONG letters in Precarious Plateau, and the G requires that you somehow land on an enemies head without hitting the platform in order to be able to make the next jump...its driving me insaneudivision said:What level are you referencing? One of the cliff ones?
I don't remember, but once you're rolling can't you still jump in mid-air after the platform crumbles?
If its for a KONG, everything is fair game.The_Technomancer said:Yeah, going for the KONG letters in Precarious Plateau, and the G requires that you somehow land on an enemies head without hitting the platform in order to be able to make the next jump...its driving me insane
Thirty fucking lives...Lathentar said:If its for a KONG, everything is fair game.
Nonono.Myriadis said:And now you know how I feel about DKC3. Which is quite a feat, because I normally don't really hate games. I even don't know if I should buy DKC2 now, as Dixie is one of the PCs there (and Diddy is, uh, rapping at the end of a level? What? ). Still have to check out DKCR.
Probably the hardest KONG letter in the game.The_Technomancer said:Yeah, going for the KONG letters in Precarious Plateau, and the G requires that you somehow land on an enemies head without hitting the platform in order to be able to make the next jump...its driving me insane
The games percentage scale exceeds 100% and goes to 200%, 100% itself is pretty respectable though and certainly an achievement. Now if you collected everything, did mirror mode on every stage and as a bonus got shiny gold medals for all stages than it's far more than simply being an achievement. I sure as hell can't, those unseen images in the gallery torment me, damn you mirror mode!Sinthetic said:100%'ing this game is an achievement right?
Cause I did it and I'm awwwwesome.
It wouldn't be a problem if I didn't get exactly one chance to make it with DiddyJimWood27 said:Probably the hardest KONG letter in the game.