Incredible. This game is incredible. And I get it for free!?
Wow... didn't think winter would be that crazy. I had gotten a really good spot for camp that had a savannah with tons of beefalos and straw along with lots and lots of rabbit holes. Also had a rock haven not far as well. I had ultimately built a a stone wall around my encampment as well. Was surviving really well with 8 farms churning out food everyday then winter hit. Dang did not know that the cold kill you, and my farms didn't have any output. Got to day 25, and died due to the cold while hunting for more food. Now I know to create a heating stone ahead of time. Question, so are farms completely useless in the winter or do they just develop much more slower? Also how long does winter last?
I'm gonna jump into the game in a few hours. Any advice on how to reliably track down those creatures that drop gears? I'm gonna try building that accomplishment thingy or whatever for the two trophies. I just haven't found them yet, eventhough I've done a good bit of exploring each time I play.
Also, any suggestions on unlocking adventure mode? I'm looking to get to that too. I feel I'm ready for that challenge. Someone mentioned they felt like the days get longer, and tha'ts how it feels for me too. Those days in the 20s felt like forever. However, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. The day/night lengths change day-by-day according to the seasons, but the overall day should be the same length of time (I'm assuming about a 5 minutes cycle, but I haven't timed it). However, I feel like I can get to Day5 or so without even trying, but then by Day15 or so, I feel like I want to take a break, and I can usually feel fatigue setting in. Kinda crazy, but I almost feel like my sanity levels dip with the game character's. LOL!
Anyway, fun little game, but I feel like just getting the trophies, completing adventure mode and then getting back to some of the other unfinished games I own. PEACE.
So what should my priorities be once I find a good spot to settle down? I've got a small bit of foresty area real close to some beefalo, rabbit holes, and a pig town, so I've started building stuff there. Right now I'm just kinda plunking farms down though because I'm not sure where to go from this point.
No, DON'T put carrots on the traps... cook the carrots and they feed you A LOT.
There's three ways to get Gears:the first two ways are available on the surface, by using a shovel on a grave (which has a very small chance of giving you a gear), and by finding the chessboard-looking area on the map which is populated by robotic enemies. These enemies can drop gears, but there's only a handful of them available to fight. The third way to get them is the only way to get a large number, and is also the most dangerous by far. You need to go to the ruins, which you can reach by finding a plugged sinkhole, destroying the plug with a pickaxe, then descending into the caves. Once you're in the caves you can find another plugged sinkhole, which you can mine out and use to descend into the ruins. The ruins are the most dangerous place in the game by a good country mile, but there's a region in them where tons of robotic enemies will spawn. Kill them and collect their delicious gears.
To start adventure mode,you need to find a big, scary-looking device called Maxwell's Door on the world map. Go through it and you'll begin adventure mode. The door is placed randomly in every world; you just need to explore until you find it. Good luck.
Actually carrots are pretty terrible for hunger, berries are MUCH better.
Actually carrots are pretty terrible for hunger, berries are MUCH better.
Nooooo! Got to day 20 which was longer than I have previously reached with the PC version. After nurturing Wilson through some rocky times with starvation and insainity some eyeball plants appeared near my camp and killed me and my impressive beard.... the respawn thingy I found was right near some hounds which chased me right away and killed me again!
Thanks you, kind sir. That's extremely helpful.
You sure? I'm pretty sure carrots give me the biggest boost of anything I've eaten so far. The only meat I've eaten is rabbits though. PEACE.
Hmm I find carrots to be pretty great for hunger. At least when cooked - haven't tried them raw.
Anyone have honey gathering tips?
Wow... unlockingis going to be so hard...Maxwell
I'm more annoyed by the fact I never seem to have enough time to get the materials and craft health salves, and be ready for Winter with enough stuff stock piled, winter equipment, and defenses/base built. Most of the time it seems I can get tons of gold (40+) or get next to none... I guess... that RNG.
When you start a new game do you have to relearn everything?
Game is amazing imo, I suck at it so far but I seem to survive alittle longer each time I play. At any point do the shadow monsters become physical, or are they only there because my sanity is disappearing?
Other then seeing things is there any real drawback in going crazy?
Is it safe to play this game in front of kids (8/12 year old girls)? They both play Minecraft (which this apparently shares a lot in common with) so I thought they might like to see it.
Thanks. Sounds great, I think they'll quite enjoy that actually.Could be a little scary as your sanity slips - think Tim Burton style shadows and nightmarey kind of stuff.
Also I'm pretty sure that awesome intro movie is exclusive to the console version. And it is awesome.
Combat is definitely the weak link for me, especially since I can never bear to give up my backpack![]()
Started this last night. Very weird, but very compulsive game.
Doesn't explain itself very well though. I don't know what I should be doing half the time. Keep coming across weird random items that don't seem to do anything (A ring of some sort, a gnome, a box thing... wtf?) as well.
I haven't experiemented yet, but what do the Wormholes do? I assume fast travel between each other, but never tried yet. Am I correct?
Started this last night. Very weird, but very compulsive game.
Doesn't explain itself very well though. I don't know what I should be doing half the time. Keep coming across weird random items that don't seem to do anything (A ring of some sort, a gnome, a box thing... wtf?) as well.
I haven't experiemented yet, but what do the Wormholes do? I assume fast travel between each other, but never tried yet. Am I correct?