why even bother fighitng spiders when you can lure a horde into traptown.
Beehives are also really great cos you can just kite enemies, run in, harvest the honey and let the killer bees distract the hounds. mmm, beekeeping.
They transport you to another worm hole on the map. Each time you use this is costs you sanity. Plan your trip through them, then wait a day or two before going again, so you have a chance to recover.
Ah right, cheers.
Probably a good idea to set up camp near a wormhole then, I take it?
Cool game. Never sleeping again.
That's what Adventure Mode is for.Fuckin killed by a frog. Do they do damage over time or something? I'd just figured out a reliable way to farm webs... :T
I kinda wish there was an endgoal though, like, survive a whole year, or collect x artifacts and blah blah blah. Survival is great and all but assuming I hit stability at some point it'll get a little tiresome...
For some reason my traps never seem to catch much? I have successfully caught one bunny out of the 10 or so traps I've laid down. What am I doing wrong gaf?
I'm at work, 8+ hours away from being able to play this game again and that fact is killing me, lol
Either bait the trap with a carrot or place the trap right on top of a rabbit hole.For some reason my traps never seem to catch much? I have successfully caught one bunny out of the 10 or so traps I've laid down. What am I doing wrong gaf?
I'm at work, 8+ hours away from being able to play this game again and that fact is killing me, lol
Sanity. As it goes down you start to... see things.What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
This game is so awesome. I honestly thought it was going to be a shitty indie title.
What's the bottom of (top-right) three icons? Left is hunger... right is health... bottom? Another type of hunger/nutrition? Neither meat nor vegetables seemed to fill it.
Its not my type of game but why did you thin it would be crap, the game has gotten tons of praise from what Ive seen.
Sanity. Usually the toughest to keep full I found.
On day 30 or something. I dug up a bunch of gems. R they useful for anything?
Some pro tips for you new guys:
-Make a top hat And never worry about sanity again.
-Always always always wear armor in a fight. Log suit is easy to make and super useful.
-Give trinkets you dig up in graveyards to the pig king, he'll give you tons of gold.
-1 monster meat 2 morsels and 1 honey make the best healing item/food in the game.
-Fight monsters with the help of beefalo or pigmen.
-you can kite tree monsters and not get hit.
-Wait to kill spider nest until they have 2 lumps so you can plant the eggs and farm the spiders near camp.
-Make honey farms, and plant butterflies you catch in a net around them. It will produce honey way faster.
-trap rabbits and dont kill them, just put them in a chest alive. They don't
go bad that way, this is essential for the winter days.
Stupidest question ever I guess but... HOW DO I ADD WOOD TO THE FIRE ! OR EAT !
I can't find the "use" option on items![]()
Highlight the item with the right analogue stick and you get the option on the d-pad to eat or add fuel to the fire.
How do you view the map in the game?
There is a map right?
Press the, uh, the touch pad button (is there an official name for it?).How do you view the map in the game?
There is a map right?
Drop it on top of a rabbit hole. You'll catch a new rabbit every day or so. You can also set bait with the d-pad but I never caught anything that way.Other stupid question : how do i use the trap ?
How do you view the map in the game?
There is a map right?
Click the touch pad thingy on the DS4, that brings up the map.
Press the, uh, the touch pad button (is there an official name for it?).
Press the touchpad.
Stupidest question ever I guess but... HOW DO I ADD WOOD TO THE FIRE ! OR EAT !
I can't find the "use" option on items
EDIT : ok found it, jus't don't press "R2"