Decided to create a new thread since it was new news
I fucking died. Nearly got to day 70. Got killed by two Krampuses. SHIT!
Yes! Just survived Winter!
Now go die to something random! lol
Anyone in this thread platinum the game yet, or at least beat adventure mode? PEACE.
Doubtful, since less than 1 in 1000 players have done that (according to trophy rarity). I for one don't feel like I'm anywhere near ready to tackle Adventure Mode, as I'm still discovering better paths to success.Anyone in this thread platinum the game yet, or at least beat adventure mode? PEACE.
You've been really naughty then. I like how the krampuses are an evil allusion to Santa.
Anyone in this thread platinum the game yet, or at least beat adventure mode? PEACE.
In the Alps instead of naughty kids getting coal from Santa, Krampus comes and drags them away in his sack.
Getting into a "mere survival" cycle can definitely happen. The best way out is to develop your own methods (there are lots to mix and match) of stockpiling keepable food so you only have to gather it every couple days. Have you made the Science and Alchemy Machines? Go through all the possible recipes those open up, and you'll find particular materials you need to gather. Or, if you've finished with all that stuff, start working the Magic tree.I don't really get this game.
...But all of those things just tend to give me monster meat which I can't eat and don't know what to do with, or food which I'm using to survive. I'm not getting whatever items I need to make new things. I don't even know what things I should be trying to make?
You've been really naughty then. I like how the krampuses are an evil allusion to Santa.
Plant pine cones to pacify the treeguard, then avoid provoking him. He's a good guard against stuff. Well no, that's a lie, he's a fucking terrible guard, but at least he's not crushing you
I wish you could see stats like naughtiness and insulation. It would be very be helpful
Now go die to something random! lol
Are you kidding? A treeguard is an awesome guard. I pacified one near a spelunking cave to farm batalisk wings. Another near my base to deal with hounds. A third one to kill frost hounds from walrus igloos, so I can kill Mactusks easily.
Damn this game to hell and back. Every time I tell myself I'm just going to jump on, play through one goal (gather some rocks and gold, ect), I end up playing for hours. Usually until I die. I've been making it through less days each time I play since I take more risks to eek out just one more crock pot or whatever before winter hits.
The only thing I wish was that the "long days" setting was a bit more balanced. It really makes dusk and night too short, to the point that it feels more like a cheat than just giving you some more time during the day. I just make charcoal throughout summer nights and don't even build a fire. Also, your sanity barely moves.
I HATE HATE HATE those Walruses!!! If there's a weapon DLC that'd make it easy for me to hunt and maim them and their hounds, I'd gladly buy it at high price.
You can perma stun-lock walruses and the kid doesn't do anything. Its the hounds you have to worry about.
He was shooting me with something as I was trying to get away from the hounds. That asshole! I swear I'll have my revenge one day. Can I burn his igloo?
Unfortunately its indestructible. The dart travels straight, and you can see it if you pay attention. Run in a weaving pattern and the darts will miss.
I recommend luring the walruses, but keeping your distance, into mobs. The hounds will attack bee hives and get killed by killer bees. Alternatively, the walrus will shoot darts at tallbirds and they will fight to the death.
finally started a new game. trying woodie this time.
got a better than usual base setup. rabbits and buffalo are in even more abundance and even more close proximity than usual, and I've got one of those weird clockword bases nearby. also: enormous amounts of gold deposits to the north.
as usual, I'm OCD and have planted a lot of berry bushes, twigs, and trees near my base.
I've put down two lightning rods to try and protect my stuff, but I'm unsure of the range of them. is this sufficient coverage?
Nice setup. I hear the lightning rods cover two screens so I think you are good.
why 4 crock pots though?
How are you guys killing spiders to get silk?
Tent and top hat (for meat effigy) are my two biggest needs right now. . .
Why do you keep quitting and then reloading?
How are you guys killing spiders to get silk?
Tent and top hat (for meat effigy) are my two biggest needs right now. . .
I think he's doing that to force a save before going out and doing something dangerous.
Does that mean that then he can quit if he's about to die and start again from the save point? Please tell me you can do that!
thanks. I don't have 4 crock pots. that'd be silly. I have 5.
step 1: cook meatballs (this gives a bunch of calories and it takes 1 of just about any meat and 3 of just about any fruit/veg/shroom in any combination... I most often use berries, carrots, and corn for this)
step 2: the meatballs when waiting to be harvested will stay there indefinitely, meaning, permanent storage. so even if one crockpot is for primary use, I have several more sitting there with meatballs if I ever find myself in a pinch.