I was on day 186. Luckily, every time I go to bed, I make backup on the "online storage" on PS4 with my current state.
Then, after a hard winter, on day 192, I decided to go to the caves for the first time.
Go to one, with very important items (Pan Flute, for example) and Chester, of course... took a torch for a little exploring, deciding which will be my next path... and, a few meters ahead, the pandemonium... some kind of "worms" attack me and killed me in seconds just when I tried to climb!
I couldn't make the trick (hold PS, close the app) on the cave and revived on a touchstone... I went to recover my stuff (by the way, my map doesn't show complete, I don't know why... even the spot where I died wasn't in the map and I even made a sign expecting to mark the cave before going down)...
I found the cave (the game was "mute", no sounds at all), went down (sound returned) and the f*** worms where right there and I couldn't retrieve my stuff... killed again...
Another touchstone saved me, went for my stuff ("mute" again and with sound on caves)... the same thing... I tought I lost, but revived anyway... went again to the cave... but this time the cave generated" again and my stuff just vanished.
Then, I went to my camp thinking: "Well, I lost Chester, my stuff, I'll go to a new world via teleporter"... but I noticed that my progress unblocking prototypes was lost and I had zero advance...
Then, I remembered I saved a state last night... finally, I lost 9 days. Next time, I'll go ready for battle with those f*** bugs.
My advice: ALWAYS save to "online storage". ALWAYS.
Edit: This were the motherf*** who killed me:
That's a badass story. I've found that if you die but revive at a touchstone, even after the auto save icon pops up, if you quit, your death won't have saved. Weird but works.