Surprised there's not more love for the Skywrath taunt:
Gifting now working allowed some guy to scam me for 3 common TI5 immos, not really bothered since I had 3 of every immortal, the more confusing part is that I gave him the choice of the 3 commons or the NS set first (it was supposed to be me gifting part, him trading me and then me gifting the rest) and he chose the commons.![]()
If anyone wants to trade now that it's working I've got 2x NS bundles to trade, along with 2x Pugna, 2x Huskar, 2x Spirit and now 1 each of Magnus, Luna & Sand King
what is exactly your progression in the games since it seems your builds are similar
I don't play Huskar so I'll trade it to you for whatever. Dota isn't accessible to me for about 15 hours(sleep+finals+commute) so if nobody's offered you one by then hit me up on steam.
Just had a game where I was playing Sand King, I was told to go lane, instead of jungling, with a Riki because he shouldn't be left alone in lane.
Just wondering if this is true or not, seems like a riki would excell at solo laning thanks to the whole auto invis thing?
How the hell am I supposed to deal 1k damage to enemy heroes in one second ? Hope for a lucky crit on pa or ck?
Undying is certainly a beast but he feels really clunky. Still I completed another challenge due to using him and am up to 1332 coins.
How the hell am I supposed to deal 1k damage to enemy heroes in one second ? Hope for a lucky crit on pa or ck?
Undying is certainly a beast but he feels really clunky. Still I completed another challenge due to using him and am up to 1332 coins.
Zeus ult should be easy
How the hell am I supposed to deal 1k damage to enemy heroes in one second ? Hope for a lucky crit on pa or ck?
Golden Trove Carafe 2015
- contents not revealed
So far we have 8 immortals for: Luna, NS, SB, Magnus, Pugna, SK, Huskar, Enigma
Rumored for 11 immortals for Treasure II and III
Faceless Void
This leaves those 54 without immortals:
AA, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bounty, Bristle, Brood, BS, Centaur, CK, Chen, Clinkz, DS, Dazzle, Doom, ESpirit, ET, Gyro, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, KoTL, LC, Leshrach, Lich, Naix, Lina, Lycan, Medusa, Naga, Necro, Nyx, Ogre, Omni, Oracle, PL, Phoenix, Riki, Rubick, SK, SD, SF, Silencer, Slardar, Techies, TA, Timbersaw, Treant, Troll, Tusk, Viper, Visage, WW, WD
6 items in 2014 carafe
11 items in 2014 luckbox
11 items in 2014 strongbox
So far we have 8 immortals for: Luna, NS, SB, Magnus, Pugna, SK, Huskar, Enigma
Rumored for 11 immortals for Treasure II and III
Faceless Void
This leaves those 54 without immortals:
AA, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bounty, Bristle, Brood, BS, Centaur, CK, Chen, Clinkz, DS, Dazzle, Doom, ESpirit, ET, Gyro, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, KoTL, LC, Leshrach, Lich, Naix, Lina, Lycan, Medusa, Naga, Necro, Nyx, Ogre, Omni, Oracle, PL, Phoenix, Riki, Rubick, SK, SD, SF, Silencer, Slardar, Techies, TA, Timbersaw, Treant, Troll, Tusk, Viper, Visage, WW, WD
6 items in 2014 carafe
11 items in 2014 luckbox
11 items in 2014 strongbox
none of those heroes need immortals
What's the basis for the rumoured ones? I assume it's not just a list of heroes that someone just came up with up absolutely nothing?
How the hell am I supposed to deal 1k damage to enemy heroes in one second ? Hope for a lucky crit on pa or ck?
Undying is certainly a beast but he feels really clunky. Still I completed another challenge due to using him and am up to 1332 coins.
bye, OD immortal please
? bane is in that list you jerk![]()
So far we have 8 immortals for: Luna, NS, SB, Magnus, Pugna, SK, Huskar, Enigma
Rumored for 11 immortals for Treasure II and III
Faceless Void
This leaves those 54 without immortals:
AA, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bounty, Bristle, Brood, BS, Centaur, CK, Chen, Clinkz, DS, Dazzle, Doom, ESpirit, ET, Gyro, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, KoTL, LC, Leshrach, Lich, Naix, Lina, Lycan, Medusa, Naga, Necro, Nyx, Ogre, Omni, Oracle, PL, Phoenix, Riki, Rubick, SK, SD, SF, Silencer, Slardar, Techies, TA, Timbersaw, Treant, Troll, Tusk, Viper, Visage, WW, WD
6 items in 2014 carafe
11 items in 2014 luckbox
11 items in 2014 strongbox
I want to thank shira for posting blacks stream. He could basically be the next admiral bulldong with this level of interaction.
This stream is so good.
giff lycan immortal helm or weapon pls
He's like the opposite of EE.
"You guys don't know what you are doing. Let me carry you"