Glass Shark
great, you've taught him a brand new way to troll us
Bookmarked, saved. This will get lots of mileage, I'm sure.
Bookmarked, saved. This will get lots of mileage, I'm sure.
Does that mean you'll stop replying to my posts with your reddit-inspired drivel?
wat, what reddit stuff you nerd?
Who knows, it's so fucked.
You didn't get the impression from that post I thought calling people "retarded" or "autistic" was okay, did you? That's definitely not what I meant.
You're just one big meme, inkls. Got reddit all over you.![]()
Build a time machine and vote for InvokerShould I vote for QoP or Jugg?
Link is a girl.You know, on reddit when admins make topics you think are dumb, you can just downvote them. Here, you got to just back away from the keyboard.
Have Not Won A Game In 1 Month
You won't lose if you don't queue, you dumbfuck.
You won't lose if you don't queue, you dumbfuck.
why not just make it an AD hero so you can throw jugg spin in there as well.
I'm still #teaminkls if only to maintain a strong North American front for when the europeans inevitably strike back with their incessant shitposting
I'm still #teaminkls if only to maintain a strong North American front for when the europeans inevitably strike back with their incessant shitposting
back to dota since I'm taking a day off monhun. Slark is still the GOAT. Bloodseeker players are still all trash
Truer words have never been said.
Throw in there something about silencer pickers and I might build a statue in your honor.
Do we have a list of GAF'ers coming in for TI5? Haven't gotten a ticket yet myself but I am local (if anyone here has a ticket to sell - will happily buy one, can also offer a place to stay and save on hotel costs); figuring I'll just show up the first day and see if someone is selling one for 250 or so the day of (folks who have extra tickets because someone had a last second cancellation, etc) - but it'd be fun to grab drinks / meet GAFers + such during TI5.
We need to get a list goin or something.![]()
There was a pretty healthy and reasonable resale market there last year, so I don't think it's too crazy to expect to grab a ticket. Good luck though!
Do we have a list of GAF'ers coming in for TI5? Haven't gotten a ticket yet myself but I am local (if anyone here has a ticket to sell - will happily buy one, can also offer a place to stay and save on hotel costs); figuring I'll just show up the first day and see if someone is selling one for 250 or so the day of (folks who have extra tickets because someone had a last second cancellation, etc) - but it'd be fun to grab drinks / meet GAFers + such during TI5.
We need to get a list goin or something.![]()
Still not gonna vote Zeus, but I will commend the effort.
- Fixed various memory issues leading to crashes on 32-bit operating systems
- Fixed the game not launching on older nVidia video cards circa 2005/2006
- Automatically-created custom game lobbies will now choose a host based on hardware specifications
- Fixed bug in animation blending where the bone position wasn't always being blended properly
- Added a ConVar "dota_chat_enable_whispers" which lets you disable receiving Steam messages as whispers
- Adjusted various juke paths in the Dota map
- Fixed bug where fog of war did not display correctly for some trees in the dire base
- Fixed various hard-coded English strings to be properly localizable
- Fixed a bug where the Watch button would be visible for unwatchable games
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't accept a match in certain scenarios
- Fixed a performance problem relating to Tinker's Immortal and March of the Machines
- Fixed an additional case where cheats could be enabled in public Custom Game lobbies
- Added a -vconsole command line parameter that determines whether the game connects to VConsole
- Fixed a tools mode crash on Windows N machines
- Fixed various bugs around the "Friends ready to play" feature
- Updated the processing on Slark's voice, including a pitch fix
- Fixed a bug where the Anti-Mage immortal Basher Blades bundle appeared as a checkerboard in the armory
- Fixed issue where the camera starts in the middle of the map for a few seconds upon initial connect when spectating
- Fixed various visual bugs relating to the chat window
- Fixed a bug where Nyx Assassin wouldn't play splash effects when using burrow and unburrow in the water
- Fixed bot-controlled units (such as pets) not playing their swimming animations in the river
- Fixed bug where selection glows didn't appear when the 'Additive Light Pass' option in the video settings was disabled
- Fixed a visual bug where Visage's teeth were not animating
- Fixed non-maxed-out abilities not transferring after using Equip New item in Hero Demo mode
- Fixed bad camera view bounds being displayed in the minimap when using the showcase camera
- Mac/Linux: Fixed a bug where the minimap would go invisible after changing resolution
- Mac/Linux: Added a "Default Device" option to the list of sound devices
- Mac/Linux: Fixed a crash when trying to play videos on systems that are currently missing support
- Mac: Fixed a bug with Command+C/Command+V cut/paste
- Panorama: Enabled tooltips, popups, and context menus in Custom Game UI
- Panorama: Added a new panel type for ability images: DOTAAbilityImage
- Panorama: Added Abilities.ExecuteAbility() which attempts to execute the specified ability
- Panorama: Added Abilities.PingAbility() which pings the specified ability
- Panorama: Added Player.GetLocalPlayerPortraitUnit() which returns the local player's current portrait unit
- Panorama: Exposed ABILITY_TYPES and SPELL_IMMUNITY_TYPES enums to Javascript
- Panorama: Added the ability to create client-side console commands via Javascript
- Panorama: Added a monospaced numbers/symbols variant of the Radiance font, used by adding the MonoNumbersFont class to any label
- Panorama: Fixed bug where 'cl_panorama_script_help' would print all enums in addition to whatever you asked for
- Panorama: Fixed a crash when Panorama APIs expecting a function were called with a different type
- Panorama: Added Game.PrepareUnitOrders() which issues orders on behalf of the local player (see dotaunitorder_t)
- Panorama: Added Abilities.CreateDoubleTapCastOrder() which attempts to self-cast/double-tap the specified ability
- Panorama: Added Abilities.GetKeybind() which returns the keybind for the specified ability
- Panorama: Exposed PlayerOrderIssuer_t enum to Javascript
- Panorama: Added support for pseudo-selector ":enabled"
- Custom Games: Fixed fOriginalDamage being empty in events other than OnTakeDamage
- Custom Games: Exposed C_DOTA_Item to client Lua scripts, and added more client and server item script bindings
- Custom Games: Added GetRespawnsDisabled/SetRespawnsDisabled to disable respawning of the hero through script
- Custom Games: Added an enum corresponding to Dota item and stash slots, named DOTAScriptInventorySlot_t
- Custom Games: Added a function SwapItems on Dota NPCs, allowing you to swap the contents of any two item slots
- Custom Games: Added two functions, CanSellItems, and SetCanSellItems, for controlling whether NPCs can sell items
- Custom Games: OnUnequip no longer gets called when items are removed from the stash
- Custom Games: MODIFIER_PROPERTY_ABILITY_LAYOUT now works with data-driven modifiers
- Custom Games: Fixed a bug causing ability layout to not refresh properly until the unit was re-selected
- Custom Games: Added FindAllModifiers/FindAllModifiersByName/FindModifierByNameAndCaster to the NPC Lua API
- Custom Games: Fixed a bug causing ability_lua to not refresh intrinsic modifiers properly
- Custom Games: Fixed a non-multiple modifier bug in the case where the modifier is provided by a data-driven item
- Custom Games: ShowRecent now properly cycles back to your forced selection if one is set
- Custom Games: Added CastFilterRejectCaster to data driven items and abilities, to automatically filter out the caster
- Custom Games: Custom games now only auto surrender when all real players are disconnected
- Custom Games: Setting the selection override entity now prevents querying units
- Custom Games: An OnEndTouch event will now be generated if a npc dies while touching a trigger
- Custom Games: Fixed custom loading screens not displaying on the first load of a custom game when in tools mode
- Custom Games: Added ApplyDataDrivenThinker for ability_datadriven and item_datadriven
- Custom Games: Script DamageFilter now passes in the Dota damage type instead of the deprecated damagebits value
- SFM: Fixed bug where Set Color Tint was making translucent and alpha-tested models invisible
- SFM: Improved SFM bone groupings for many heroes
- SFM: Warn if the users graphics card or render settings arent high enough for SFM lighting
where are my fucking immortals valvua
Okay, I have to believe that we will get something on Thursday. It's been way too long without them making any comment about unlocked stretch goals. We've raised what, $6 million since the last mention?
why would immortals come out on tuesday!
up boats
also gimme tips to hook up with British chicks