why can't it be?![]()
What if there was a hero that scrambled all your hotkeys, inkls? you'd ban that hero every time. You know you would. Cause that's fucking bullshit. It's like that. But somewhat less bullshit.
why can't it be?![]()
Single draft officially the worst game mode in existence.
Looking at my lineup of heroes that I really want to nail down and solely focus on I got.
carry - am, wraith king (?)
mid - tinker
support - earthshaker, dazzle, oracle
jungle - ursa, enchantress
offlane - clock, earthspirit, bristleback
Thoughts? Maybe just focus on one hero or role at a time?
This post is dumb I thought you played less games than you have.
I wrote the post thinking he was a newbee, but in hindsight it's still okay.Why did you change this post?
I've decided CSGO is the better esport, sorry dota
Yeah, I just think it's outside the mechanics a hero should be able to mess with. Like... Within the game world, basically every skill makes sense, except PA's Blur. It messes with your UI. UI isn't a game mechanic. wtf.
All Blur really messes with is your perception. I consider it more of a mental trick than anything, because it makes you have to worry about PA in a different way than you would any other hero.
There's a huge difference in just making a minimap icon disappear from the minimap vs something like scrambling your hotkeys. Removing an icon from the minimap is basically a mind game. Competitive games can be all about mind games. Lets use CSGO as an example. Flashbangs, Smoke Grenades, and Decoys, all these things mess with your perception of what is actually happening. I mean technically a Flashbang turns your UI white.
it's not a 'mindgame' and flashbangs don't mess with your UI in the same way. Honestly I don't play CS enough to tell you if your actual UI goes white when they hit you, but regardless, flashbangs generally make sense. They hit you and your character is blinded. Seems pretty consistent with the in-game effect. PA's blur causes your minimap to not show the player something that they expect the minimap to show them, which I think is just out of the realm of what a hero should be able to do, as I said.
For the sake of covering all the points, a mindgame is more like techies signs or playing really aggressively when your supports are off the map even though they're not nearby. Totally different.
All it means is that you have to take a special precaution to keep track of her. You don't have to buy any extra items for the minimap effect specifically (evasion is a different story), you are probably looking at other heroes around the minimap anyway, and at the same time, you would also be thinking "The other team has a PA, she's probably on that lane I see nobody on the minimap at" and you click and there she is, farming away. It's a small mindgame that isn't unfair at all.
Man, I'm not going to argue with what you find fun. I'm not even arguing that it's unfair/difficult to manage/whatever, which seems to be what you're arguing against.
I've decided CSGO is the better esport, sorry dota
Yeah, I just think it's outside the mechanics a hero should be able to mess with. Like... Within the game world, basically every skill makes sense, except PA's Blur. It messes with your UI. UI isn't a game mechanic. wtf.
Unless you were joking about the bolded, your argument was that mechanics like Blur shouldn't be part of a competitive game, correct?
can a mod split this discussion off into its own thread
those were unrelated statements, man. My preference for CSGO as a spectator sport stems from the potential for raw skill to actually win a game despite being way behind, which I think is very cool and not as true in MOBAs or RTS.
My argument about Blur is that I think the skill is outside what the realm of a dota hero should be able to do. It effects an aspect of the game that I don't think should be made at all inconsistent. Which is why I mentioned hotkeys.
can a mod split this discussion off into its own thread
yall have two different arguments going on
just can it nerds
How dare people have an argument about Dota in a Dota thread.
Don't worry TUSR I have 740 hours
I've decided CSGO is the better esport, sorry dota
Yeah, I just think it's outside the mechanics a hero should be able to mess with. Like... Within the game world, basically every skill makes sense, except PA's Blur. It messes with your UI. UI isn't a game mechanic. wtf.
Yeah, I just think it's outside the mechanics a hero should be able to mess with. Like... Within the game world, basically every skill makes sense, except PA's Blur. It messes with your UI. UI isn't a game mechanic. wtf.
Necro messes with a core game mechanic in a very fundamental way, a way that's much more frustrating than having to move your camera around every minute and talk with your team to keep tabs on PA tbh.
I'd much rather have a PA meta than a necro one but I'm glad both are out of favor atm![]()
Isn't Vanguard a total waste on Tidehunter? I just finished a match where we dominated the first fifteen minutes. But then our Tidehunter botched a series of Ravages that cost us the game. Why? Because he couldn't get in position. He utterly whiffed three or four times. When I checked his inventory, he had rushed a Vanguard instead of a Blink Dagger. And then he bought a Hood of Defiance. Oh well.
Isn't Vanguard a total waste on Tidehunter? I just finished a match where we dominated the first fifteen minutes. But then our Tidehunter botched a series of Ravages that cost us the game. Why? Because he couldn't get in position. He utterly whiffed three or four times. When I checked his inventory, he had rushed a Vanguard instead of a Blink Dagger. And then he bought a Hood of Defiance. Oh well.
OH! necro is the other one, I knew there was another. Thank you.
Yeah, Necro is also dumb.
Isn't Vanguard a total waste on Tidehunter? I just finished a match where we dominated the first fifteen minutes. But then our Tidehunter botched a series of Ravages that cost us the game. Why? Because he couldn't get in position. He utterly whiffed three or four times. When I checked his inventory, he had rushed a Vanguard instead of a Blink Dagger. And then he bought a Hood of Defiance. Oh well.
Yeah. I couldn't believe it. I didn't flame him; that's never productive. But that cost our team a few fights, and we never recovered. The Hood was defensible. Our opponents had a Sand King, so a Pipe would be beneficial. But a fucking Vanguard? No.Like others have said, yeah, it was a waste of money. Kraken Shell does more for you and is a freebie passive. Hero has good survivability already, and if he really needs more you can get Mek after Blink. Blink is critical though, and going for a Vanguard is generally a waste of time.
Not so much vs. Bloodseeker but other than that, yeah. He's really useful.I've come to the conclusion that AM is really strong this patch.
I've come to the conclusion that AM is really strong this patch.
Yeah, nerf Lesh, Bloodseeker, Tusk, QoP and Glimmer Cape just a little bit and boom - best patch ever.
I think I enjoyed 6.81 and 6.79 the most.
BibleThumpPlz give next IHL, my life has no meaning now.
With what lineups?
I feel like his laning stage is pretty rough this patch, and BF seems underwhelming.
Vulture looks so fucking coolSome new models in the Reborn files that people haven't noticed yet.
Desert creeps:
Vulture shopkeeper:
Meepo's father (also a shopkeeper):
the strength of BF depends on the skill level of players
at my 2k scrub level where you get PAs who have a 30 minute BF and nothing else to show for it, its a really fucking underwhelming item.