gg guys
What happened with CM? Someone had to leave?
gg guys
ggs Vade
I got reborn'd once, shoulda just bound death ward after that instead of using unified
Is this for the actual IHL3 ticket or are we still using the IHL2 one and Valve is ignoring you guys?GG's today everyone, hope people had some fun. If your game was not ticketed, please post the scoreboards here (winning captain that is).
Is this for the actual IHL3 ticket or are we still using the IHL2 one and Valve is ignoring you guys?
scumbag luna thief
freakinchair vs vamlock g1![]()
freakinchair vs vamlock g1![]()
Tiebreaker rules:1) Playoffs will be a cross-division single elimination X team bracket, with the first place teams from each division on opposite sides of the bracket. Team 1 from division A plays team 4 from division B. Team 1 from division B plays team 4 from division A. Team 2 from division A plays team 3 from division B. Team 2 from division B plays team 3 from division A. This is the “default” format, but is subject to change, see rule 2.
2) ^^HOWEVER, the first place teams in each division get to select their opponent from among the third/fourth place teams in the opposite division.
3) All playoff series will be bo3 except for the grand finals, which will be a bo5.
4) All pause rules are the same as the regular season (see Games/Scheduling #7). However, each team gets 1 additional pause for the grand finals (so 6 pauses each, 30 minutes of pause time total for each team).
5) No more coin flip. The higher seeded team gets first choice between side or pick for game 1, the lower seeded team chooses for game 2, and then it alternates back to the higher seed for a potential game 3.
At the end of the regular season, placement tiebreakers will be resolved by the following (with regards to teams with the same records):
*If one team 2-0’d the other during the regular season, the 2-0 team will win the tiebreaker
*If both teams went 1-1 during the regular season, the team with the better record against the top 3 teams in the division will win the tiebreaker (top 3 finishers excluding the teams that tied).
*If the teams are still tied, kill differential (summed across all games) will be the tiebreaker--the team with the highest positive kill differential, or smallest negative, will advance.
I have a question regarding the tie breakers, how will you guys look at the kda since not all matches are recorded on dotabuff?
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to find a scrub hard enough to clean the shame off me for playing silencer