Did Ginyu force forfeit game 2?
when is the exit survey? After a team is eliminated, or after the whole season is over?
being first/second in pool after 8ish weeks and losing to a single elim kinda sucks yo
Sucks that ksan couldn't play. The single elim after 8 weeks is really brutal.ggz
being first/second in pool after 8ish weeks and losing to a single elim kinda sucks yo
Thanks for waiting on eurocleave's 5th player, team eternal elmo's. Great sportsmanship and that's what the league is ultimately about, just getting games played. I've been extremely flexible with the rules this season precisely for that reason; this ain't a professional league for $1,000,000, it's just about playing games with gaffers
Sorry for anyone who might have had a bad experience this "first" season; I hope most people come out of it with something positive. TUSR and I have already talked about a variety of ways to improve the next season (which won't be until late August or early September at the earliest), and we'll have an exit questionnaire to get a little more feedback on what people liked and what could be better going forward. Hope everyone had fun (and continues to, if you're in the playoffs!
Caught the end of game 3. Crazy shit.
Shoutout to ksan and the rest of the team. Even on crazy busy school schedules and Euro timezones and [gasp] 100 ping we got quality games every week.
Getting to play with legit Very High skill players was a total treat. Would highly recommend ksan as a captain for 3k players wanting to see what it's like to play with a 5k hard carry + tries to draft you a comfortable hero every game.
We also had 6-7 people available every week 20 minutes before every game, so unlike most teams we had too many players. Would also recommend everyone on All Ogre for showing up and availability as draftees for would-be captains.
. . .
Oh well back to el trench.
This would have been our third week in a row where we didn't play a single game so by that point we just wanted to play. I don't know what can be done to prevent DQs like that but for next season something needs to be figured out. I like being captain and will probably do it again next season but it gets pretty disappointing when you try to make sure your team will be there on schedule and the other team doesn't show.
This doesn't apply to Chair's team because they got screwed pretty badly with people just ditching them. I was going to pick techies if we played more gamesbut GG anyway.
Personally I've had no burnout. Loved every week of it. A few things I couldve done better for the team so I hope I get a chance to captain again next season and do a little bit better job of it.
I've heard of other people having scheduling problems but my team was great about it. Except the early part of the year when things were settling I never had a problem getting a schedule set easily with all the teams I played. Thanks to all the captains for the smooth season.
Caught the end of game 3. Crazy shit.
Shoutout to ksan and the rest of the team. Even on crazy busy school schedules and Euro timezones and [gasp] 100 ping we got quality games every week.
Getting to play with legit Very High skill players was a total treat. Would highly recommend ksan as a captain for 3k players wanting to see what it's like to play with a 5k hard carry + tries to draft you a comfortable hero every game.
We also had 6-7 people available every week 20 minutes before every game, so unlike most teams we had too many players. Would also recommend everyone on All Ogre for showing up and availability as draftees for would-be captains.
. . .
Oh well back to el trench.
im never playign dota again but our team is pretty fucking chill
REMINDER: Both Captains are still required to PM Anbokr or myself with the agreed upon time
ggwp to everyone. Great bo3 series
AM needs a good early start. Can't really aggro tri him unless you have an overwhelmingly good lane(even then it's still risky.) Your AM had the saddest game ever,all his items came about 6 min too slowly.wp, would you say there were any glaring issues with our drafts in the 3 games we played? I am trying to improve on that but I haven't gotten too much feedback during this ihl so far.
AM needs a good early start. Can't really aggro tri him unless you have an overwhelmingly good lane(even then it's still risky.) Your AM had the saddest game ever,all his items came about 6 min too slowly.
Yeah PL would have been a better pick in just about every way. Stronger laner, better late game, diffusal to counter orchid ganks. Basically if you're worried about the enemy team having the stronger lanes, AM's not the best choice. You could've also gone for a ranged hero, they were very melee heavy. But you were definitely right to ban storm, should've first phase banned it every game IMO.Yeah I definitely agree, the issue was the tusk undying lane though, I think he would have actually gotten much less down there. What do you suggest? We were looking at PL, Bloodseeker and possibly jugg at that point in time. We could also have gotten some kind of a strong laner like Razor but he doesn't offer the same late game strength and split push power.
Usually I would never let a tusk undying lane through, but we were really worried about a storm pick so it took one of our first ban slots.
Disruptor is just about the hardest storm counter, you can't avoid his glimpse--> ult combo. Their issue game 1 was that disruptor was all they really had. If disruptor failed for whatever reason, storm just got to do whatever he wanted. This was also the case whenever disruptor ult was down, which often left them vulnerable; being only able to fight every 90 seconds(or whatever) really sucks. A skywrath as a back up would've def been good maybe even preferable. SB was meant to fill that role but I think really good storm players can make the SB null as a storm counter.Game 3 i banned razor before you had decided on ur core. If you picked it earlier than yes that would've ruined all my intents.
I think the AM panned out ok, the bfury timing wasn't atrocious per say, but there was a gap between when invoker got orchid and rubick got blink where AM was overextending and dropped twice to orchid cold snap emp.
For your g3 draft I don't think rubick was a very strong pick there. SD would've been amazing imo, or getting wd over the wr and sending lina mid. Something i noted was that I was almost always getting my choice of supports in all 3 games, and while i def. got outdrafted in g2, I could still get my hands on whatever supports I wanted. (WK+BB can't rly do much when they're kited all day haha)
Also Disruptor isn't as fantastic vs Storm as it sounds on paper, imo the best ways to deal with storm are to slow down his progression with mid sitting skywrath, smoke rotations, etc. IMO drafting a powerful threat like SF or TA and then having supports that can quickly punish a storm which has to jump on said hero is a better way of dealing with the hero. With your lineup, there was almost no reason for me not to go on disruptor first, or at least wait til disables were used on razor/viper. But Storm's gross atm so whatevs.
Tips for beating gofu pls
Tips for beating gofu pls
A strange game.Tips for beating gofu pls
This has been my general gameplan for dota. Helps when you get a new graphic card and can finally play games at max settings. Everything looks so beautiful.A strange game.
The only winning move is not to play.