So, I just finished Season 2 of
The Leftovers
Holy fucking shitballs. I don't know if any show every illicited as many audible gasps (and literal squeals of excitement) from me as this one. This is now easily a top20 show for me, and I really don't say this lightly. I hate hyping up shows among a crowd who haven't seen it yet, but I just can't help myself with this one. The last episode had me screaming at some scenes because the pay off was so god damn good. Now with this post I obviously set the bar very high so you might not feel the same way, but fuck do I care.
Also, I HIGHLY recommend reading the reddit Post-Episode Discussions after most episodes. In a way it's kind of like doing homework, but it's sooo worth it. Some of the things I've read on there had me, again, gasping. I'll put one such example (there's a couple of dozen, at least) in the spoiler below, it's in regards to S02E08 I think.
e: just to reiterate: SPOILER. Do not read unless you watched that episode.
Like at this point my neighbours have to think I'm crazy, though that ship has probably long sailed, because of how much I shouted at the screen in the last couple of episodes. It is, in fact, that good.
I'm gonna start watching S3 momentarily. I hope they don't fuck this up. This show is so weird in that regard because I feel like they are one bad writing choice away from jumping the shark.