Main thing I wanted to see was Techies nerfs. Thank god for destroying mines no longer triggering them.
Plus more buffs to DP ult, LC damage, and Mira agi gain buffs, woo. Meanwhile, Storm got hiiiit, not to mention Lesh, and Lina to a lesser extent.
Impetus not being a UAM is gonna be great for offlane, and Doom buffs don't hurt either.
Hopefully the Venge buffs help, though I'm not sure her agi gain was the issue. More MS is always good tho.
Whoa @bloodstone nerfs, and an interesting diffusal buff for, say, Riki w/ multiple enemies with dust.
just remembered that doom has been trash for over an entire year now. love this patch
New Scorched Earth and phase boots are gonna help, but requiring an Aghs for Break on ult still is gonna hurt him a lot.
Also, lol'd at alch getting even more gold for bounty runes.