Solar Crest bonus evasion has been fixed from 30% to 25%.
Shadow Shaman Shackles damage per second tooltip has been fixed to read correctly from 40 at all levels to 44/52/56/60 respectively.
Sand King Caustic Finale damage expire tooltip has been fixed to read correctly from 27/39/51/66 to 45/65/85/110
Luna's Eclipse Scepter Duration Tooltip has been fixed to read correctly from 3/5.4/7.8 to 3.6/7.2/10.8
I thought Spec's problem was she was shit in lane? How is she better in lane now? What's to stop a team from just ganking the hell out of her before radiance? I've had success with this hero in the past because she was always a strong carry, but I've also had devastating losses because me or my team wasn't able to transition out of the laning phase without feeding.
I still struggle with Spectre to have a consistent early game. Is slahser's approach (Urn into Radiance) still reasonable? I normally try to go straight Radiance, as I feel she needs it to farm worth a damn, and it makes such a huge impact when you haunt, but getting that Relic is beastly unless the enemy team just forgets about you. I just had a game where I tried diffusal first (as I wasn't confident that I could save 3800 gold because their Silencer was tearing me up), and while it helped with farming a bit, it still felt underwhelming.
Perhaps my mistake is that I tend to go PMS rather than Vanguard. Vanguard just feels so expensive, but I guess the regen would make clearing jungle camps better.
I still struggle with Spectre to have a consistent early game. Is slahser's approach (Urn into Radiance) still reasonable? I normally try to go straight Radiance, as I feel she needs it to farm worth a damn, and it makes such a huge impact when you haunt, but getting that Relic is beastly unless the enemy team just forgets about you. I just had a game where I tried diffusal first (as I wasn't confident that I could save 3800 gold because their Silencer was tearing me up), and while it helped with farming a bit, it still felt underwhelming.
Perhaps my mistake is that I tend to go PMS rather than Vanguard. Vanguard just feels so expensive, but I guess the regen would make clearing jungle camps better.
i'm sure acquila + drums is still a thing on spectre, lets you fight decently well early and gives you some tankyness and mana regen to let you dagger inbetween jungle camps to clear them more efficiently, plus it's stats on an illusion hero. Even though it's a lot of gold invested drums and acquila are easy/efficient buys and the gold invested in them is less than the gold they help you gain were you to run around on naked brownboots trying to farm a lump sum 3.8k gold.
You should absolutely go Treads before Rad. I do that more often than not these days. If you're really struggling, you can get those items, but they aren't always necessary. I've usually been able to get by without them and getting a quicker Rad.
Also who are you? You have two posts and a name like that talking about other GAF people. Are you Meeru?
amateur meeru detection skills
Eks dee
You should absolutely go Treads before Rad. I do that more often than not these days. If you're really struggling, you can get those items, but they aren't always necessary. I've usually been able to get by without them and getting a quicker Rad.
Also who are you? You have two posts and a name like that talking about other GAF people. Are you Meeru?
I am a new member to this community and so maybe I should make an introduction of sorts:
You can consider me a Rich-Mans Anbokr or conversely Anbokr could be the Poor-Mans me. If you wish for me to divulge more you can either ask him yourselves what I mean as he will most likely understand full well or I could elaborate further later on when I have come up with some seemingly witty and spontaneous sounding claims.
My dotabuff:
My steam:
I first learned of this website about a year ago from the man known so effectionately as "Milk Man" who I know as "the guy who got a broken router from ed", but it wasn't until I learned about the Neogaf IHL that I decided to sign up for the forums. I'm somewhat familiar with some of the more famous personalities here such as: Ellen Pudge, 1.09, Anbokr, Procarbine, Gofu, tSwiftx, and of course tread-swap extraordinaire Hylian7, although I have never talked to him.
For the most part I enjoy playing safe lane carries and a few mids but that changes with every patch. I'm pretty versatile in that I can pick up new/changed heroes and perform at an adequate level with them fairly fast however I still have my favourites no matter how out of favor they have fallen. I've been top 20, 50, and 100 on a few heroes on dotabuff before but put no weight into those ratings whatsoever.
Sometimes people call me a2k for short but I don't really like that abbreviation, i'd rather individuals be more inventive and come up with something jazzier and unique.
I am a new member to this community and so maybe I should make an introduction of sorts:
You can consider me a Rich-Mans Anbokr or conversely Anbokr could be the Poor-Mans me. If you wish for me to divulge more you can either ask him yourselves what I mean as he will most likely understand full well or I could elaborate further later on when I have come up with some seemingly witty and spontaneous sounding claims.
My dotabuff:
My steam:
I first learned of this website about a year ago from the man known so effectionately as "Milk Man" who I know as "the guy who got a broken router from ed", but it wasn't until I learned about the Neogaf IHL that I decided to sign up for the forums. I'm somewhat familiar with some of the more famous personalities here such as: Ellen Pudge, 1.09, Anbokr, Procarbine, Gofu, tSwiftx, and of course tread-swap extraordinaire Hylian7, although I have never talked to him.
For the most part I enjoy playing safe lane carries and a few mids but that changes with every patch. I'm pretty versatile in that I can pick up new/changed heroes and perform at an adequate level with them fairly fast however I still have my favourites no matter how out of favor they have fallen. I've been top 20, 50, and 100 on a few heroes on dotabuff before but put no weight into those ratings whatsoever.
Sometimes people call me a2k for short but I don't really like that abbreviation, i'd rather individuals be more inventive and come up with something jazzier and unique.
can someone translate to language not befitting a socially awkward 12 year old?
I don't think there is. You could make a reddit thread asking volvo to put one in
Hm, that sounds worth trying. I go 1-4-1 1-4-4. I see people maxing dagger, but the mana cost is so punitive it doesn't seem worth it to me; it's too important to keep it available as an escape spell to use it to farm, so one point seems fine. Seems like a toss up between a casual mask and a ring of health, but mask probably has the edge.Salve tango 2 branches circlet. Get PMS first, Wand second, Treads third, Morbid Mask and QB after treads. The casual morbid mask and agi treads + pms allow you to farm the jungle super fast and safely ( max deso->disp->dagg after going 1-1-1 at lvl3), max deso at 7 and haunt make you really relevant even from the jungle. As bad as it is, you should get those items at 10 mins, just play safe, even if you have like 20 cs it's fine you can recover relatively fast.
idk, I find radiance-diffusal-heart-butterfly or whatever is necessary is pretty solid. The illusion damage of diffusal isn't huge, but anything that makes them hit harder seems desirable.After that you should be able to rush the radiance at a reasonable fast pace. I usually get relic at 14-15 into radiance 2-3 mins later if i'm on an easy lane, 4-5 minutes later on hard lanes (keep in mind haunt killsteals give you considerable gold). After it's your preference and depend on the game. I like going Octarine (into blademail) for 80 s cd haunt and lifesteal from radiance and dispersion (if it got fixed).
I am a new member to this community and so maybe I should make an introduction of sorts:
You can consider me a Rich-Mans Anbokr or conversely Anbokr could be the Poor-Mans me. If you wish for me to divulge more you can either ask him yourselves what I mean as he will most likely understand full well or I could elaborate further later on when I have come up with some seemingly witty and spontaneous sounding claims.
My dotabuff:
My steam:
I first learned of this website about a year ago from the man known so effectionately as "Milk Man" who I know as "the guy who got a broken router from ed", but it wasn't until I learned about the Neogaf IHL that I decided to sign up for the forums. I'm somewhat familiar with some of the more famous personalities here such as: Ellen Pudge, 1.09, Anbokr, Procarbine, Gofu, tSwiftx, and of course tread-swap extraordinaire Hylian7, although I have never talked to him.
For the most part I enjoy playing safe lane carries and a few mids but that changes with every patch. I'm pretty versatile in that I can pick up new/changed heroes and perform at an adequate level with them fairly fast however I still have my favourites no matter how out of favor they have fallen. I've been top 20, 50, and 100 on a few heroes on dotabuff before but put no weight into those ratings whatsoever.
Sometimes people call me a2k for short but I don't really like that abbreviation, i'd rather individuals be more inventive and come up with something jazzier and unique.
a-a-a-am a a shitposter too?
Haven't reached GAF celebrity status.Haven't reached GAF celebrity status
is there anything more embarrassing than totally missing sf razes?
is there anything more embarrassing than totally missing sf razes?
Casting Vade vs. Vamlock