Noob Question: So many guides recommend magic wands for a lot of heroes I play but I almost never use the thing and I always notice it's charged after I'm already dead.
Is it that important to have one of those things when you have arcane boots (especially if you are a support like dazzle or omniknight?) Is it just a rainy day when you really need that extra health and mana kinda thing?
Noob Question: So many guides recommend magic wands for a lot of heroes I play but I almost never use the thing and I always notice it's charged after I'm already dead.
Is it that important to have one of those things when you have arcane boots (especially if you are a support like dazzle or omniknight?) Is it just a rainy day when you really need that extra health and mana kinda thing?
how is any hero except void gonna 1v1 slark
like how do you kill something you cant hit honestly theres not enough aoe magic dmg from one hero to do that. I mean unless ur like enigma with refresher and drop 4 midnight pulses i guess
LC can do it
Nope, still only season 2, I'm not gonna spoil it either.
Meepo can beat slark i guess
surely PL can 1v1 Slark
.............There's an apple reseller here called 'stormfront'![]()
Does that emote spam mean you play Kunkka now?.............
!!!!!! Scottish hunk alert !!!!!
this hasn't been my experience. unless the LC has quite a bit of damage (and perhaps even with) it's unlikely she kills a slark with butterfly + skadi let alone a full 6 slotted slark. He gets stacks during duel then ults for regen and chases her down.
the conversation was about a full 6,7,8 slotted fight. And realistically about 30% of my games someone's 6 slotted before the end.
Oh I came in late then. Yeah I dont think there are any heroes that can 1v1 a mega farmed slark.
The point is that refresher slark has 10 second where he can hit the other guy, steal his stats, and the other guy can't do shit. Void is the only consideration because he can actually freeze him during those 10 seconds with a refresher of his own, and then it come down to bashes. AM could be a consideration too because you just blink away during slark ult, but still.
i found somebody in the neogaf chat
i found somebody in the neogaf chat
Noob Question: So many guides recommend magic wands for a lot of heroes I play but I almost never use the thing and I always notice it's charged after I'm already dead.
Is it that important to have one of those things when you have arcane boots (especially if you are a support like dazzle or omniknight?) Is it just a rainy day when you really need that extra health and mana kinda thing?
Who is Kotoko?
It hits. Slark becomes "invisible" during his ulti, so coil works on him.Slightly random question: does puck coil hit slark when he is ultied?
Slightly random question: does puck coil hit slark when he is ultied?
she already had a 54% WR and she got's not like it was impossible to see coming a la tusk