i mean durka isn't that great but man...that bts cast.
i mean durka isn't that great but man...that bts cast.
just get octarine
This BTS cast is beyond clowny. Do they not want to cast this or something?
played a game of 6.86
its the same as 6.85
but tusk built a dragon lance
It's too bad Oracle got those ult nerfs, useless hero. Icefrog needs to give him other spells.
Yeah, being a cheeky lass. I think his demise was greatly exaggerated.I don't think MVP knows how to play against him... Alliance is destroying them with Oracle
played a game of 6.86
its the same as 6.85
but tusk built a dragon lance
The ember looks really on tilt.I don't think MVP knows how to play against him... Alliance is destroying them with Oracle
How bad is it for the players? Secret doesn't play till tomorrow, right?Sigh.
Haha what. I just ended up in low prio queue for the first time in 3500 hours of play because uh... I didn't join my team for horrible out of position teamfights that we were sure to lose? We even won the game and I didn't say anything negative in chat whatsoever. Welp.
The only part that actually bothers me is that Single Draft is the only game mode available in low prio and I can't try out my god damn Zeus Arcana I just purchased.
Haha what. I just ended up in low prio queue for the first time in 3500 hours of play because uh... I didn't join my team for horrible out of position teamfights that we were sure to lose? We even won the game and I didn't say anything negative in chat whatsoever. Welp.
The only part that actually bothers me is that Single Draft is the only game mode available in low prio and I can't try out my god damn Zeus Arcana I just purchased.
WHEWCarly Rae Jepsen - Last Christmas
People realizing in 2015 that bts are the worst garbage there is rofl
Rimjobs and Warcraft 3, we've finally arrived boys.
Who are you talking to?
losing to aghs sf
i love dota
edit: never mind we are winning now, baited all the ultis fifteen times then clicked on the enemy
good ol' troll warlord
double edit: bought a dragon lance as the game ended
in honor of the fallen
Chen Oracle, what a fucking patch baby